The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1115: Stubborn

"Father, don't forget that you promised me, you have to practice with me!" When returning to the palace, Erhua still didn't hold him and forgot to tell him, for fear that he would be gone as soon as he turned around.

"I see!" Ren Baqian also wanted to take a break and agreed.

With the help of loli, the document can be sent to the loli first, and then brought to you later. With the help of artificial intelligence, it can save a lot of time.

If nothing serious, two days would not delay anything.

Now that she has answered her, let's practice with her.

In the past few years, Erhua has learnt the same instrument and drums with interest. Ren Baqian feels that the piano and zither violin is better, but Erhua prefers percussion. Think about it in line with her temperament.

The drum kits are all made of special metal and animal skins, otherwise one drumstick goes down and the drums are gone.

In a hall, Erhua was wearing half-sleeve hot pants and was percussing the drum, while Ren Baqian was pulling the erhu, and the sound of drums and melodious erhu extended along the hall outside the hall.

Many of the guards outside the hall were full of disrespect.

The sound of drums and erhu is not bad. Although a little jerky, it's not bad.

However, Erhua took a sip and was a bit sensational.

"I've seen the dream of moving mountains, and I hope it never ends, even if the sky is falling apart ..."

Ren Baqian's face was depressed, and Erhua's voice was good. Although she always jumped up and down, her voice was like a silver bell.

This one sings well, it's not as good as Erha ...

This is probably a person's strengths ... No one is perfect.


December 31, Jiaonan Primary School.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, various vehicles stopped at the gate of the campus.

There are few ordinary people in Wuji City today, and most of them are martial arts, so the economic conditions are not bad.

The ordinary elementary schools here are also equivalent to some expensive private colleges. The parents of the students are mostly officials, wealthy, martial arts disciples, and some other talented students who have been absorbed into the city.

A long black car slowly stopped in front of the door. As the door opened, a young girl wearing a dark blue open collar coat, white shirt, and red and black plaid skirt came down from one side.

Most of the clothes are on campus, and this is the school uniform today.

However, the young girl was still quite noticeable. She looked great, her eyes were dazzling, her ponytail was simply hanging behind her head, and she looked very refreshing. What's more interesting is that the temperature is close to 0 degrees, but it has two legs exposed.

Even today's children start to practice vitality or other exercises from elementary school, but they are too young and their strength is too low to achieve warmth and indifference.

The other person who got on the car looked up and down, with a bald head, a bear-like figure, a cross-skinned face, and a light gray suit, looking aggressive.

"Dad!" Erhua was holding her eight thousand arms, and looked excited.

It can be seen that she is really happy, and rarely has such a coquettish look.

When Ren Baqian saw her, she smiled: "Let's go!"

Seeing Erhua, many children's faces showed fear, slowing down or giving her a way.

"What's wrong? Who is she?" Some parents asked, looking at her child in fear.

You should know that these children will mostly follow the path of martial arts in the future, so being afraid at such a small age will be detrimental to future cultivation.

"It's Ren Yuqing. One class every three years. After three days of school transfer, I played all the way up and down the school!" Said a little fat man with a look of fear, and even stopped.

"Year 3? The whole school's students can't beat her?" The fat man was surrounded by a majestic middle-aged man, and he was dissatisfied to see his son so timid.

"It can't be beaten, it's too cruel! The whole fifth-grader can't beat her together!" The fat man seemed to think of some scene, with fear in his eyes.

The middle-aged man's face sank, and he glanced at Ren Baqian. He could feel that he was a master and seemed to be stronger than himself. A closer look at the girl, suddenly shocked, the girl gave him the feeling-very dangerous.

A dignified master, a third-year girl made herself feel dangerous? And it feels more dangerous than that majestic man.

The middle-aged man made a calculation in his heart. I don't know what Ren Yuqing's identity was, but he wanted to check it. Surname ...

Erhua was called Ren Yuqing when he was on the earth, and Qi Yuqing when he returned to Dayao.

Ren Baqian naturally noticed the other children's abnormalities, and he knew all the things Erhua did in school.

No matter where you transfer, the first thing to do is to run the school from top to bottom.

This has been the case since kindergarten, and it is still the case today. It can be said that the students of primary schools in Wuji City have been beaten by her in recent years.

Then force others to call their dad.

This trouble caused himself a headache, and the royal family did not know how many descendants there were.

Fortunately, I am not afraid that others will find trouble. Changing the style of other people ’s children has already killed people.

"The museum owner!"

Dahan was surrounded by a child who was about the same age as Erhua. He was physically fit and his eyes were full of energy, but his eyes narrowed when he saw Erhua.

Ren Baqian nodded slightly, turning his heart, thinking of this big man, who belongs to the third generation of disciples in Wuguan, but he has some impressions.

The middle-aged man in the back saw his eyes shrink. Although he didn't know Ren Baqian, he knew this big man and was a master in the Da Yao Wu Guan. His shot was extremely fierce.

Although the strength is similar to himself, the combat power is far better than himself.

He was so respectful to that person, and that person was named Ren ... The middle-aged man was moved, and he suddenly speculated about Ren Baqian's identity.

It's just the age of that person, it should be sixty now?

Or is it someone else?

There are naturally many people with his general thoughts. You must know that there are several forces in Wuji City that can't be bothered, and the Da Yao Wu Guan is one of them. Anyone who has n’t heard of the news knows what kind of events have been done by the owner of Da Yao Wu Guan.

Ren Baqian didn't care about other people's thoughts, but he enjoyed walking with Erhua on campus like an ordinary father.

Of course, it's just a temporary feeling.

Along the way, I was concerned about the look of Erhua. I wanted to see if I could find out if Erhua liked someone-and buried under the hall.

Erhua is now 8 years old according to the time of Dayao, plus about 10 years of age on earth. He definitely doesn't count who he likes. At best, it's just a bit of a favor for peers.

However, she had grown faster than other children, and some things were bad.

Unfortunately, all the way to the classroom, Ren Baqian did not find that Erhua paid special attention to anyone.

Even if there weren't even a few girls saying hello, everyone was scared to see her.

All afternoon is a New Year's Day party, and every child will go up with their parents to perform a show.

In the middle is the erhu. The drum and erhu were sent to the side in advance.

As soon as Erhua's drumstick fell, everyone's face changed.

This drum sound ... It's like hitting everyone's heart, making people's hard work, even more like hearing the barbaric roar.

Then came the erhu in the hands of Ren Baqian.

A bear-like man sitting with a handful of erhu there seemed a little funny, but other parents didn't dare to think like that.

"I've seen the dream of moving mountains ~ ~ I hope it never ends,

Even if the sky is falling apart,

I have seen the miracle that just happened,

The silent prayer was answered,

The broken heart is strong again ... "

The song was sung by Ren Baqian, the voice was low but full of power.

The end of the song, Erhua's expression was pleasing, and the drumsticks fell down forcefully.



Even the floor with drums, two flowers and Ren Baqian were all gone. There was only one large hole left in front of the classroom, and the classroom was full of dust ...

. m.

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