The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 367 The whereabouts of brothers

"anything else?"

Peter continued to ask.

"Your Highness, currently Brandenburg is the weakest among the electors in terms of economic population and military. If it were not for the title of elector, it would have been destroyed long ago."

Well, Peter might as well be secretly riding a horse and galloping around the countryside. This situation would soon be unbearable without blood transfusions, and it seemed that he would have to spend some of his private money.

Peter wanted Vlad to be sealed as soon as possible, but things would change over time, and no one knew when Jobst would be gone. He must be sealed while he is still alive.

"Call Vlad over. I have something to tell him."

Vlad came over quickly, he didn't know what his dear big brother called him. But it feels like good things are coming.

"Vlad, have you ever been to Brandenburg when you went to Prague with your father before?"

Vlad thought this was a test given by his elder brother to see how well he understood Central Europe. He began to talk eloquently, saying that Brandenburg has good development potential. In addition to taking a long time to cultivate, if it is well managed, it can become a hegemony.

Vlad's words were satisfactory, and Peter nodded. Then he told him that Jobst's edict was ready and he could go to Brandenburg at any time.

"Really, brother, I can go to Brandenburg?"

"Really, you are about to become the master of Brandenburg. Get ready."

Vlad was a little excited, he could finally have his own territory. He had to see what he needed to bring with him.

Peter looked at his brother, a young man who had no idea of ​​the difficulties he was about to face.

Vlad's inheritance of Brandenburg was only the first step. The war that would change the Eastern part of HRE more than ten years later was the focus. Whether it can change the pattern of Europe depends on this series of wars.

After Antioch was recovered, the first thing the emperor did was to order Catholics to convert to Orthodoxy or leave, and to let the church manage the matter.

This church management can still give you a good life, and you have also been against others. Those who repair this group must either convert or be driven away.

Two of the five patriarchates occupy it, and the authority of the Orthodox Church in Rome is even deeper. The Church was busy preaching and building churches, and the Patriarch also gave the emperor the right to holy war, whether in the East or the West.

In Italy, due to the situation, Rome did not establish a patriarch. However, it blessed the patriarch of the Western Orthodox Church and appointed bishops of Venice, Ancona, Ravenna, and Bologna. This frightened the Holy See and took office. Pope Innocent VII died within two years.

The Holy See rushed to choose a new pope, but some cardinals did not listen to the orders above. They came to Pisa and claimed that they had the power to choose the pope. So a meeting was held and a decision was made to depose the two popes in Rome and Avignon and install a new pope, Alexander V.

This time it became more lively, and some states supported the Pope in Pisa. The orders issued by the three popes also confused the people. Who should they listen to?

Looking at the Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Constantinople allows foreign patriarchs to govern themselves. Their clean and honest style also gave the oppressed peasants new hope, and the foundation of the Orthodox Church expanded.

The religious strength of both sides waxed and waned, with the Orthodox successfully advancing their reach into Central Europe. However, the Catholic Church gradually lost its territory during the split. France's lack of cooperation was also a problem. The Avignon Holy See was pro-French. Why should it support another unrelated Holy See just because the other party occupied Rome.

England, Aragon, and Castile supported Rome, England needed papal recognition of his succession to France, and Iberia needed papal rights to holy war. As for the largest Shinra, the interior is a mess.

In addition to Rome, the two largest Orthodox countries: Hungary and Moscow, continue religious purification work under the command of their local patriarchs. Moscow has always wanted an excellent port. Reval, which is not far away, is a good choice, but it is too close to the Kalmar Union. If it wants to surround the port, it must push the border to the Karelian Isthmus to protect it, or directly protect it. It is also possible to capture all of Finland.

Vasily continued to promote Moscow's economy and military, constantly promoted the people at the bottom, and restricted the rights of boyars. Over time, those nobles must have complained. The Grand Duke's brother took the opportunity to gather them together, ready to seize power at any time.

But there are still some devout boyars watching, and the Patriarch of Moscow also supports the Grand Duke's reforms, claiming that all this is for the country and the people. The nobles need to abandon those luxurious qualities and devote themselves unconditionally to national construction. Such remarks were supported by those merchants and small nobles, and the two sides were already at war with each other.

----Dividing line----

The army that followed Peter also received many rewards. Woick received the title of earl and a large amount of land for his contribution in the Battle of Ancyra. Other soldiers were also rewarded with different areas of land.

The financial and status benefits of the military encouraged those who wanted to make a difference to sign up at the military recruitment office. Those who do not want to join the army must take exams to obtain official positions, which also attracts many foreigners. However, whether it is joining the army or taking exams, they are more difficult than native people.

Of course, the rewards for those who go to the border areas are also relatively generous. After all, no one will be stationed here for a long time, so rewards can only be used to attract them. At the same time, it continues to attract immigrants to settle and restore local production capabilities.

Yerevan was the eastern frontline of the empire and its important city. Mount Ararat, the holy mountain of the Armenians, is nearby. The church attracted pilgrims to settle here and joined the army to guard it.

The Armenians were very powerful and loyal to the emperor and the church. Armenian merchants also circulated in the imperial trade, and the Roman Empire's tolerant policy towards them was better than when they were in Cilicia.

The rulers of the Zarayier Dynasty quickly occupied the land west of the Zagros Mountains, and then they sent people to Constantinople to express their surrender. There was nothing they could do about it, because their strength was too small. It can only survive by dealing with various big countries.

The entire Middle East began to be divided again. The Turks, who had already decided the overall situation, suffered many defeats in the past ten years. The demise of the Ottomans was also the beginning of their forced migration. They did not believe that the Romans and Arabs would let them go.

Kara Yusuf absorbed a large number of these Turks, and then organized them to attack the east. The other Turks either stayed in Rome or went south into Egypt, and they would always have their territory.

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