The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1162: Agree

In the mountains near the village of Greythorn, more than 5,000 kilometers from the city of Innocent.

Lin Dong fiddled with the control platform on his hand and watched the flying bird crooked like a crow.

In the light curtain popping up above the platform, the image seen by the crow's eyes is displayed.

"This thing is really amazing, even this can be done." Lin Dong sighed, and in his mind immediately emerged a hundred ways to take advantage of this thing to make it easier to teach.

As the leader of the Orthodox Church, Lin Dong is quite professional.

It's like the forensic doctor sees people thinking about where to get rid of.

When doctors see people, they always want to see what is wrong with him.

However, I heard that Prince Ren was preparing something better, which was specially designed for missionary work. I don't know what it was.

"Did they come to us?" Xu Jiaojiao worried in her heart, her face naturally showing.

After spending more than a year here, she knew how powerful those aliens were, and she was no longer as optimistic as before.

Lin Dong smiled with a smile on his face: "What is it? What is it not? This battle will be fought sooner or later. Even if the war is here, it will only return to the vacuum hometown in advance."

"Teacher, we believe in Tianzun." Xu Jiaojiao reminded carefully.

Teacher, you are too deep into the play.

"No mother, Tianzun, it's just a different name." Lin Dong didn't care, he looked at the light curtain, watching the light mountains and the mountains below, the earth, passing by.

Large fields, distant villages, are gradually growing.

"If there is such a supreme existence in the world, then no matter how we call it, it will always be it, and it can only be it. So who we believe in, it doesn't matter. Do you still see through?" .

"I only believe in the leader." Xu Jiaojiao felt affection in her eyes, and her eyebrows were much relieved.

"No, I, you, and others, believe only in our own hearts. Each of us believes in what we want to believe in ourselves.

The only difference is how to pack this heart. Someone packaged it as Tianzun because they believed in Tianzun.

Some people package it as a dead mother, so they believe in a dead mother.

Is the me in your heart really me? The brilliance of Lin Dong's body made Xu Jiaojiao almost unable to look directly.

What's more, it's the doubt of one's own wisdom ... It doesn't understand.

Lin Dong didn't explain, carefully watching the picture on the light curtain. At the end of the field of vision, a team was moving in this direction.

"It's only 30 kilometers, this is the limit." Lin Dong sighed softly, now he can only wait.

First, I calculated the approximate distance and the arrival time of the opponent, and then controlled the crow to fly back.

In the evening, Lin Dong once again controlled the crows to fly out.

"His, it's a lot." Even if I had known it for a long time, but seeing the huge team from the screen with my own eyes, Xu Jiaojiao still changed slightly.

Even Lin Dong frowned.

The enemy is not overwhelming, but it is also about 30,000.

The most important thing is that there are equal numbers of various beasts, including tigers and leopards, lions and wolves, and more are creatures that have never been seen before. They are all huge enough to be used as mounts and have quite powerful battles. ability.

There were hundreds of flying beasts flying around in the air, and all of them were riding on the earth.

In particular, five of these monsters have wide heads, fangs in their mouths, long necks, long forelimbs, and mound-shaped hind limbs. Standing 100 meters tall, walking on the ground is like a moving mountain peak, and the sound is amazing.

It took a long time for Lin to grow angry and control the crows to fly back against the ground, so as not to be swallowed by the flying beast in the air as food.


At the two walls, a camp has now been erected.

Goods shipped from Dayao have been able to be transported here continuously, so that the logistics of the Empress and others need not worry anymore.

There were nearly a thousand people in the camp at this time, more than a hundred of them were many masters, and the rest were responsible for transportation and other logistical personnel.

The empress sits in a stone house, which is not delicate, but also much better than in the cave before.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Something went wrong!" A woman walked in quickly, her face pale.

The emperor glanced at her, wondering what news made her so stance.

However, she had another idea in her head: "The strength of the red line is enough, but it lacks experience on the battlefield. If this state fights with foreigners, I am afraid that it will not survive."

"Say, what's the matter."

"Information, there is news from Lin Jiaozhu, the army of the Earthlings is coming to commit crimes." Sweat dripped from the forehead of the red line.

Even if she is ignorant, she has heard about the strength of aliens from other populations before.

Many times before, the encirclement of alien races was bullied by the strong. Hundreds of gods, the Supreme Heavenly Strong, besieged a few alien race masters and many ordinary alien races, but there were often casualties.

Now when I heard that a foreign army came to commit crimes, I was a little panicked.

The empress did not say a word, poured herself a glass of wine, drank it, and then asked, "Where are they? How many people? What strength?"

"Near the graythorn village, northward, 30,000 people of the tyrannosaurus family and 30,000 beasts of varying strengths are expected to arrive here in up to ten days.

If they speed up, I am afraid that a leading man will arrive in five days.

Five of these monsters have at least the strength of Changshengtian, and the others are unknown ... "

The red line quickly poured out the news from Lin Dong.

"Sixty thousand enemies ..." The empress groaned a little. The identity of the other people's earth spirit reminded her of the original mark on her arm, and ordered: "Let Xin Chou, Ju Pu Hua, Li Fu, Ma Hongyu, Jiang Zixie, Xugong Ships are waiting for discussion. "

But for a moment, everyone rushed.

"Sit down." The emperor waited until everyone sat down before speaking. "The leader of Lin Donglin sent back a message that about 30,000 people from the Linglings and 30,000 ferocious beasts appeared near the graythorn village. Everyone is familiar there. A little further north is the place of fire and poison, and their goal is no surprise that we are. "

The emperor's words fell squarely, and everyone was discolored. Some even got up and looked southward subconsciously.

"Hey, no matter how many people he is, **** his mother!" Xin Chou grinned, his face full of sorrow.

Jupuhua showed a white tooth, and the whole body was full of war, exuding bloodthirsty.

Many masters of Da Xia are the opposite, frowning and thinking.

"Although there will be a battle sooner or later, they will come faster than expected." Li Fu frowned.

"We need time," Jiang Zixie said.

However, no one knows how long it will take.

After all, they are too few.

"That's right, we need time." The empress agreed.

Not only do they need time, they also need time to serve eight thousand.

Each of these people is a precious seed ~ ~ not allowed to waste here now.

"Your mission is to increase your strength, then increase your strength, and grow to a point where you can play a role in top-level battles, rather than die in the two walls without growing up."

After speaking, the emperor looked around for a week, categorically saying, "Give up here temporarily and lead them to the 60,000 mountains."

The Sixty Thousand Mountains is extremely vast. As long as it is slightly biased, they can be kept away from the supply route and the area where the ancients are located. In the meantime, various methods will be used to weaken the enemy. When they weaken to a certain extent, they will wipe out again.

Not only can reduce casualties, but also fight for more time.

"In addition, find a chance to catch some liveliness." The Empress thought.

He didn't leave alive before, but Ren Baqian was very interested in the way the earth spirits shared their lives.

If we can figure it out and develop our own technology, it can play a great role in future wars.

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