The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 354: Aftermath of the mist

The aliens did not attack the power plant in the north of the city.

But Meng Chao and others did not relax their vigilance.

Because the space gaps in the night sky, like super-giant whirlpools, still exist, a steady stream of flying monsters from the depths of the monster mountain range.

Such as giant eyeballs and glowing jellyfish, which are also full of tentacles and possess powerful mental attacking ability "Splitting Demon Eye".

The top speed exceeds the speed of sound, and the edges of its wings are extremely sharp, which can directly cut through the airbags of human armored airships.

There are also swarms of giant mosquitoes, condensed, like a squirming storm, and like a clutch from the sky, which can entangle humans and drag them directly into the air. Within a few minutes, all flesh and blood will be eaten away. All that was left behind by them was a white and miserable skeleton.

All kinds of hideous monsters, glowing with colorful rays, raged in the sky above the dragon city, which is a literal "dancing of demons".

The fierce fighting lasted all night.

Until dawn, there were still small groups of monsters running around the city, relying on the intricate ventilation system and human dealings among the ruins, ditches, pipes, and tall buildings.

The sporadic gunfire and the roar of building collapses repeatedly tortured the nerves of human beings on the verge of collapse.

The task of guarding the power plant is completed, and Meng Chao has resumed his job as a harvester.

This time the mist has descended, bringing nearly a million tons of monster corpses to Dragon City, which must be harvested against time, otherwise it is very likely that the corpse will change and cause a plague.

Meng Chao spent a whole day at the waste-to-energy plant and Chengbei Iron and Steel Plant.

It wasn't until dusk that he dragged his heavy footsteps, shook his unconscious hand, and returned to the Monster Investigation Bureau to analyze the latest progress of monster evolution.

Along the way, he saw that the defense systems of dozens of residential communities had varying degrees of damage.

At least a dozen neighborhoods were breached by monsters.

Although the residents fled to the shelter underground in the community in time.

However, the houses were severely damaged, and the warm homes of countless residents were turned into raging ruins.

The piles of monster corpses were all corrupted and deteriorated because they were too late to dispose of them, causing a layer of yellow-green lingering inside and outside the residential area, and the pungent smell was enough to arouse tears.

There was even a "crackling" popping sound from the seemingly intact building.

After the monster died, the corpse was corrupted and turned into a biochemical bomb, bursting out the sound of acid and venom.

A lot of acid will erode the reinforced concrete in the wall, greatly reducing the strength of the building.

The venom will seep into the wall and be released slowly in the next few years, causing irreversible lifelong damage to the human body, especially the respiratory system and blood system of children.

In other words, these buildings that seem to still stand above their homes are also seriously polluted and no longer suitable for human habitation.

Meng Chao saw many residents with a dazed face, standing or squatting at the door of the fragmented community, looking at a loss.

There was a little girl with a dirty face, holding a teddy bear with missing arms and legs, her eyes filled with tears, but she was comforting the teddy bear in a low voice, as if to make the bear not be afraid.

Her father stroked up his sleeve, angrily, trying to beat up the **** monster corpse even more bloody.

Mother wanted to go home to rescue some things, but the ruins of several collapsed buildings were piled up and burned by the flames sprayed by monsters. How can they tell where is their home?

The scene in front of him merged with Meng Chao's memory fragments and the horrors of the monster war in the past life, reminding him that the future will not be so easy to change.

It also reminded the people of Longcheng that even if they achieved a great victory on the Northern Route, the final victory was far from coming.

In the Bureau of Investigation of Alien Beasts, from Ye Xiaoxing, Meng Chao learned the whole picture of the battlefield where the fog descended.

Unsurprisingly, a lot of evidence and data show that the "Monster War" has entered the second half of the process, and the war mode has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, the monster has become smarter.

Even the battlefield coordination capabilities of ordinary monsters have been greatly improved. In the past, when the fog fell, the time of different monsters gushing along the gap in space was not exactly the same, and they often appeared, they couldn’t wait to attack the human community, and they were just caught Human beings seized the time difference and broke each one.

Many strong people in the heavens have time to clear the monsters in one community before flying to another community to ensure the safety of four or five communities.

At the same time, because there is no concept of formation and firepower, many monsters clearly occupy the advantage in numbers, but they are used to line up in a long snake formation, sullen their heads towards human machine guns and antiaircraft artillery positions, except for turning themselves into live targets. There is no point in wasting human ammunition.

But this time when the fog descended, many monsters, especially mammals with relatively developed brains, and insect monsters with swarm intelligence, all learned well, knowing that they must first gather forces, coordinate time, and then simultaneously attack the human community. Let the powerhouses take care of this and lose the other, exhausted.

Even a large number of monsters galloped past the gates of the human community that was waiting for them, focusing on four or five different monsters, while attacking the old communities with relatively weak defenses, using the "concentration of forces" method to hit humans by surprise.

Second, the monster has also learned to attack the key target of Dragon City.

Power plants, water plants, spar warehouses, and gene farms have all been attacked by monsters.

Among them, water plants and gene farms are the top priority of the monster's attack.

In addition to the monsters that came last night, there have long been a group of exotic animals such as "flaming rats, lightning monsters, and brainworms" hiding near water plants and gene farms.

Even if their suicide attacks failed to break through the infrastructure supporting the operation of Dragon City.

However, the acid and venom that exploded after death severely polluted the water source and the farm, making Dragon City's already stretched supply of supplies even worse.

Third, the monster has also learned the key target of assassinating humans.

Many experts in frontier disciplines in Dragon City were assassinated or attacked by hordes of monsters in the fog attack last night.

Although most experts have survived, the casualty rate is still much higher than any previous fog.

It's hard to believe that the casualties of so many experts are just an unfortunate coincidence.

But to say that the monster has mastered the list of experts in various disciplines of Dragon City, and implemented "fixed-point eradication" taking advantage of the chaos, it sounds more than incredible, it is simply creepy.

Taking into account that alien animals target the human brain and central nervous system, something like the "brain worm" is specially formulated.

The worries of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau are very likely to be true-alien beasts and even "unlike people" have already penetrated into the dragon city, secretly observed, thought, and studied, and gradually developed their "unusual animal civilization". .

Although the mist is over.

The aftermath of this battle is far from subsided.

The first is the plague.

There must be a major epidemic after the war, which is common sense in the art of war.

Not to mention being in a place where viruses, bacteria, and cells are overactive in the alien world, and the alien animal is very likely to target the human immune system, specifically improving the ability of the monster to burst and spread the disease after the death of the monster.

After more than a month, Longcheng had three consecutive outbreaks of plagues of a large scale. The sources were all new mutated strains, which were highly targeted to humans. They did not seem to be the result of natural mutations, but rather genetic modulation product.

One of the plagues even brought back a long-extinct zombie virus.

The new zombie virus mutant can transform humans into extremely kinematic zombies in just half a minute. It is no longer a problem to jump on three or four floors in one breath. Even if it is headshot by a human, it may be in the five internal organs. In the explosion of Liufu organs, venom carrying a deadly virus was ejected.

Fighting these plagues is extremely difficult.

Because the houses of a large number of residents were contaminated and destroyed by monsters, they had to live in tents and temporary prefabricated houses.

The space is small and materials are scarce. Basic clean water and clean food cannot be guaranteed. Naturally, it creates favorable conditions for the spread of germs.

What spreads with the germs is also the hostility between people.

Even if the gentleman is modest, he will be stimulated by his survival instinct in an environment where supplies are extremely scarce, and he will gradually return to his original wildness.

Within three to five months after each large-scale fog falls, Dragon City's crime rate will surge several times.

In addition to the shortage of supplies, monsters also descended, causing the human mental index to plummet, resulting in various mental distortions.

—— Even if the mental index can return to its normal value after a plunge, it does not mean that there is no residual damage deep in the brain.

Just like a wound heals, there will always be ugly scars.

This is especially true for the transcendent.

On the one hand, the extraordinary are the vanguards against monsters, rushing to the front line, facing more mental attacks from monsters, the mental index is more likely to soar and plummet.

Even a hard iron sheet, after repeated bending, will fatigue the metal and break directly.

Not to mention the fragile and mysterious spirit of human beings.

On the other hand, the brain cells and central nervous system are stimulated by psychic energy for a long time, and they are more likely to get into trouble than ordinary people.

For occupations such as "Beast Master" and "Mechanic", it is necessary to let go of the brain gap and use brain waves to manipulate biochemical beasts and rune machines, which are more likely to be invaded by foreign beasts and plant evil seeds.

As a result, every time a large-scale fog descends, there are always many heroes with outstanding combat exploits, who fall into darkness and become evil and extraordinary.

This is very helpless and very regrettable.

The Survival Committee and the Transcendent Tower do not want to solve these problems.

No one wants to watch countless citizens displaced.

No one wants to see a companion who was smiling like a flower yesterday, turning into a zombie with venom flowing at the corner of his mouth.

No one wants to see citizens fight for a bottle of drinking water; the hero who originally vowed to protect the Dragon City forever was eroded by darkness and turned into a demon and a lunatic.

However, to solve these problems thoroughly, astronomical resources are needed.

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