The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 521 Three against three

Wladyslaw was hampered here, and Vytautas was no better. His way of handling domestic affairs was even worse than that of his cousin. The nobles of Vilnius were the iron roosters among the iron roosters. They had to give them some power from the Grand Duke before giving them some symbolic money.

But this didn't bother Vytautas. The nobles refused to pay, so he could take some of his family's savings. Wladyslaw loved his original country, Lithuania, so he never hesitated to bring all wars and troubles to Poland. All the official wealth was transported to Lithuania by him and he protected them in Lithuania. This is also the reason why Lithuania can develop.

He secretly misappropriated half of his property to recruit the army. As long as he wins, he can use Moscow's property to make up for it, and his cousin will not know.

"That kid in Moscow must be lucky to win. This time, as the Emperor of Lithuania, I will definitely make him kneel in front of me and repent."

Vytautas felt that he could not always fail. Now that he had gained prestige by fighting in the Teutonic Knights, he only needed to escort Yuri to Moscow to succeed the Grand Duke, and the entire Northeast Europe belonged to Lithuania.

As for Moscow, they cannot just stay in Smolensk, but should take the initiative. Driven by the "Emperor", all Lithuanian coalition forces are ready to go to Moscow and occupy the city in one go.

----Dividing line----

In a mansion in Danzig, prominent local people gathered together. Instead of attending an ordinary party, they decided to join the Berlin Union.

There is no way, the Teutons are simply suppressing me too hard. They have to pay compensation and maintain the luxurious life of the Knights. They, the common people, can't stand it anymore. Businessmen from the Hanseatic League said that after joining the Berlin League, their markets expanded and they made more money. Moreover, the lords were particularly considerate of them and basically did not overtax them. When these people heard this, it was like paradise. And there is also parliament, through which you can express your demands.

"The Teutons have completely betrayed their original intentions. They will only sit in Marienfort and enjoy wine and food. Our property and our children cannot be guaranteed to be safe. Now, we can only rely on ourselves."

"Yes, since they have given up protection, let us do it ourselves."

Here 42 representatives from 13 towns unanimously agreed to form the Urban League and join the Berlin Union. Since Danzig has been controlled by the citizens, the Knights will not control it for the time being.

Grand Commander Jungingen received fifteen thousand troops and 800 knights from Eastern Pomerania. Departing from Marienburg, heading towards Danzig.

But the Berlin Alliance was faster. The Elector of Pomerania had already led the vanguard into the vicinity of Danzig and wiped out some small legions. What follows is a long-term confrontation.

Vlad won a great victory in HRE, but Sigismund refused to give in on the issue of Bohemia. In terms of blood relationship, he was Wenzel's younger brother, and Vlad was Wenzel's son-in-law. Naturally, his younger brother had to inherit Bohemia.

Moreover, the noble meeting in Prague basically supported him. Seeing this, Vlad could only temporarily compromise and no longer discuss the Bohemian issue.

He, the leader of the alliance, has been really prosperous recently. Although most of the victories were brought about by his eldest brother, he also contributed a lot. Under his rule, Brandenburg doubled its territory and increased its wealth.

While his career was progressing, Vlad's family also had a new member. His wife, Anne of Bohemia, gave birth to a son. He named him after himself, Vlad of Brandenburg.

Vlad also knew that his territory was sparsely populated and filled with swamps, and the army became a barrier for him to protect his territory. In order to make the army surrender to him wholeheartedly, he promised a large number of rights to the officers and nobles.

Jean reassured them by recognizing their right to use the estates over their serfs, but he favored soldier yeomen over officer nobles. They used tax exemptions and other concessions to convince them, and improved the Roman military rank system to allow soldiers to have their own channels for advancement.

During this period, the Askany family gradually gained Vlad's trust. The family not only supported Vlad as always, but also provided a lot of funds and soldiers. In order to report, Vlad appointed the head of the Askany family as the governor of Lunenburg and also named him Duke of Schleswig.

The Askani family won the gamble, and the people he invested brought him back a thousandfold return. In this attack on the Teutons, the family once again contributed a lot of money to redo military expenditures, which Vlad was very grateful for.

----Dividing line----

Wladyslaw attacked Kiev for nearly seven days. In the past few days, he used various methods but failed to complete the attack. According to reports from the soldiers in the rear, the main Roman army was about to arrive here.

"No, I won't accept it!" Wladyslaw roared angrily. He was the king of Poland and the supreme duke of Lithuania. His father once defeated the Golden Horde and captured Kiev, so why couldn't he do it now? He cannot and will not admit that the other person is better than himself.

But the current situation forced him to make a decision: retreat and go to Smolensk to join Vytautas. Before leaving, he took another look at Kiev.

"You're lucky, I'll be back one day."

Calderon, who was on the city wall, cheered when he saw the Polish troops fleeing. He successfully defended the city.

The bells of the cathedral in the center of Kiev kept ringing, and the residents of the city celebrated the victory together. All this was brought by the Roman Empire, let them congratulate Rome together!

At this time, in the south of Kiev, the Roman army was already fighting with the Polish army. The other side fought desperately, but the Roman army was not vegetarian. Especially the newly joined Swiss army, in order to prove their strength, they attacked forward desperately and soon killed a hole. The Roman army took the opportunity to wipe them out.

"Your Majesty, Jagiełło's body was not found."

Peter had known for a long time that Władysław would not appear here because there were too few Polish soldiers. His biggest possibility was that he went somewhere else, either back to Lviv or to Smolensk.

"No matter, let someone go to Lviv and Smolensk to investigate first, and the other troops will follow me into the city."

The Roman army was preparing to enter Kiev. Calderon had already removed all the stones and opened the gate. He and the Archbishop of Kiev were at the gate to welcome the Roman emperor.

Seeing the emperor's flag appear, everyone knelt down. According to convention, they could not look directly at the emperor, and they needed to kiss the emperor's cloak before being allowed to stand up. Only after Peter dismounted and personally granted permission did Calderon slowly get up.

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