The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 516: 6 doors

General Wu is actually a bird.

A kind of black body with a long bird on its head.

This bird is generally between three meters and four meters in height. It is lightning fast and extremely powerful. Its feathers are like steel and its claws can tear metal.

If you want to talk about the shortcomings, it is because General Wu can only run and jump on the ground like a mountain bird because of his weight.

It is said that the number of such alien beasts is not large, and the strength is generally in the ground wheel, and rarely reaches the level of the **** wheel.

However, the one that the emperor met on the mountain was more rare than the ordinary **** wheel, which is relatively rare. Especially faster, holding the giant snake, even the emperor could not catch up.

Ren Baqian listened to the female emperor in a few words and said the above things again, with some surprises. In his mind, he directly filled the brain of the general Wu into a black bird.

Which of these strange beasts emerged from this heavenly landscape? When I was in Wushan before, the masters of Tianjing Land almost came out of the nest. I did not expect that three people were not human at this time.

"That's not a giant snake, it's an iron head of Mangshan!" Lin Qiaole carefully corrected the words of the empress.

"You know?" Ren Baqian was even more surprised.

To say that Lin Qiaole was full and awake was a true description, not a description.

And since I was picked up, I was in the palace. Except for going out a few times with myself, I haven't touched the outside world, and I would know that this strange beast is really surprising.

"Why the Mangshan Iron Head? Because the head is more iron?" Ren Baqian found the name very interesting.

"It's the name anyway, and my head is hard, and it looks annoying." Lin Qiaole muttered. As for more, she was not impressed.

Just seeing the giant snake, such a name naturally appeared in her mind.

"Bake for a while while baking, sprinkle some wine, or it's sour!" Lin Qiaole thought about it and added another.

Ren Baqian put the snake meat aside, and let people find Zuo Cheng and Qing Yunjian.

"Have seen His Majesty the Emperor!" The two hugged their fists at the female emperor, and nodded towards Ren Yaqian: "Master, are you looking for us?"

"What happened to the mountainside just now, do you know?" Ren Baqian asked.

"There are masters fighting!" As they spoke, they turned their eyes to the Empress.

"Do you know General Wu, Mangshan Iron Head and a red-brown hairy monkey?" Ren Baqian asked. "Fangcaixi Dudu and others encountered these three strange beasts on the mountain. Their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary magic wheel masters, even if they are in the heavenly scene, will they remain unknown?"

"Are there such things?" The two were shocked too, and there was such a strange beast in the heavenly landscape?

"Excuse Lord Ren to elaborate!"

Ren Baqian described the three strange beasts heard from the empress' mouth, and thoughtful expressions appeared on their faces.

"What did the two think of?" Ren Baqian asked the expressions of the two of them immediately, and the Empress also focused on this, and wanted to hear how they said.

"That giant snake ..."

"Not a giant snake, but an iron head of Mangshan!" Lin Qiaole hummed and corrected.

"Oh, that mangshan iron head should be the strange beast enshrined by the six gates. As for the other two, I have never heard of it, I'm afraid that it is also inseparable from the six gates." Qingyun Jian Shen said.

"What is the origin of the Sixth Gate?" Ren Baqian was the first to hear about this martial art.

"This door is not a master or a master, and has always been in a remote place in the south. It has rarely dealt with outsiders. It is only rumored that the ancestor of the door once received a strange snake. After the death of six ancestors, it has been Served in the door.

Although these six gates are not outstanding in masters and exercises, they are extremely good at communicating with the beasts. Said to be six, in fact it should be six beasts.

If anyone in this gate was taken care of before, they were elephant soldiers, monkey soldiers, and bug soldiers. Although not strong, it is extremely difficult. In particular, the bug soldiers are mostly poisonous insects, and the middle ones stand.

At the beginning, Yunandu wanted to write down these six doors, but was rejected. "

"Did your Majesty see a person wearing a bright feather crown on the mountainside?" Zuo Cheng also asked.

The empress was silent, as if not heard.

Ren Baqian knew by looking at her expression. Don't think about it, it must be someone who didn't care about the mountain again.

Otherwise, I can't forget the memory of the empress ... well, I can't edit it.

"Did you see?" Ren Baqian asked Lin Qiaole.

"I saw that mangshan iron head," Lin Qiaole muttered, and then yawned, "I'll sleep for a while, and call me when the meat is roasted."

Talking to find a tent and went in to sleep.

Although Lin Qiaole and the Empress did not see the man with a bright feather crown mentioned by Zuo Cheng, Ren Baqian still felt that these strange beasts could not be separated from the six doors.

Monkey soldiers, red-brown hairy monkeys, and that mangshan iron head, there should be no second possibility.

"Where is this martial art? How many people? What else do the two people know?"

"The martial arts are near the wall of the Manzhang in the southwest. I do n’t know much about it. I only know that this martial art is extremely low-key and never communicates with outsiders. But the old man heard it. They have rumors of sacrificial birth ~ ~ I once thought about going to kill the people, but later gave up for various reasons.

The sacrifice of the living is to feed the beast with a living person, especially the giant snake! How many lives have been swallowed for so many years. "Qing Yun Jiandao.

Ren Baqian thought that thanks to him he didn't go. If he did, he might have fed the snake directly. After all, it can be heard from the words of the empress and Lin Qiaole that these strange beasts are not bad. Call one casually, Qingyun Jian is not an opponent.

"Not a giant snake, but an iron head of Mangshan!" Shouted Lin Qiaole from the tent with hazy eyes.

"I see!" Ren Baqian waved his hand.

"Thank you both for telling me!" Ren Baqian arched hands towards the two.

"Anyway, goodbye." The two left after fisting.

When the two went away, the emperor said, "You can still use these people for some useful purpose."

Although she said it in an indifferent tone, Ren Baqian could hear a little recognition in the emperor's words.

Although only a little recognition, this is already a good progress.

After the emperor went up the mountain, many masters fought, and the warriors and soldiers on the mountain ran away from the other side. No one stopped here on the mountain wall, Feiqi climbed up the mountain wall, was looking around the mountainside, and lifted down the rolling wood and boulders prepared on the mountain.

The road is only four meters wide, as long as it is slightly stronger, it can be lifted directly to the outside of the road, but there is no need to worry about the road being damaged.

Ren Baqian also sent Baihu of Duwei Mansion to the mountainside to investigate.

In the evening, most of the flying riders retreated, leaving only a small part of the hundred households with the Duwei Mansion to stay behind on the mountainside.

There you can see the whole area at a glance, and you don't have to worry about someone sneaking in.

Recommended reading: New Book of Celestial Potatoes, Yuan Zun, New Book of Feline Gods, Road to Heaven

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