The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 481: southward

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The following day, Wucheng began to be lively.

First of all, the reinforcements of the Southern Guard House finally arrived.

Five thousand people wiped out almost half of the north. Upon entering Tianjing, this support force directly divided into five teams and attacked simultaneously.

Thanks to the various arrangements before 8000, many cities directly surrendered, reducing many casualties and saving a lot of time. For such a city of direct surrender, this army almost passed through the city without staying, leaving only dozens of people in the city to guard it.

After all, dozens of individual warriors are also considered to be quite capable in ordinary cities.

Even Daxia's elite soldiers need ten times the number of troops to compete, not to mention these defenders with bone knives. I figured out what had happened. As long as there were no masters above the wheel, these soldiers could escape a few.

The masters above the ground wheel, when Ren Baqian returned from Golden Circle Mansion, those flying riders sent out almost wiped out the north, even if there is a master who leaked the net, he is now hiding in the dark and dare not show up easily.

In a few other cities that resolutely resisted, the separate army gathered and stormed. After breaking through the city, the officials in the city were killed from the top down, and the whole city's air was smelling blood.

As for the confusion caused by the absence of officials in the city after they left, they did not bother. How to settle the city is a question that others need to consider. Killing all those who dare to resist is what they should do.

Under such circumstances, it took them forty days to reach Wucheng, which could have been reached in fifteen days, and swept away the scattered resistance forces in the north.

The supporter who led the team was also an acquaintance of Ren Baqian, Red City.

Hong Wu's son, Red Line's father.

Before fighting Daxia in the north and finally besieging the lone army, it was Hongwu who took the reinforcements of the southern capital to the north. Ren Baqian had also met him, but now he has seen him for the second time.

Wucheng is just a small city. After the arrival of more than 4,000 reinforcements, it almost filled the city.

At the same time, the problem is the lack of food in Wucheng. The previous one thousand troops and eight hundred flying riders ate almost all the grain in Wucheng, and even the garrison's grain was looted.

Now that these troops have arrived, Wucheng is completely out of food.

"Your Majesty, there is not enough food in the city. It is enough for three days." Xi Wanya said to the emperor.

"Yichen sees that everyone in the city has to stay for five days, and the rest must be turned in, and they should be able to make up for a week of military rations."

"If it was only from Wucheng, it would force those people to die. The rations of five days can only tighten the stomach for more than ten days. Looking at the crops outside the city, there is at least one month before they can be harvested." Ren Ba Qian shook his head.

"What can I do, Lord Ren?"

"Grain, Wucheng is going to come out. But it can't be only from Wucheng. Each city in the north pays two thousand stones, that is, one hundred cars. Each person is responsible for their losses. Such thirty The city can have 60 days of military rations, and the rebels in the south can be calmed. 60 days is enough, even if it is not enough. "Ren Baqiandao. As long as the land of Sanjiang is taken down, there will be a lot of forage.

One stone in this world is almost one hundred catties, and two thousand stones is 200,000 catties, barely enough for six thousand soldiers and eight hundred flying rides to eat for two days.

The land of Tianjing has more grain and less livestock. This kind of grain, similar to millet, can eat eleven or two kilos a day, and the flying ride costs twenty-five kilos.

These days the smoke in the city has never broken.

It must be said that the powerful fighting power of the ancients was supported by a strong appetite.

Before the war with Daxia, it is not obvious because there are many livestock in the north and they have quite rich meat. After all, ordinary meat can provide five times the energy of grain. Now that the sky has arrived, the problem is fully exposed.

Ren Baqian just wanted to say that the ancients were really a bunch of food.

"In the recent Sifeng, Chen arrived in the second city and arrived in Wucheng in just two days, and the farther Mingcheng and Xinyu were here in less than three days. The grain in these four cities can support eight days. With these times, Grains and grasses can be delivered even farther away from the city. Therefore, the issue of grains and grasses need not be considered. "Ren Baqian nodded.

"The issue of forage and grass was done as described by the governor of the government. In addition, a group of livestock was mobilized from Gucheng. Before the war, they had to be full, otherwise they had no energy."

"Yes!" Xi Wanya replied.

"In addition, we have stayed here too long and should move south. Now those rebels are shrinking and gathering in the Sanjiang Basin. They should be relying on Wangjiangkou and Dulongling, two dangerous places, and hope to rely on dangerous places. Come against the army of the court.

The six cities of Lingdong, Jiangbei, Liugou, Jinsha, Pingjiang, and Han'an between Sanjiang Basin and Wucheng were abandoned by them. Just the day before, the defenders of the six cities have been withdrawn. It is presumed that the people in these six cities are in a state of chaos and misery. They are looking forward to the army of the imperial court. These abandoned people.

Now that the time is almost up, Yichen said that he would win the six cities first and face the rebels in Sanjiang Land across two dangerous barriers, which would also increase some pressure on them. Ren Baqian said that the withdrawal of the defenders in the six cities was heard from the mouths of the warriors who had rushed to Wucheng in the past two days.

I have to say that these rivers and lakes warriors are really quite useful sometimes. Ren Baqian is thinking about using these rivers and lakes warriors to form Tanma camp.

It can be used both in the skyscape and in the face of several other countries.

Xi Wanya scratched his head, looking forward? Where do you see the governor?

Why did I see them afraid to die?

"Master Ren ~ ~ came out again!" Xi Wanya pointed to the tip of the gun and iron cable on Ren Baqian's head and said subconsciously.

"It's okay, little kid, everything is fresh and can't wait. It will be fine after a while." Ren Baqian didn't care.

Divine soldiers will be born after the death of the master, and the consciousness just born is just like a baby. It ’s normal to see everything fresh and active. Keeping kittens and puppies is still sniffing everywhere.

It ’s just a long time, is n’t the iron cable rarely coming out now?

Xi Wanya fixedly watched the iron cable on Ren Baqian's head wrapped around the tip of his gun, and looked like a whip ...

After some discussion, Xi Wanya sent people to notify the cities to prepare forage. Ren Baqian brought Zuo Cheng and sent him to start with 2,000 troops to suppress those who had lost all officials and defenders. Riots in the city, while doing soothing work.

After all, the reputation of the Lingshan School is quite good in this area.

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