The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 465 The other side of the Mediterranean

Kharitonov came to Granada as a Roman envoy. He was a devout Orthodox Christian and had no good impression of these paganisms. But when he came here, he had changed his mind about Granada.

Although the local mosque is still there, it has been converted into a church. And some people started speaking Romanian. This Sultan also had good intentions.

"If Castile hadn't been so aggressive, I'm afraid he would still be begging for mercy inside."

As a special envoy, Kharitonov was quickly led to the emir. In the Alhambra Palace, Yusuf entertained them with the best food, wine and dancing girls.

"Welcome, messenger from Rome. I wonder if my friend has received my letter?"

Yusuf asked about the situation of the Roman Emperor, and Kharitonov said directly: "His Majesty the Emperor sent me here after receiving your letter, but your country has angered His Majesty a little, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come here."

Yusuf knew he was overplaying his hand, but fortunately he was right. The new emperor would not ignore them. Sending an envoy meant that troops were likely to be sent in the future, which would reduce the pressure on him.

"I'm sorry for this. I really have no choice but to do this. If it were just a normal greeting, the emperor of your country wouldn't care about my small country in Al-Andalus."

Yusuf apologized, but since he was here, he had to discuss matters between the two countries.

"You should also know the current situation. The heretics in the north are aggressive and trying to occupy this last piece of pure land. I hope your country can send troops to help."

I finally stated my purpose. The foundation I built a few years ago has become my own bargaining chip. With Granada's geographical location and foundation, I believe Rome will not agree.

Kharitonov also reacted, but he said straightforwardly: "Your Majesty already has a decree for this. If you can agree to it, you can agree."

"Please say"

There are several main conditions for Peter: First, everyone in Granada must convert to Orthodox Christianity and learn Romanian.

Second, the emir and other nobles had to give up their power in exchange for more estates.

Third, all armies were integrated into the Roman army and everything obeyed Roman command.

Yusuf had already prepared for these. After all, the degree of centralization of power in the Eastern Empire was far beyond what they could compare with. These conditions were considered normal, but he still wanted to try harder.

"I heard that your country and Aragon are mortal enemies, and Aragon is allied with Castile. These two countries occupy most of Iberia. Your country considers itself to be orthodox. Don't you want to take back this place? ?”

Kharitonov quickly replied: "There is no need to trouble Your Majesty. Your Majesty will have a plan."

"Really, but I heard that since your country occupied the city of Rome, many countries have to re-govern your country's capital. They also have to wipe out all traces there, especially Castile. I have already I heard that many people are ready to join the war against you."

"If they dare to come, the Empire will make it impossible for them to come back." Kharitonov's voice rose a few degrees. If they come, the Empire will not mind letting the destruction of Venice happen again. Maybe it should be called something else, like the destruction of Milan, the destruction of Toledo, the destruction of Augsburg.

"Of course I think your country can do this, but you have to have people who are familiar with the Iberian region to serve as guides. After all, isn't it a commendable thing to achieve the greatest results with the smallest sacrifices?"

It's true, no one wants to get a miserable victory, it would be too embarrassing. If it can really maximize the results, it's not impossible. However, the empire is cautious about the locals of Granada. On the one hand, it regards them as allies in Iberia, but on the other hand, it is worried about their outstanding attributes of being a wallflower. Kharitonov also has the mission of incorporating Granada into the royal family. At present, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"The empire needs some local people as guides and some officials. Iberia has not had contact with Rome for hundreds of years. It is difficult to test the loyalty of the local people."

The envoy asked the last question. For the emperor, the loyalty of ministers is the most important thing. If those who surrender cannot remain loyal, they will spend a lot of manpower and material resources to make wedding clothes for others in vain. Especially Peter, he would rather waste some time in the future than agree to surrender to someone who wanted to Qin Muchu.

"Don't worry about this. We all have a common enemy now, which are the three countries in the north. I can hand over my two sons to your country. When the war is over, I will go to Constantinople myself."

Since the other party made such a promise, Kharitonov said nothing. However, he did see a chapel in the Alhambra Palace, which contained orthodox crosses and other things. It seemed that the other party was cruel and broke with the past.

Yusuf gave his two sons to the other party as hostages to ensure his true loyalty, hoping that their emperor would keep his promise and send troops quickly.

----Dividing line----

The news of Rome's mobilization of troops also spread to other countries, and the first one to know was neighboring Hungary. Queen Mary also attended Peter's coronation and discussed the future of the two countries with him out of sight.

Because it was on the front line against heresy, Hungary was able to receive financial support of 70,000 lei from Rome every year. Now that the relationship between Rome and the HRE is becoming increasingly tense, Hungary, caught in the middle, has also begun to test.

It is a routine operation to enter Austria along the river from Pozzoni. The cavalry trained from the Pannonian steppe can come and go in Austria like the wind. Even Sigismund had to write to his ex-wife, hoping to restrain him and not make it too ugly.

As a result, Mary's reply had the same meaning: Who are you? She has divorced him, but he has not touched her for so many years, and even said that she could not give birth to a son. Now she gave birth to two children at once, while her ex-husband only had one daughter. It was clear who was inferior in comparison.

This made Sigismund very angry, and then he transferred his anger to his wife Barbara. This man had suffered such great injustice, so he naturally hated Sigismund. I wish he would die immediately.

Speaking of which, the mysterious Prince Pozzoni has not even seen his face now. He always wears a mask. He is like the god of death staring at everyone. The black army under his command is invincible, and the Austrian war that he once fought ended only after he sued for peace. His heroic deeds have been compared with those of the new emperor of Constantinople, saying that if one of them comes, they will be scared to death, and it is better to surrender if they come together.

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