The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 346 Response

Kadajiu's life has been much better recently, because the new profits have stopped the mouths of the directors. The company's trade expansion continues. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the board of directors passed a resolution to continue investing funds and building strongholds in the East.

For Western Asia, from Beirut to Ashkelon, trade in the Levant was basically controlled by Roman merchants.

Alas, those maritime republics are not so successful in grabbing business. Those Italian merchants who wanted to make profits had to either turn to the Western Mediterranean or abandon the sea and take land routes.

At the same time, some businessmen felt that finance was easier to do than trade, so they changed careers. In just one year, 46 banks appeared in Northern Italy, vying to lend money to businessmen and bishops, and successfully began industrial transformation.

Mircea finally returned to Constantinople at the end of the year, and Peter took everyone to greet him outside the city.

Mircea's motorcade was as far as the eye could see. In addition to the original entourage, there were also gifts from other countries and scholars who went to Constantinople to study. It seems that this trip has calmed those people down.

"You have worked hard these days"

Mircea patted Peter on the shoulder, confirming his regency these days. Then they entered the city together, surrounded by cheering people.

Back at the palace, Peter reported to Mircea what had happened these days. Mircea didn't have much of an opinion. He recognized his son's abilities very much.

"Father, Osman has been a little dishonest recently. They are too close to the Mamluks."

Peter told Mircea about the international situation. Mircea already hated the Mamluks more than Osman. A nomad dared to kill citizens of the Roman Empire. How could he be worthy of the innocent people who died tragically?

"Do you think it is possible to start a war against the Ottomans now?" Mircea asked.

"Father, at present, the construction of the army is still in progress. Our navy still needs a long time to build. At present, we have no excuse to attack. We still have to wait."

Mircea disagreed with this statement.

"No, we have the best excuse. That kid allowed their cavalry to plunder the empire's territory. If it can't be solved, then they will gradually invade the empire's territory. Instead of solving it slowly, it is better to destroy it quickly. It can also be counted as the previous emperors. Revenge."

Peter didn't know what to say, but he might have stayed in the Castle for a long time and had no idea about the situation in Anatolia. Although we know that the longer the time goes by, the stronger the Ottomans will be, the Roman Empire is still increasing its strength. In the past, it was either against the Ottomans or against Venice. Recuperation and recuperation have become the mainstream of the Senate. No one wants to go to war, except the military, who can get promoted through war.

The war that was expected to be launched in six years was advanced to two years by Mircea. Suddenly the time is reduced by two-thirds, and there is more to prepare. At this moment, the news from Osman made the atmosphere on the other side even more tense.

The pregnant concubine has given birth to a boy. Muhammad named him Murad in honor of his grandfather. And ordered the whole country to celebrate.

But unexpectedly, an accident came. The concubine handed little Murad to the care of the maid next to her, but the maid felt a little uncomfortable, so she handed him over to Laila. The result can be imagined. Before the baby has time to accept the information from the outside, his life ends.

By the time Murad was found, his body was already cold. Laila also drank poison and died. The letters she left behind denounced Muhammad's shamelessness and said that it was Allah who sent her to retaliate against him.

The celebration was not even a day away, and the funeral was coming soon. Muhammad had entered a semi-crazy state and was going to Constantinople to prove to Allah that he was his most devout follower.

Alexios of Trebizond came to Konya to meet Muhammad, and the Sultan immediately agreed to support him in return for an alliance with the Ottomans against Rome. Alexios agreed.

Muhammad decided to take a preemptive strike and began ordering all his tribesmen to gather their men to prepare for the attack. And draw cakes for them, and when they get to Constantinople, they can give them all the treasures inside, and they will also be given a lot of land.

Relying on the pie and execution, Muhammad could gather an army to go. If things go well, he can end the war within three months. He will ask many countries to pay tribute to the east, get support from the Mamluks in the south, and support people in the north to seize the throne of Trebizond. Anti-Romanian Alliance 2.0 is formed.

After Mircea returned to the capital, he made some political adjustments. Peter also served as the governor of Anatolia, responsible for the local military and civil affairs. Peter appointed Woike, who had entered Ancyra, as the local administrator to form a central defense system with Ancyra as the center.

Everything was running normally, except that Peter was as tired as a dog. He also has to let others deal with it. Of course, there is another one that he must intervene in, and that is the issue of Moscow's future succession.

The Patriarch of Moscow gradually swung to his side during his contacts with Michael. After all, he promised to safeguard Moscow's interests and regain Polotsk, the Russian homeland. And with Michael's relationship, he can get the support of Rome as an ally. It’s not a loss no matter what.

In that case, let’s take action. Businessmen, farmers, and churches supported Michael to become the Grand Duke of Moscow. He married the Rurik family and was considered a Rurik. But most of the nobles supported the Archduke's brother, and he also had support from Lithuania and Poland. It can be seen that there will definitely be a war in the future.

----Dividing line----

For the construction of commercial halls for tomorrow's trade and Japan-Korea trade, Mason urgently allocated 60 businessmen from the company to carry out transactions. One month after sailing to Japan, the middleman officially listed the company for trading.

The first batch of ships transported from the Ming Dynasty arrived in Osaka, and the local people went crazy. A large amount of daily necessities, food, and luxury goods were invested in the Osaka market, and 20,000 Yongle Tongbao were also sold at high prices, while Japan could only trade gold, silver, and domestic products. The Chamber of Commerce draws trade fees from it.

In addition to the merchant ships of the East India Company, merchant ships from Tangdu, Malacca, Siam and other countries came to Ningbo. The Shipping Department was making crazy money, and 300,000 taels of silver had already been put into the treasury. Zhu Di asked the Minister of Household Affairs, Xia Yuan Jigao, if he was unhappy, and he said he was unhappy.

"You are not happy when you have no money, and you are not happy when you have money. It's really hard to guess."

Xia Yuanji explained the reason. He believed that the money earned from trade violated the ancestral precepts and was unclean.

This made Zhu Di call him an old rotten scholar who could do anything as long as it was beneficial to the country. But he didn't listen no matter what. It seemed that this Lord Shangshu was even more corrupt than those in the Imperial College.

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