The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 372 Diplomatic War in Eastern Europe

The war between Italy and Poland put some pressure on Rome in both directions, so the movement of troops was natural. However, this caused anxiety in Poland and Milan. They thought this was the rhythm of an invasion. The Polish envoy was on the way, and the Florentine envoy had already arrived in Ancona.

Giovanni Medici was selected as the special envoy to negotiate with Romagna. In Pazzi's view, Giovanni had a good relationship with him. There was no need to worry about the other party convincing Romagna to attack Florence, and he was also his potential opponent, send him out for the time being without worrying about gathering opposition to make him step down.

If Giovanni knew that the other person thought so, he would definitely say that you are overthinking. He is just the owner of several textile factories and a banker. He just wants to accumulate wealth and does not want to get involved in politics.

Since we have this mission, we must do it well. He came to Ancona and waited in the lounge for six hours to finally see the Duke.

"Your Majesty the Duke," Giovanni greeted friendly first.

"Did the people of Florence ask you to come for peace or for war?"

"Of course it's for peace. The two countries can share many benefits if they live in peace and friendship. Why do they have to fight each other? Do they have to fight to the death?"

Giovanni said from a geographical and trade perspective that the two countries would benefit a lot from peaceful coexistence. If a war breaks out, other countries will definitely benefit. Milan in the north, Naples in the south, and even Rome in the east will take action. This is destructive to the balance of the Italian region. So, what’s wrong with the two countries coexisting harmoniously?

"Really? The reason why I want to go to Pisa is because the local people welcome my rule. They can't stand you anymore."

Francisco started directly from the public opinion, saying that it was the public opinion in Pisa that allowed him to rule. If Florence's rule was not unpopular, why did the local people welcome him?

"Sir, our country originally purchased Pisa from Milan two years ago. It is reasonable for the local people to be a little repulsive. I believe that in the near future they will understand our country's good intentions."

No matter what Giovanni said, Francisco insisted that the pizza must belong to him, but he would pay part of the money for the purchase, hoping that the envoy could convey it clearly.

The Duchy of Romagna's tough attitude put the risk of the war in northern Italy expanding, and Milan and Florence had to continue to maintain armies. They also placed their hope in Rome's mediation, but Rome was also receiving an envoy from another country.

Maciej Pstrokonski came as Władysław's envoy to meet the emperor of the Roman Empire. Before leaving, the king specifically told them that as long as Rome remained neutral, it would be their victory, and they must not be allowed to turn to the Roman Empire. Teutonic side.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Poland and Lithuania hope to have better diplomatic relations with your country."

Pustrokonsky gave a gift worth 100,000 lei. In order to neutralize Poland, Mircea gave Wladyslaw 30,000 gold coins. Now the two countries have reversed the situation.

"Thank you for your country's regard for Rome. There were frictions between the three countries, but they are all in the past."

Mircea said friendly words about the country, but he knew very well in his heart that Poland was afraid that he would send troops to attack from a flank and must stabilize itself.

Poland doesn't have much interest, but Lithuania is different. The vast local land can be cultivated and a large number of plains can be reclaimed. Moreover, Rome's control over the Dnieper River can be further deepened. Such benefits are what Mircea needs.

At the banquet held for the Polish envoys, Pustrokonski secretly stated that Poland was currently at war with the Teutons and hoped to get help from Rome. But Mircea took up Tai Chi.

"Our country has just ended a war and really has no extra energy to fight other wars. The most important thing now is to recuperate."

Mircea promised that Rome would mediate the war if necessary, so he told him not to worry. This made Pustrokonsky a little worried. Who knew whether the other party would violate the treaty? He would have to stay for a while to persuade the emperor to sign a paper agreement.

Within a few days, the Polish envoy became anxious. Because the Teutonic envoys have also arrived in Constantinople and promised the emperor that as long as they send troops, they can take 60% of the land of Poland and Lithuania, and the Knights only need the rest.

Mircea smiled and considered it, then told him to rest. In fact, this condition looks very attractive, but the actual probability of realization is 0%. Poland and Lithuania combined are nearly two million square kilometers. No one can bear to divide such a large area in one go. Even the partition of Poland took three times before it was gone. What's more, Poland in this era is not weak. It will take time to lose Poland.

Mircha convened ministers to discuss the possibility of annexing the northern lands. Many ministers felt that the northern lands were rich in water and grass and had not been cultivated, so there was a lot of room for development. But at present, the empire's national power is approaching its limit. The western region needs to be managed, the army needs to continue training, and other things need to be carried out. There is really no energy to continue to annex land.

Moreover, the reclamation of the north has been going on. The total population of the northern land of Rome has exceeded 400,000, and cities such as Dehrim, Lugansk, Azov, Aaron, Viruga, and Zaporizhia have also been born. Water conservancy facilities on the Don and Dnieper rivers began to be built, and Black Sea trade also increased.

The land near Zaporozhye and Dekhrim was cultivated and produced a large amount of grain, sugar beet and other crops. The government discovered some coal mines and iron ores near Dehreem, and a larger iron smelting plant was established there. The local residents' names for the local area also gradually changed. Many people did not say Dehrem, but another one. Name, Donetsk.

The local economy was booming, with growing economic ties to the Golden Horde, Moscow, and Rome. The Golden Horde imported large quantities of agricultural products and luxury goods produced by Rome from here, and local livestock was also sold in large quantities to the north. Moreover, its economic impact also radiates to the Volga River area. With the instability of the upper class of the Golden Horde, the people at the bottom must invest under another regime if they want to be protected. Rome is a good choice. This triggered a wave of migration in the north, where they chose to embrace the emerging regime.

The North has made many achievements, but there is still room for development. Moreover, there are still large uncultivated areas in the north. The empire can continue to immigrate from here. If a large piece of land suddenly becomes available, population will probably be the biggest problem.

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