The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1055: Rely on hard work

First, some physical tests were performed to let Ren Baqian know a little bit about the physical condition of the Empress.

The original Empress's one-handed strength was to pick up six thousand pounds of weight, and the impact of a single punch could reach 100,000 pounds.

After this advancement, the power of the female emperor has quadrupled, with 25,000 pounds of strength in one hand and foot, and the impact of a punch can reach 500,000 pounds.

The Empress's leg strength is twice the strength of her fist, which is why she can burst out at such an amazing speed.

The Empress can reach three times the speed of sound.

In contrast, the Emperor's powerful physical body. If the sniper rifle and armor-piercing shells were used to break the Emperor's skin within a distance of less than 500 meters, then the firearms and ordinary kinetic energy weapons have completely lost their meaning to the Empress.

Higher weapons cannot be tested, after all, Ren Baqian cannot use missiles to bomb the Empress.

And the missile is meaningless to the Empress, whether it is a shock wave or a fragment, it cannot penetrate the defense of the Empress.

As for weapons such as cloud explosives, even ordinary people may survive in them. The greatest lethality comes from flames and suffocation. This weapon also poses no threat to the Empress.

Probably only the high temperature generated by nuclear fission will pose a certain degree of threat to the empress.

However, Ren Baqian couldn't use nuclear bombs to throw the emperor.

As for neural response ability, the empress can easily shoot bullets with bows and arrows.

Previously, the emperor could receive bullets with his bare hands, but now it is a step further. You must know that receiving bullets with your bare hands and shooting bullets with bows and arrows are completely two concepts.

The Empress directly fired a round of 50 rounds of 12.7 mm machine gun bullets, and she was even more skillful.

Then Ren Baqian made a test in the laboratory with the empress's hair and dander. The emperor's hair would only curl at a high temperature of 1,000 degrees, and it would burn after more than 1,200 baidus.

The dander will not change until it reaches 1,500 Baidu.

This is just a bit of dander removed from the empress. As for the emperor's own skin, it is supported by fine blood and has a higher tolerance.

In the end, Ren Baqian also tested the epidermal cells and blood of the Empress, and found an extremely shocking thing. The cells of the Empress were extremely exclusive and aggressive, swallowing all foreign matter and undergoing proliferation.

Most of the viruses and toxins tested turned into food and nutrients in the cells of the Empress.

It can be said that most biological toxins and chemical toxins have no effect on the empress.

If anything, it's probably a snack.

The former 8000 had been tested before, and the wheel was already resistant to some common toxins. Just like the Empress Dowager used sarin gas in the Nine-Floor Pavilion, ordinary people have almost no chance of reaction, and the wheel The warrior has been able to persist in it for a minute or two, and the Shenlun warrior can even survive in ten minutes, but most of the essence will be used to resist the toxin, and its strength will be greatly reduced.

The ancients' bodies are more powerful, and the resistances of the heavens and supreme heavenly warriors are stronger than those of the earth wheels and gods.

As for Changshengtian, most of the toxins have no effect at all, and can only serve as a meal supplement.

From the test results, the Empress can even be said to be wearing a layer of human skin, and the essence has completely evolved.

The results of such tests are startling.

Changshengtian has such terrible strength, so how powerful is Changshengtian above?

Not to mention that the Empress is not the top in Changshengtian.

Changshengtian is divided into four levels, and the Empress has suppressed its strength for so long. After the breakthrough, it has improved by a large margin, even surpassing Li Fu, but it is only the second stage in Changshengtian.

Ren Baqian began to think that he thought it was simple.

A nuclear bomb is indeed lethal to ordinary aliens, but it is not a big threat to aliens in the realm of longevity.

Unless it is the core of the other party in the explosion.

However, judging by the response speed of the empress, it is almost impossible for aliens who want to blast into the realm of Changsheng Heaven.

Only when the other party just came into contact and did not know what the nuclear bomb was, could it kill a few.

When the other party knew about the nuclear bomb, he could even blast it with a bow and arrow.

At that time, the sharp shooter of Daxia was able to shoot the grenade thrown back to the wall, and the female emperor could shoot the flying sword. Ren Baqian did not believe that the aliens could not do it.

After learning about the strength of the true masters in this world and discovering that the effect of the nuclear bomb was not satisfactory, Ren Baqian began to think about other weapons on Earth.

However, if you think about it, you will find that the weapons of the earth today are not suitable for this.

In these years, Ren Qianqian has been paying attention to the development of weapons on Earth. The biggest problem is that weapons with sufficient power are too large and too clumsy.

For example, particle beam weapons, although they cannot be put into actual combat, have also achieved considerable research results.

The biggest problem with this weapon is two points. The first point is that the volume is too large. The huge demand for energy makes it impossible for this weapon to have too small volume, the charging time is too long, and for small targets that move at high speed and change direction It's hard to aim at, and it's a huge target.

And the particles will be defocused in the atmosphere with a very short range.

As for laser weapons, they are also huge, and they are better than particle weapons for long-range attacks, but they require satellites in space as refraction.

Not to mention the problem of satellites, this type of attack has few threats in the face of experts who are moving on the ground at speeds several times the speed of sound.

As for microwave weapons, electromagnetic waves are used to destroy electronic equipment.

In fact, the development of weapons on Earth in recent years is mostly in the direction of destroying electronic equipment.

The earth has entered the era of electronic warfare, and it has no meaning to this world.

If it is suitable for this world, there can only be one kind of threat to masters-electromagnetic weapons.

Due to the limitations of superconducting materials, electromagnetic weapons are still difficult to satisfy, but this direction is also the most likely to be achieved.

It seems that the research on electromagnetic weapons will be promoted on the earth.

I hope that I can get a satisfactory result.

In addition, there is a spaceship that is large enough, even if it is an atmosphere spaceship, if it is not possible, you can also pull the emperor to run.

This is quite possible.

After all, the technology of the earth is enough now, and even the moon base is almost completed, and the Mars base is ready to be built.


That evening was a banquet to celebrate the Emperor Breakthrough to reach the realm of Changsheng Heaven.

Many Korean and Chinese ministers on the table praised the talent and strength of the emperor, which is the first person in thousands of years.

This is not an exaggeration, after all, the Empress is now only 34 years old, 34-year-old Changshengtian, and a breakthrough has reached the second stage of Changshengtian, you cannot be overstated.

Only the Empress is not very happy ~ ~ The look of indifference swept to everyone:

"Do you think he is gifted?

I rely on hard work!

When you sleep, you are practicing!

When you eat, you are practicing!

When you spend your time drinking, you are practicing!

Of course, there is talent, but hard work is the most important factor to achieve this step!

As the Middle Minister of North Korea, you are about to face an unknown and powerful enemy. You must work like 朕!

The so-called talent is just your excuse! "

Everyone: (;  ̄д ̄)

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