The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 187: In hand

Several soldiers pointed at Ren Baqian with a gun. Then one came behind and said something to them, and then said something to the intercom. One of the soldiers quickly came to Ren Baqian and poked him with a gun. Seeing that he didn't respond, he gestured back.

Ren Baqian was barely able to keep his body still after being pierced with a muzzle. To tell the truth, pretend to be dizzy is not a simple thing, especially in this case, he ca n’t move and ca n’t look around. I do n’t know how the outside world is doing now. I can only pray that the emperor will come back quickly. Otherwise, if something happens, I will be too wronged.

At this time, five or six guns on the rooftop were pointing at Ren Baqian. Several people were examining those corpses. Others searched around and turned around here.

Two of them have racked up Ren Yaqian and are going to drag them back for questioning.

At this moment, a red figure appeared at a corner carrying a person, and he was shocked when he saw the soldier on the rooftop. Was that right?

She felt a little alarmed at the thought of it.

There was no time to think of anything else, and they appeared directly outside the crowd. The four gun soldiers were struck by a strong force before they responded. At the instant they were hit, their bones shattered, and the internal organs were broken. Before the sound came out, he flew out from the rooftop.

Although the sound of the flesh still made a sound, the firearm also fell to the ground, but before that, several people were shot out.

Although the remaining people found that it was wrong, half of them turned into corpses and flew out when they turned around.

The people downstairs found a human body falling in the air as if half of the dumplings were falling, and suddenly made a terrifying cry.

The person in the hand of the emperor originally saw the soldier's face on the rooftop still showing a surprise look, but after the emperor's ghost-like figure shuttled through the crowd, when the man could see the surroundings in a wave of shaking, the soldier on the rooftop There was no one left, which made him widen his eyes, but his mouth could not be shouted.

"It's late," said the Empress standing with Ren Baqin in her hand, with a hint of guilt and concern in her tone.

Ren Baqian opened his eyes and looked at the Empress, and smiled, "It's not too late.

When he heard a few short panic sounds, he calmed down. When the hands of two people around him suddenly let go, he didn't panic at all, and he was always calm.

In fact, he was really okay. Fortunately, the empress came back quickly. Those people thought about taking themselves back, but they were not okay.

However, he still praised him for his cleverness and wit, and praised him for his hard work.

"Let's change somewhere, it's found here," Ren Baqian said, and the emperor took him and the man he caught quickly away, and came to a quiet corner on the edge of the city in a short time.

The empress put Ren Yaqian down, and the other person who was carrying her hand was almost out of breath. When she let go of her hand, she lay on the ground and kept coughing.

"Well?" Ren Baqian looked at the man's face by the surrounding light, and suddenly remembered something.

Won't it be that person? If it was that person, the empress would have done a great job this time, at least the world should give her a Nobel Peace Prize.

"Zixiao, mobile phone." Ren Baqian said, the emperor took the mobile phone out of the bag and put it in his hand.

Ren Baqian used his flickable fingers to press the button to search, and a photo of a person speaking soon appeared. In contrast to the man in the black robe and black hat with a big beard lying on the ground panting, Ren Baqian laughed.

He didn't know what to say. Was it God's own will or luck? Inexplicably remembering that good fortune and bad fortune come together, isn't that right?

"How did you catch him?" Ren Baqian looked up at the Empress with a smile, with a cheerful voice in her voice.

"I see a lot of people coming out of a house around him."

"If I can move at this time, I will definitely give you a thumbs up. It's great." Ren Baqian said happily.

The empress heard his compliment, and she was not happy at all.

"BGD, right?" Ren Baqian smiled and set his eyes on the man in the black robe.

The man shook his body when he heard the voice. First, he glanced at the empress with a horror. Only in a short time, he had seen the strength of this woman, which was completely beyond human beings.

He wondered if the gods came down and punished them.

"Who are you?" BGD reluctantly calmed his expression in English. But it was just barely calm.

After hearing his question, Ren Baqian asked the empress to turn on the voice translator: "Who are we? You don't care. We only need one thing, Sarin poison gas, do you have it?"

"What are you going to do?"

"It has nothing to do with you, get sarin gas and antidote, let's go. Otherwise, you die. There is no value in leaving the thing in your hand, and you can get it from other sources, I think there is no you Your life is important. "

"And I can say one thing, at least I won't use it on you." Ren Baqian added after thinking about it.

"I don't know who you are, how can I believe you?" BGD's eyes were full of doubt. After a few words, he calmed down a lot. As long as he could talk, there would be a chance. After all, being the head of such an organization is not a person who can be easily scared.

"Although very old-fashioned, but I want to say that you have no choice. To kill you, we can continue to search for her skills. You have seen her. No one can stop her, neither can your army. If you do this, And death has no value. And I am afraid that your ideals will fall into the internal struggle for power because of your death. You should be more clear than me. "

Ren Baqian threatened to seduce, saying that he believed that Shalin poison gas was far less important to his life in the eyes of the other side, and the identity of the other side did not care about where such things went.

"I can promise you, but you must promise not to hurt me." BGD, as Ren Baqin thought, didn't care about the matter of Sarin's poison gas itself.

"Deal. So, where do you put sarin gas?" Ren Baqian laughed.

"In the underground base, this thing is very dangerous, you can go with me." BGD's eyes flashed.

Ren Baqian looked at him and said, word by word, "I think you are lying to us. Maybe you should know what to do if you are not honest."

The next second BGD screamed holding his leg, his calf was broken from the middle position.

"This time is just a kind reminder to keep you from doing stupid things. You must always remember that you have tens of millions of lives. If you lose your life for such a small thing as Sarin gas, then It's not worth it. "

"I know, I know what to do, you don't have to do this, I didn't lie to you," BGD said with pain in his face, sweating.

"I just don't want you to do stupid things. You have to know that you can continue to be your leader securely after we leave, otherwise you can only become a corpse." Ren Baqian repeated again.

In fact, he didn't show so much confidence in his heart. After all, the other party was a person with tens of thousands of troops and many people who were in control of his life. He didn't know the other party and had no experience with the other party.

You can only show fangs to intimidate the other side and make the other side more honest.

The empress then left with her backpack and BGD, Ren Baqian was still hiding in a corner, waiting there quietly.

There were many vehicles moving and people shouting around, and it seemed that a large number of troops were searching in the city.

He knew that it was an inevitable reaction after the disappearance of BGD. His current location should still be relatively safe, and he should not be able to search here in a short time.

Half an hour later, the empress suddenly fell on him. The backpack in her hand was swollen and filled with stuff, while the other hand was carrying a black cloth bag. It looked like the BGD robe tied her head .

"Is this thing?" The empress asked, taking out a black bottle the size of a can.

Looking at the size of the bottle and the degree of bulging of the backpack, at least two or thirty can be loaded, and there are so many in the black cloth bag.

"Try it, you know." Ren Baqian said, he feels that he is becoming more and more indifferent and less and less serious about human life.

After a while ~ ~ A group of soldiers with live ammunition were looking for something on the street, and suddenly a bottle flew from the darkness to their feet.

Everyone immediately raised their guns to search around, shouting loudly in their mouths.

But within a minute, several people who fell on the bottle fell down, covering their necks, with white foam protruding from their mouths.

Within three minutes, everyone fell down.

The distant Emperor Ren Qianqian disappeared into the night after watching this scene.

"That person, alive?"

"Since it is said that he is to be kept alive, naturally he will not go back and forth," said the empress, and she did not bother to do such a thing.

Ren Baqian nodded, and he didn't object to the act of the empress.

The world is so big, can that BGD still find it impossible?

Now let ’s see what happens to the Jiuzhong Pavilion and his party.

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