The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 382 Changes in Eastern Europe

The troops stationed in Eastern Anatolia all obtained land and became military landlords. Most of them leased the land to farmers and collected the rent themselves. Such a land system was very popular in Anatolia, and both parties were able to live a better life.

People from the Balkans were also allocated a lot of land here. Due to the rapid population growth in the Balkans, many people poured into places such as Constantinople and Anatolia. Large amounts of capital investment have also given the land a new lease of life.

Alexander felt more pressure in Tbilisi, with Rome to the south, the enemy Circassians to the north, and the Black Sheep Dynasty to the east. He felt tired of defending against enemies on three sides.

Although relations with Rome have improved, Bao Buqi will fall out at any time. He needed to be careful to maintain tenuous ties between East and West, so when Rome offered to guarantee trade, he agreed without hesitation.

From Yerevan to Van, the construction of castles and the Great Wall began on this stretch. The nomadic forces were kept out of the Zagros Mountains, and the normal relationship with the Black Sheep Dynasty also allowed the two countries to maintain normal trade relations.

Kara Yusuf defeated Timur's army near Nakhichevan and recaptured Tabriz. Miran Shah and his son Abu Bakr attempted to retake Azerbaijan, but so far they have been unsuccessful.

The fiercer the fight in Iran, the more Rome will be able to watch the show here. Now they are no longer the cowards hiding in the city, but a powerful and powerful country that can take the initiative.

The empire's recovery was driven by diplomatic activity. Each empire was more enthusiastic than the other in dealing with affairs in Italy, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Any country needs to have a good relationship with Rome to gain an advantage. Even the country that has the upper hand at the beginning needs to keep Rome neutral.

Under the pressure and mediation of Rome, the situation in Italy, which was about to start a fight, stabilized. With the guarantee of Naples, Romagna purchased Pisa and the surrounding area for 100,000 florins, in exchange for which Florence could annex Siena.

This exchange temporarily appeased Florence, and Pazzi retained his position as the standard bearer of justice. At the same time, a new political structure was formed in Italy. Milan, Florence, Romagna, Naples, the Papal States, and the Eastern Roman Empire became the countries that controlled Italy. France, Aragon, Savoy, and the HRE were also at any time. Can enter.

Further to the north of HRE, on the grounds that Vlad succeeded Brandenburg, the princes' request to convene an Imperial Council became increasingly intense. The leading Elector of Saxony and the Archbishop of Mainz continued to put pressure on Jobst. The Duke of Burgundy also supported him, and the Duke of Lower Luxembourg brought Austria and Nuremberg to provide support. You can imagine the pressure on Jobst. .

However, the German King's faction was not without supporters. The Elector of Brandenburg and the King of Bohemia were on his side, and the important Ascanian family in the north also expressed support for him.

In addition, Italy's Genoa and Milan looked at other people's faces and expressed support for Jobst as the German king. Relying on the support of powerful factions in the east and south, Jobst was able to maintain the situation for the time being.

At the same time, he also launched a counterattack. As the king of Germany, he had the right to deal with his own territory. Why did they react so loudly? Is he up to no good?

The Catholic Church says you have this right, but why are you giving land to heretics. There are many nobles in Shinra, you can just pick any one, why does it have to be him?

They suspected that there was some dark deal behind this. Jobst had made a deal with the devil. As God's people, they had the responsibility to rescue Brandenburg.

Of course, Poland was also nervous. He and Lithuania were horrified to find that they had been surrounded on three sides by Rome and his allies. They needed to break through the siege, and the Teutonic Knights were their breakthrough.

Władysław began to decentralize the country's nobility. He signed a decree that prohibited citizens from purchasing rural land and severely restricted the rights of farmers to leave their villages. When the nobles saw that the king was wise, they contributed a lot of food and troops.

Another Teutonic ally in the Baltic Sea, the Livonian Knights, also joined the war. The Livonian Knights are the autonomous Livonian branch of the Teutonic Knights. After being defeated by the Samogitians at the Battle of Sule in 1236, the remaining Knights of the Sword were merged into the Teutonic Knights, and were renamed the Teutonic Knights in 1237. Knights of Livonia.

Between 1237 and 1290, the Livonian Knights conquered all of Courland, Livonia and Semigalia, but the Knights' attempt to invade the neighboring Republic of Novgorod was unsuccessful, and its army Finally defeated at the Battle of Rakwere. In 1346, the Knights purchased the Principality of Estonia from King Valdemar IV of Denmark. Their power reached its peak.

Konrad von Fittinghoff, the commander of the order, gathered an army of 3,500 men to come to aid, with 5,000 more on the way. Their main goal was to distract Lithuania in the Samogitia region, while Vytautas devoted all his strength to resisting northward in Lithuania. At the same time, he also had to guard against Moscow's attack.

Such thoughts are really too much to worry about. Vasily in Moscow is preparing for a showdown with the Golden Horde. After years of development, he has assembled 35,000 soldiers, and reinforcements from Mihai are also on the way. The army assembled in Moscow, and the Grand Duke went into battle in person. He issued a proclamation to the soldiers, officially announcing the severance of tribute between Moscow and the Golden Horde.

"Warriors of Moscow, the glory brought by Grand Duke Donskoy will be restored today. No one can oppress us, no one!"

Under the humiliation brought by the Golden Horde, those who opposed it ceased their activities. They all expressed their intention to send troops, and the army officially set off, marching by land and water, heading south along the Volga River.

Michael himself crossed the Don River with his own army and the border defenses he could command, and arrived at Sarai, the old capital of the Golden Horde, in two days. The Great Khan Bula Khan, who had just come to power through a coup, hurriedly led his army towards Sarai. He wanted to recreate the glory of the Imperial Cavalry and planned to fight quickly, but the opponent was obviously well prepared. The 40 artillery pieces showed their power and the army conquered the fortress. The defenders could only retreat to the east bank of the Volga River to defend.

The people living on the land are also just grassroots. How do they understand the justice of the country? They just hope that Rome will not make things difficult for them. They would pay taxes and serve for the empire, and the Roman Empire was also very tolerant of the people, at least better than the Golden Horde.

This situation and the internal fighting pronounced the final outcome of the Golden Horde, but their Mongolian cavalry was still invincible. There is still a long way to go before we can completely break the shackles.

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