The old man shook his head, with a slightly sad expression: "Master Zhao Hu of White Tiger City has a benevolent heart and strong martial arts skills, and he can protect the peace of one side in this troubled world."

"Then you're still moving?" Anyway, Xiao Chen had nothing to do, so he simply chatted with the old man.

The sigh on the old man's face quickly turned into anger.

"Since last year, people have been living in this Liaoyue Black City for some reason."

The old man pushed aside the curtain of the carriage, looked at the Heicheng in the distance, and sighed again.

"This new city lord is very fond of women, and he is arresting women all around. Even the wife of Hall Master Zhao Hu was not spared."

"In order to protect Madam, Hall Master Zhao died in battle, and a large number of brothers in the entire Baihu Hall died."

"The White Tiger City now exists in name only."

Xiao Chen frowned: "Then this Liaoyue City is your enemy. Judging by your appearance, why do you still seem to be moving to the city?"

The old man smiled helplessly and opened the curtain, pointed to the big family outside and said, "Where else can we go? A group of old, weak, sick and disabled may still have a chance to go to Liaoyue City."

The old man smiled helplessly, the wrinkles on his face were deeply squeezed together.

"Why did this world suddenly become like this, people cannibalize people during the day, and ghosts cannibalize people at night, alas..."

Xiao Chen knew what the old man meant by ghosts eating people.

This is not a perimeter, because of the raging demonic energy, many ghosts and monsters are born.

When night falls, these things will come out to make monsters, so the survivors dare not go out at night.

Xiao Chen lifted the curtain to look at the broken ground, and shook his head slightly.

Did the demonic Xiao Chen do something wrong? From Xiao Chen's point of view, not necessarily.

Because Xiao Chen didn't have the demonic nature, Pangu's evil appearance might turn this boundary into a realm of death.

But now it doesn't look like a perimeter, maybe it's just a little bit better than dying completely!

Xiao Chen chatted with the old man casually.

A group of people walked to the front of the city gate.

Some damage, but still magnificent city gate, seems to be telling the story of the past.

In front of the city gate, there were two groups of soldiers guarding the city, with black armor and black guns, they looked mighty.

From time to time, some ordinary people entered the city, and these soldiers checked very carefully.

The old man jumped out of the carriage and went to negotiate with the soldiers.

Xiao Chen had nothing to do, so he also got out of the carriage.

The old man was leading a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, talking to the soldiers.

Xiao Chen learned from the previous conversation that this girl is the old man's little granddaughter.

Seeing the obsequious old man and the girl wiping away tears, Xiao Chen gently shook his head.

In order to live a more comfortable life, this old man will probably send this girl to the bed of the woman-loving city lord.

Xiao Chen looked at the old man's family members, they were all old, weak, sick and disabled.

There are a total of fifteen or six people in the big team, but there are only four or five light and strong men.

According to the old man, the young men in his family were almost dead in the earthquake.

Those young men clenched their fists tightly and looked at the girl who kept wiping her tears.

But they didn't have the courage to go up and take away their sister or niece.

Because they just want to live.

Survive, these three words, sometimes it is too difficult.


At this time, the ground kept shaking, as if a large number of troops were marching.

On the distant land, a large amount of smoke and dust surged.

A cavalry team of a thousand men approached here extremely quickly.


The huge city gate was closed quickly, Xiao Chen's head was full of question marks.

"I haven't entered the city yet!"

"Wow..." Liusu Mingyue wiped her tears, looked at the closed door, did the delicious food just slip away?

Looking at the heartbroken Liusu Mingyue, Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly, carrying pity on his shoulders, and walked to the city gate.


A few streaks of devilish energy slammed down, heading straight for Xiao Chen.

"Go away, Liaoyue City is closed today."

On the city wall above his head, a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression looked at Xiao Chen.

"Magic repair."

Xiao Chen gently avoided a few waves of devilish energy, looked at the big hole on the ground, and nodded lightly.

This is not a perimeter, it seems that it has become a paradise for demon cultivators.

Xiao Chen shrugged helplessly, "Girl, why don't we go and have a look elsewhere, if not, let me make you something?"

Liusu Mingyue looked at the fierce middle-aged man and the large number of soldiers above her head, and nodded reluctantly.

"Passing by, passing by, haha."

Xiao Chen laughed, and gently knocked on the door with pity, then pulled the old man back to the side.

The old man stared blankly at the closed door, then looked up at the drowsy sky, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

"Grandpa, grandpa..." the girl cried loudly.

The old man's family members all rushed forward, anxiously checking on the old man's situation.

They all looked at the closed door in despair.

Xiao Chen squatted on the side, found a handful of golden melon seeds from nowhere, and knocked them.

Xiao Chen carefully put away the saliva-stained melon seeds so that no one would be poisoned to death.

"I want it too, I want it too." Liusu Mingyue stretched out her little hand.

Xiao Chen stingily put a melon seed on Liusu Mingyue's little hand, and Tassel's cheeks bulged out of anger.

At this time, the cavalry with more than a thousand men had already arrived in front of the city gate.


Xiao Chen gave these people a strange look, because Xiao Chen discovered that these cavalry were all ordinary people.

In other words, they are all from the rivers and lakes, and each of them has the unique arrogance of the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, Xiao Chen also keenly discovered that there was a piece of black gauze pinned to the arms of these people.

Is this a death in the family?

Xiao Chen squatted aside curiously, and became a melon-eating crowd.

At this time, the gloomy middle-aged man standing on the city wall sneered: "Chengming, my lord, I let you ants out for the sake of your wife. You are so ignorant, how dare you come here?" ?”

No one answered, only silence.

Silence, a long silence, a stormy silence.

After a long silence, the man at the forefront of the cavalry waved the spear in his hand lightly.

The horses separated automatically, and four big men came out slowly carrying a huge coffin.

At some point, there was a drizzle in the sky.

Liusu Mingyue hid under Xiao Chen's hair a little unhappy.

"You didn't organize the funeral for your hall master, why did you bring people here?"

The gloomy middle-aged man had a mocking look on his face.

No one answered him, there was just endless silence.

The leading cavalryman took out a sheepskin.

It was densely written with names on it.

Most of these names are marked with a huge cross.

And the first of these names is Zhao Hu.

He took out a writing brush, looked at the huge coffin, and fiercely crossed the name.

Next to the name Zhao Hu is a name called Cheng Ming.

He reached out his hand as if to catch the falling rain, but found nothing.

He looked up at the tall city wall, his eyes were bloodshot.

In the end, he bit his tongue, dipped his brush, and pulled out a huge, blood-red fork on the entire sheepskin roll.

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