The Director of Music Department

Chapter 100: Respect to parents

"However, I just thought about it at the time. After all, I had to go to work. At that time, I happened to be an assistant director for the first time. Of course, I cherished that opportunity very much. Therefore, I was busy for several months. Who ever thought , I suddenly received a call from my mom, saying that my dad had a stroke and cerebral infarction and was about to die."

"I didn't expect that it would be a goodbye. When I hurried back, I saw my dad lying quietly, my mom and relatives all around."

"My mother told me that my dad felt uncomfortable a long time ago, so she refused to let her tell me that I was too busy for fear of affecting me. He also said: Soko said he wants to hug me, I have to do well Alive..." At this point, Xu Cang's voice was choked up, and tears rolled down.

Chen Hanming squeezed Xu Cang's shoulder. Xu Cang shook his head and continued: "I regretted it in my heart. Isn't it just a hug? When I was young, my dad hugged me every day, but I felt that two old men were hugging me. It's weird together."

"I gave my dad a hug at the end. My dad's body is warm and has a familiar smell. That's the smell I smell when I climbed on my dad's back when I was a child. It was a cold day. The smell when I was in my father’s arms is too familiar, but too strange, because I have not hugged my dad for too long, so I want him to answer me and hug me, but I There is no chance again."

After Xu Cang finished speaking, he took a sip of wine fiercely. Because he drank too quickly, he coughed repeatedly.

"Sorry, it disturbed everyone's interest. I punish myself with three glasses." Xu Cang said and filled himself up, and then drank it. Wang Yifan and others did not stop it, because they all know that Xu Cang just wanted to drink. .

After a while, Wang Yifan said, "Let me say one too."

"I dropped out of school to become a trainee and almost didn't make my dad angry. Later, "Lilac" became popular, and my dad finally accepted it. Then I told him that I wanted to make a movie and be a director. He was caught again. I'm so angry.

But, when "Lilac" was released, guess what my dad did? "Wang Yifan asked with a smile.

"What did you do?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"My dad bought hundreds of movie tickets, then secretly carried me and gave them to colleagues, relatives and friends in his unit, and invited them to watch them. Then, after that, they called them one by one and asked them to help promote."

"I didn't go back a few months ago and didn't take the initiative to call back. But when I went home that day, my dad would rather let my mother give my favorite sweet and sour pork ribs to the puppy than to me, eh! I was thinking in my heart that the role of co-authoring with my dad is not as good as a puppy." Wang Yifan said very simple, but he still made everyone laugh.

"However, the truth is also true. According to my dad's words, at least the puppy can accompany him every day, but I disappeared in a flash." Wang Yifan sighed.

"Everyone has said that, then I also want to talk about a particularly interesting and particularly crying thing." Chen Hanming couldn't help but say.

"I remember that was a few years ago. My mother died early and my dad was the only one in my family. At that time, I had just left for work and had not bought a house yet, so I couldn't take my dad to live in the city. I was afraid that my dad would be bored at home alone. Actually, it was because my dad called me every day and I was really annoyed. During that time, the work was not so smooth, so it was naturally annoying.

Then I thought, I have to find something for my dad to relieve my boredom, so I went back to my hometown, asked the telecommunications bureau to pull the network cable, and bought a computer for my dad. I told him that he could use the computer to contact me, or use the phone to watch dramas, watch TV shows, watch news, watch movies, listen to and so on. And if there is something you don’t understand, the search engine on your computer will know the answer. "Chen Hanmin said with a smile.

"Then you are quite interested. A few years ago, I wondered, at that time, the Internet was not as convenient as it is now?" Wang Yifan couldn't help but joked.

"Yes, at that time, I taught my dad at home how to surf the Internet, how to use the computer, how to search, and I taught it for several days. Fortunately, my dad used to be a substitute teacher in the village, so he is usually very true. , I always like to check information to figure out what I don’t understand, so he learns very seriously, and quickly learns how to use it. To be honest, I’m a little embarrassed, I remember when I first touched the computer , But it took a long time to learn this." Chen Hanmin mocked himself.

"My dad tried to search a lot of questions on the Internet, and he was able to find the answer. He also typed in Pinyin, but after a few days, he was already an Internet user, haha."

"Then, I saw that my dad was having a great time playing on the computer, so I went back to work with confidence. I haven't been back for half a year."

"As a result, I went back that day and was tripped by a bulging snakeskin bag in the yard. Guess what is in the snakeskin bag?" Chen Hanming asked with a smile.

"Could it be a computer?" Li Junsheng asked involuntarily.

"Hey! Yes, it's the computer. I was really puzzled at the time. My dad put a snakeskin bag in a good computer and left it in the yard. I got the computer out and reconnected the line. It turned out that the computer was not broken. At that time, I complained a little about my dad, you know, that computer, but it cost me two months of salary at that time."

"I was a little annoyed at the time. As a result, my dad was even more angry than me. Hey, guess what?"

"I still remember that my dad was very angry and said to me at the time: You lied. Didn't you say that as long as you search for a question you don't know on the computer, you will get the answer? But no matter how I search, I can't find it. The answer, in a fit of anger, I threw the computer away."

"I was especially wondering at the time, what problems are there these years that can be hard to beat the computer, hard to beat the Internet? I thought at that time, it must be my dad who is not very good at using it, so I can't find the answer, so I told him, If you don’t know, you can also ask questions on the Internet, and someone will help answer them."

"Guess what question my dad searched?" Chen Hanming asked everyone again.

Wang Yifan and the others couldn't help but smile, but they all shook their heads.

Chen Hanming sighed, the smile on his face receded, and said: "My dad told me that the problem he searched was, when will my son Chen Hanming go home..."

After Chen Hanming finished speaking, everyone was silent.

This story is not funny at all, on the contrary, why does it make people want to cry?

"My parents are not traveling far, so you must travel well. I understand the truth. My dad can't find the answer. He wants me to accompany him." Chen Hanming drank a glass of wine in silence and said .

"Come on, let's toast together, to our father and mother!" Wang Yifan stood up, filled everyone with wine, and then raised the glass to say.

"Respect to our mom and dad!" everyone stood up and said with their glasses.

PS: Come on, do this bowl of hot chicken soup!

Chapter 100, don’t you come to count the votes?

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