Among European countries, the Roman Empire was the first country to establish an agricultural, industrial and commercial sector. Various supportive policies have made the business environment good, and businessmen from other countries are willing to come to King's Castle for trade. Local trade taxes have also increased a lot.

The people of the empire do not need to serve, but they need to pay a sum of money as a fee. In places such as the capital, taxes have been entirely paid in currency, while other places decide whether to pay in currency or in kind according to the level of development.

A day in Thessaloniki begins with the sound of textile machines. Since nearby cotton and wool are sent here, and there is an excellent port, it soon develops into a textile center.

"This is a newly built place. There are 50 looms and workers have not been recruited yet. Let's consider it 16,000 lei."

Two businessmen were bargaining for the price of the newly established textile factory, and finally settled at a price of 15,000 lei.

"Where are you from? You look like you are not locals?"

"We are from Florence"

"Really? Thanks to their consul for signing an agreement with the empire, otherwise they would end up like Venice."

The buyer just forced a smile, and then agreed with the other party to handle the transfer tomorrow. In addition to this workshop, you also need to buy a house.

Robert Mason was John's third son. After John decided to leave Florence, he sent him to the Roman Empire to find a place to stay.

The original plan was to go to Constantinople, but after asking about the situation in Rome, I decided to go to Thessaloniki, the center of the textile industry, where the raw materials and handicrafts could help the family revive.

John announced his resignation in parliament. He thanked Florence for nurturing him and his family, and thanked the citizens of Florence for their trust in him. It was time to hand this responsibility back to Florence.

The committee's attempts to retain him were in vain, so his request was granted. Jacob Pazzi took over the position of consul and changed his name back to the Standard Bearer of Justice.

John sold all his properties and houses, and gave part of the money to Robert so that he could go to Rome to find a place to stay, and he would arrive soon after with the others.

The situation in Thessaloniki is worse than Florence, but the development speed is comparable to Florence. The family can make a difference here.

In addition to purchasing a factory, you also need to purchase raw materials and recruit workers. At present, the family needs to save some money, so it needs to produce quickly.

Thessaloniki transported cotton and wool from the Greek region to the city, where it was turned into various textiles through looms, and then transported by fleets to various ports in the Mediterranean. Due to its high quality and low price, it has quickly captured many mid- to low-end markets.

Since the Third Wallachia-Ottoman War started here, Mircea paid special attention to this place. Not only did it allocate funds for reconstruction, but it also reduced taxes and encouraged them to develop the shipping industry. Taking advantage of its geographical location, Mircea soon affecting the entire Greek region.

With prosperous trade, Thessaloniki's handicrafts also expanded. The income is also increasing, and even when the government is short of money, it borrows money from local businessmen. The Greek Chamber of Commerce also set up its headquarters here instead of Athens. In addition to raw materials from the country, cotton from the East and Abyssinian coffee are also transited and transported here.

The trade between the Mamluks and Rome was increasing steadily, and even the canal project was running smoothly. Both Ashkelon and Alexandria had large Roman merchant groups who were responsible for trading with the Mamluks.

The Patriarch of Constantinople has basically reached an agreement with the Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria. In addition to doctrinal issues, the Coptic Church is willing to honor the Roman Emperor. The Patriarch will be loyal to the Emperor, and their missionary scope is limited to North Africa. area. The Orthodox can also come here to preach and the two sides can coexist peacefully.

Once Copticism is dealt with, half of Rome's operations in Egypt are completed. Next it was time to infiltrate Palestine and the Levant. Cairo's rule had not yet been restored and Rome could take advantage of the opportunity.

----Dividing line----

Laszlo has been very happy recently. He finally got Sicily. The food production of his country will become more, which is something that the one in Rome cannot give him.

With this victory, he also eliminated some opponents. When he returned victorious, his wife gave birth to a son for him. Laszlo named his son Peter, hoping that he would become an excellent ruler like the one in Eastern Rome.

Although Sardinia was not taken, Sicily was not bad either. Naples could rely on it to collect tolls. As for another piece of land in Provence, Laszlo wanted to sell it.

The various activities carried out by relying on the Roman Empire were good, but Laszlo was also alert. Rome easily destroyed Venice. If Naples went to war with Rome in the future, it would be easily destroyed.

Although there is a high probability that it is impossible, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. You still have to realize your dream of reunification on your own.

The envoys from Granada reported to Muhammad VII about their mission to the Roman Empire. They had ideas about Iberia. If they surrendered, Rome would have a high probability of accepting it.

Granada now has a population of less than 300,000. Some immigrants have come from places such as Sevia. Morocco has no hope. I heard that Portugal is preparing to attack them. If Rome does not help them, they will be finished.

"Did you bring the people I asked you to bring?"

"Sultan, I have completed your order and arranged the 10 Roman missionaries."

Muhammad VII had no choice. Since Rome had the will, it might as well make this wish bigger. The missionaries brought back from Rome are the first step. As long as this is transformed into an Orthodox Christian area, Rome will not turn a blind eye and will definitely send troops to protect them.

Three countries on the Iberian Peninsula also supported the Holy See, Aragon fought with Naples, and Castile and Portugal had a truce as they prepared to bring naval support. They were all saddened by what happened to the city of Rome, and they also hated Constantinople even more. Why didn't you be completely eliminated two hundred years ago?

In order to continue to expand and obtain money, King Joao I of Portugal formed a navy and reorganized the army, preparing to launch an attack on the port of Ceuta in Morocco. Castile increased Granada's tribute, and King Enrique sent a naval fleet to destroy the pirate base in Tetouan, North Africa, and began to rule the Canary Islands. In addition, he has signed a peace treaty with Portugal. As long as Granada is destroyed, he can go to God to take credit.

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