The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1113: Clear the fairway

Three years passed by.

On the shore of a lake in the Sixty Thousand Mountains, there are countless weird trees, which look like monsters.

Every night, there are countless fluorescent fires flying in the strange forest, paving the forest with a layer of color, as beautiful as a galaxy. However, the strange shadows cast in the forest were even more eerie.

During the running of seven or eight human-shaped young children, their skin was blue, their ears were slanted, their eyes were black crystals, and cavities popped out of their mouths.

From time to time he grabbed a jade waist slave of a beast-faced butterfly and shoved it into his mouth.

The host of the jade waist slave was a human before, and it was a human face after breaking out of the body. The host is the beast, but the beast face.

The wings are like steel, but there is no resistance in the hands of these young children, and there does not seem to be an ordinary life's desire for survival.

A few adult herders were not far away, all of which had skin folds and life was near the end.

The herdsman grows up here as a child, and erases all emotions in adulthood.

When life is nearing its end, it will return to a bone burial self, and only a few elders will stay here to care for children.

At this time, a herdsman was looking at the infants with Sen Leng's eyes. Suddenly his expression changed and his body shape appeared in the distance.

At the same time, a boulder smashed into the soil with a cracking sound, where he was standing.

Several herders and elders looked up expressionlessly, and saw more than a dozen big men leaping from a distance and falling over a hundred meters before them.

"You guys are really hard to find ..." A big man grinned and danced with a mace in his hand.

"Kill them!" The other big man growled, and slammed a little towards a herder elder.

However, a person with legs like vines entangled in the vine rammed out of the darkness and directly collided with Dahan.

Several herders and elders stretched their arms, and countless jade waist slaves formed a river of light toward these big men.

Just when this river of light was about to drown the crowd, a flame ignited out of thin air, nearly 100 feet wide, covering a large area of ​​jade waist slaves.

A chain of chains emerged from the air, as if a large net was laid out, chained to several herder elders.

Several herders twisted their bodies into extremely weird shapes, and emerged from the layers of chains in an instant.

Just then, a mirror surface emerged behind a herder, with an arm sticking out of it.

The herdsman was fighting back, but he did not expect such a sudden change behind him, and he was immediately pierced by his arm.

And the big Hans did not even care about the jade waist slaves of the sky, they jumped high under their feet and rushed towards the remaining herders.

The iron cables shrouded the four sides, as if several herdsmen were trapped in the iron cage with many big men.

However, among the dozens of interest, four herders and elders died, leaving only herdsmen who were shocked by the change.

"Bring these little things back to Qi Emperor." Ma Hongyu stepped out of the darkness step by step.

With the death of several herdsmen and elders, those jade waist slaves went into chaos. Except for a few who continued to attack the crowd, more were killed and devoured each other.

An old man in a blue shirt and white beard reached out a finger, and chains appeared out of nowhere to bundle several herder children.

"Tangge, you and Dong Guozhen searched nearby. Others went to check where they lived." Ma Hongyu continued to speak, and many people in the darkness went straight with a certain direction.

A beautiful woman in a long blue dress stepped out of the mirror in the air and held a fist at Ma Hongyu.

In the shadow formed by the jade waist slave and the strange wood, a human figure crawled out of the shadow, his body was as dark as ink, and then the ink color faded, revealing a handsome young man with a slight look.

These two seem to be young, in fact, the god-wheeled warriors have a long life span, and their true age is over 50 or 60 years old.

The earlier you achieve the Divine Wheel, the younger you look.

Arranging the people properly, Ma Hongyu ignored the murderers in the Great Yaowu Hall, but walked silently for a few moments to the grave corpse's corpse, and was attacked by the ranchers on that day. More than 30 masters Broken nearly half, many experts buried here.

Now it finally took some time to find their old nest and annihilate them, and once they stabilized, they could finally go to the two realms. In the second place, they can also comfort the masters who died.

Although the friendship is not deep, but they are all masters of the human race, and most of them came from the Xia Dynasty. Compared with the ancient people, they are a little more innate.

Two hours passed, and everyone returned to a hilltop, where the emperor and more than ten masters of the martial arts hall, as well as the people of the Tiandao hall, waited here.

The hideout of the herder was previously confirmed by two masters who were good at hiding investigations. The elders here are only for the care of young children. They are not dangerous and therefore do not have much protection.

Even the controlled aliens only had two. One was the ginseng entangled legs, and the other was a large arm with arms like columns, short hind limbs, and running on all fours.

Nearly half of the manpower was dispatched this time, and they won it without any wave.

The gathering place of the two ethnic groups was destroyed as early as a year ago, and this time also directly killed.

In addition to the five herdsmen who were brought in, there were many discoveries, including the eggs of the jade waist slaves, and a large white fist, which shed countless tiny eggs like caviar every day.

After peeling off the outer layers of eggs, it was found that there was a ball of tender meat on the inside, which was amazing.

As for this pink tender meat, many people researched for several days, and found that it was placed near the jade waist slave, and a jade waist slave was attached to it every day.

Want to come to Yuyao slave is this meat piece of food.

Seeing this, the emperor let people catch some live jade waist slaves and that strange wood and this meat block and returned to the capital.

"Now most of the gathering places for aliens have been annihilated, and here things are considered to be the end. Then I will go to the two realms." The emperor ordered the crowd.

Everyone was shocked when they heard what they said.

We must know that the two realms are extremely suitable for breakthroughs, which is a hundred times better than here.

Li Fu and others practiced through the wall of the two realms. In just three years, two people broke through to the realm of Kaitian territory, and the others also made great progress.

Everyone has been longing for it.


Hundreds of miles away from Quxia City, a team of elites with natural strength is ambushing on a cliff with a net of grass and leaves, half of them holding a long bow.

After waiting a full hour, the two soldiers each carried a half-human-sized giant egg from the cliff, and directly dropped the giant egg on the ground, and a fishy smell spread out.

However, for half an hour, two giant birds more than 30 meters long spread wings in the distance. It seemed to find that the nest had changed, and a loud, long beep was issued, towards the place where the giant egg was broken.

When they approached a certain level, the covering net was suddenly lifted, and hundreds of soldiers raised their long bows and arrows like rain.

The two giant birds couldn't avoid it, and there were countless arrows in their bodies.

As a result of this, the two giant birds not only did not die, their speed did not slow down at all, but also inspired the fierceness of the two giant birds. The speed was a little faster, and a pair of giant claws fluttered towards the heads of everyone.

However, at this moment, dozens of knives jumped into the air.

Blood viscera poured down.

A captain-like big man laughed and laughed: "This time it went well! I didn't let these two mountain owls run away ~ ~ I don't know what waterway they want to clean up. It didn't take long for them to come from elsewhere. "A soldier asked curiously.

"Hey, I only inquired about it a couple of days ago. It is said that as long as the channel is cleared, the chamber of commerce will not have to go afterwards." The captain smiled mysteriously.

Everyone immediately raised their spirits and looked at them one after another.

"Don't come over, do you still fly over?" Someone laughed.

"Hey, really fly over!" Said the school captain, and everyone believed.

"You will know by then."

Actually he didn't know much, just heard those two sentences.

But with what he said, everyone was more curious.

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