The Dragon-Slaying Samurai In The Pirate World

Chapter 209 The Top Person Among Marine.

Chapter 209 The top person among Marine.

So when Vergo heard that the person in front of him turned out to be Ryoma, he was immediately frightened, and his body instantly trembled.

Then he quickly stepped back, and then subconsciously wanted to stay away from the future, because he knew that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely die in the hands of the future.

Although he said that when he fought against Ryoma just now, he didn't pay attention to Ryoma at all, but looking back now, Ryoma didn't fight him seriously at all.

Moreover, he foolishly thought that Ryoma was not his opponent, and now it seemed that he was the stupidest person.

Of course, no matter what his attitude towards him is in the future, it doesn't matter. What he knows is that he is definitely no match for Ryoma now, so he quickly wants to escape, but just after this moment, his body and mind disappear in an instant. .

This startled Vergo, and he quickly used Observation Haki, trying to find traces of Ryoma in the surrounding environment.

However, the surrounding air was as empty as if there was nothing. No matter how hard Vergo tried to search, he could not find Ryoma's whereabouts.

He suddenly felt his heart beating faster and wanted to escape quickly, but he didn't even know where Ryoma was, so how could he know where to escape.

So for a moment, he could only stay in place like a fool, and then looked around nervously. He still held a lucky idea in his heart, hoping to escape quickly the moment Ryoma appeared, so that he could get out of Ryoma's attack range.

And just when he had this idea, he suddenly appeared in front of him, and then he saw the black long knife in the hand of the dragon horse wielding it, slashing towards him from top to bottom.

There is a thick layer of Armament Haki attached to the surface of Vergo's body. This layer of Armament Haki can even withstand a bomb attack without any loss. 0

But just when the long knife in his hand that could move in the future was slashed down, Vergo discovered something shocking. The long knife in Ryoma's hand has a sharp edge attached to it.

This level of edge is the legendary sword energy. Vergo once saw some masters using swords among Marines. When they used weapons such as swords, they could feel such an aura on them.

But among all the people Vergo had encountered before, the sword energy used by their masters could not harm Vergo's Armament Haki.

Even if someone can use sword energy to hurt Armament Haki on Vergo, that's all. It is impossible to penetrate Armament Haki and harm Vergo's body.

This is what Wei Ergo is most proud of. There are many people who want to defeat his Armament Haki, but until now, few people have really succeeded, and those few people are all Marines. The top person among them.

But now in front of Ryoma, the thing that Vergo is most proud of is not able to exert the slightest effect he should have. Vergo desperately tried to wrap his body with Armament Haki, but it still didn't help. .

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