The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 446 New situation, new King De

"Well, exploring the unknown world is exactly the purpose of the empire. I hope that everyone can unite and contribute to the empire together."

After taking a shot of chicken blood, everyone returned to their work, because the matter had basically been discussed, and the chief eunuch had just come to report that the co-ruling emperor was back, so they should not disturb the father-son reunion.

"Your Highness"

"Your Highness"

The minister showed his kindness to Peter, who nodded. Then enter the study room.


Mircea looked at his eldest son and learned about the situation in the city of Rome. He knew that the time for the transfer of the throne was coming.

"Well, I know the situation in Rome. You did a good job. Those arrogant people finally paid the price."

"Although they have contributed to the empire, it is not enough to make up for the evil deeds of Constantinople being plundered. Now that Rome has recovered and their great revenge has been avenged, they will be very happy."

They are the emperors of the Roman Empire who have been mentioned here. All emperors after Justinian wanted to take Rome back. Now that he has done it, they will definitely bless him.

"Now Rome is part of the empire, and Jerusalem is coming back soon."

Peter painted a picture of the territory of Justinian's period for Mircea. The empire's control was far stronger than that of Justinian. All countries would pay tribute to Constantinople, and Eastern Rome returned to the center of Europe.

"Well, it seems you're ready."

Mircea looked at Peter with approval, he could safely hand over the empire to the next generation.

"Come and take a look at this" Mircea handed a document to Peter.

"This man named Valencia directly captured a country. According to his report, the local population exceeds one million, and officials need to be allocated to govern it."

Looking at this situation, Peter probably thought that the other party had destroyed Champa. Millions of people were added at once, which was an unprecedented challenge.

"This is an unprecedented victory for the empire. The land here is fertile and the fishery is rich. It is a good place for immigrants. If it is managed more, it can become a prosperous place."

Peter gave an objective answer. There is indeed potential here, but only if the population is large. There were still too few immigrants in Rome, and he was more inclined to completely assimilate Ceylon than here.

The exploration in the past few years has allowed the empire to completely understand the situation in Ceylon. Due to the empire's capture of Colombo and missionary immigration, some resistance forces moved to Jaffna in the north. Local senior officials have been cultivating the inland areas while suppressing the resistance forces in the north. In the past few years, they have achieved good results. The local area has stabilized and continued to expand.

Sugar cane and cotton are the main local cash crops. Each Roman immigrant can get 200 to 500 acres of land, and exiled prisoners can get 100 to 150 acres. In order to make more money, they also captured inland aborigines as slaves to help them work. They worked twelve hours a day and would be whipped by their supervisors if they relaxed even a little.

The aborigines with a little property lived a better life. They served as local craftsmen and farm laborers and assisted them in their rule. But the legal status does not exist. It has to pay a lot of taxes to the government every year and has to bear a lot of construction. It is really miserable.

But in exchange for their hardships, they paid a large amount of tax revenue every year. Except for part of it that was given to Constantinople, the rest was used to build the local area. Colombo has become an important shipping hub, and its fiscal and tax payments have exceeded those of Aden, second only to India, and it is one of Rome's overseas money bags.

"The empire's current population is still slightly insufficient, and there are still large areas of land that have not been cultivated in Donetsk, Luhansk and other places. There is insufficient immigration, which is one of the reasons for the slow overseas expansion."

"But now there are no other countries competing for it, so the empire can take long-term countermeasures."

Mircea nodded after listening. Although he did not understand the overseas situation, there was indeed no other country to compete, which gave them a chance. The potential to rule for a long time and turn into an empire.

"I don't know if Sigismund hates that such an outstanding person is actually my son." Mircea joked.

Peter was also a little embarrassed because he was a time-traveler. Although he was not like his predecessors who had time-traveled, he always brought out high-tech to beat the surroundings, but it did speed up the technology tree. And it also changed the history of Eurasia.

Improving artillery and artillery, revising and publishing the Romanian language, advancing the border to Van, recovering Roman Antioch, and reclaiming Ukraine, these things were gradually completed in twenty years. Basil and Alexios are probably not that busy, but they are in different eras, and it is not easy to maintain the longevity of the empire.

----Dividing line----

This time the election of the German king went against the tradition. Originally, they had to wait for all the electors to come, but now they did not wait for the three northerners. The remaining six directly gathered in Augsburg, and then gathered at an astonishing speed. Sigismund was elected king, and at the age of 41, he finally became the German king.

Sigismund thanked the electors for their support and promised that he would safeguard their interests and end the Great Schism in the Catholic Church. He asked everyone to support him.

At this time, Sigismund had not been in such high glory for a long time. Thinking back to these years, he had been staying in the Duchy of Lower Luxembourg. Except for his allies who firmly supported him, no one came to see him. Now that he has finally turned over, he is not allowed to go on a killing spree.

But it turns out that thinking and doing are two different things. The Vienna League in the south was his base, and he could not afford to offend the Berlin League in the north, because most members of the Hanseatic League had joined the Northern League. If there is no absolute certainty, it may lead to a joint counterattack by Rome and the Hanseatic League.

The only preparation now is to get the Kingdom of Bohemia, so that he will have the strength to implement his own policies at home. But getting the Elector of Brandenburg to give up his inheritance failed last time, so it may take some effort to get the inheritance now.

Sigismund thought to himself that if he could get the support of the Duke of Burgundy, he would be sure to force the disintegration of the Berlin Alliance. He also knew what the other party wanted, the HRE land from Friesland to Dijon. It can be sold to him. If he wants the crown of the King of Burgundy, it is not impossible to sell it, but the price is very high.

And after he became King of Germany, he also repaid his allies. All Swiss regions were given to Austria, denying the independence of the local cantons. This made Albrecht very grateful, so that he could regain his ancestral land. At the same time, his parents-in-law were also planning to give Bohemia to the Habsburgs, so what else could he do if he wasn't loyal? If Austria could be unified next, he could go to see Rudolf and Albrecht, the two Germans. Ancestor Wang.

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