The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 532: Recent findings from the Institute

"Oh? They came back halfway after they came out?" Ren Baqian groaned as he looked at the contents of the paper in front of him: "How did you get the news?"

On this piece of paper is the movement of a leader of the rebels, Tie Ziyu, the son of the former NATO leader. When the ancients attacked Xue Yangcheng that night, they set off overnight, and then returned halfway the next day. It seems to be the news that Xue Yangcheng broke.

"He was the one who was sent to persuade the rebels before. The situation was fine at first. Later, as the news of the surrender spread, the rebels began to hunt. Some of them were beheaded and others escaped. Lurking, this person was lurking in time, just contacted. "Zuo Leng Shen said.

"What about people?" Ren Baqian asked.

"People didn't return. This person is now a captain under the Iron Tie. This time the army crossed the river. Many people who had been hidden came to Xue Yangcheng in these two days. The news this time was that he passed other Bring it back. "

"Those who he persuaded but didn't surrender, didn't recognize him? Did he hide his identity by some means?" Ren Baqian was puzzled first, then stunned.

"Yes, he had appeared in front of people with fake faces for decades before. This time, he also used the fake faces before the surrender. When he noticed something wrong, he immediately changed his identity. I also just learned this. Things. "Zuo Chengdao, something incredible in his words. This person was not an unknown person before. He had been wearing a fake face for decades but was not noticed at all. If it wasn't for this time, I'm afraid nobody would notice it, which is really amazing.

"It's a personal talent! What's his name?" Ren Baqian was slightly pleased. Such a person can play a big role. Ren Baqian immediately thought about letting this person train spies and the like in the future.

"My lord, his name is Tiger City! Feng Ping Sword Tiger City, strength is the upper level of the human round." Zuo Leng replied.

"Is there any way to contact him?" Ren Baqian asked. Although the strength is not high, the most important thing for this person is not force.

"He left a way to contact, just need to put the message somewhere on time, and he would naturally let someone pick it up." Zuo Leng said.

"Well-let him pass back important news from Tie Ziyu, don't reveal his identity because of some irrelevant news. If you find that the situation is wrong, get out in time, you can send someone to answer him if necessary." Road.

"As for those who come back, I'll see you in the afternoon. Have you found the location of Duwei Mansion?"

"Sir, find a suitable house, and the host has moved elsewhere."

"Well." Ren Baqin nodded and asked, "How are the three scholars from Daxia doing?"

"Very good. Some useful information can be inferred from some intelligence."

A little understanding of the situation of any eight thousand let Zuo Leng back down.

In the afternoon, I saw those soldiers who had successfully escaped the calamity in the south, and they were all absorbed into the Duhufu.

After all, in that case, he either had good hidden ability or good escape ability, or was careful enough and careful enough, whichever he needed.

In the evening, Ren Yaqian returned to the earth. He was busy with various things in Dayao, and finally he could rest after returning to earth.

It is a pity that in Congo, a place where black dudes are everywhere, they have no heart to want entertainment.

Just turned on the phone, I saw a series of messages from Yang Sen. According to what he said, he checked the Internet and found that a lot of things have happened in China recently. The biggest thing is that several big tigers have fallen off the horse.

And that's what Jansen wants to say.

It looks like this is an explanation for myself.

Seeing the slightly familiar names and their identities above, Ren Baqian finally exhaled comfortably. Fortunately, he did not use some small shrimp paste to fool himself.

Whether or not there are others, at least these are enough for now.

It's enough to deter others.

I must be able to settle down for a while.

After spending two more days in the Congo, Ren Baqian got on a big arms dealer. It is said that there is a good way. Some things that are not easy to get can be obtained if they are willing to pay a large price. For example-2000 tons of equivalent tactical nuclear artillery shells.

A 14,000-ton-equivalent atomic bomb bombed by the US military that year caused 200,000 casualties, and the number of deaths that day was 80,000.

A 2,000-ton-equivalent tactical nuclear cannonball is good enough to destroy an army of tens of thousands.

This power can already be called a military weapon.

More valuable is the deterrence of such weapons.

Once used, a nuclear warhead smashed over and everyone had to kneel.

It is a pity that this is only said that when the two sides are not familiar with each other, the other party naturally denies it.

Ren Baqian left the contact information of the arms traffickers. He planned to have a chance to find out later. If he could get one or two from each other, he would definitely give one to Xia Baiworm.

After finishing this matter, Ren Baqian finally got on the return flight.

When he stepped on the plane, many people in the distance were relieved.

Many people are afraid that he will put on some flamboyant cheap goods outside, and then they will be in trouble.

Ren Baqian got off the plane and rushed directly to the m87 department. A research result sent by Yang Sen's text message made him very interested.

The two sides met, treating what happened in the past month as different.

"You said you found the meridian?" Ren Baqian asked first, and the progress in this research made him extremely concerned.

"Yes, sit down and talk first." Jansen asked, "Drink tea?"

After brewing two cups of tea, Yang Sen said: "It was indeed found, called 'interstitial'. In fact, this was first discovered abroad. This is an extremely tiny, fluid-filled network of channels that penetrates connective tissue. It exists in Under the human epidermis, it is responsible for circulating the water in the human body, just like the 'highway of flowing liquid' in the human body.

Interstitial is called an organ, although it was first discovered abroad, but due to time, there has been little research on interstitial.

Recently, our researchers have made a new discovery through some masters who have reached the ‘human wheel’ and the corpses you provided.

After the warriors reach the level of 'human round' ~ ~ the essence and blood in the body will be transformed into qi, and this qi flows in the body at all times, and the channel through which they circulate is what was said before quality'.

This is the so-called meridian. "

Yang Sen finished slowly, and Ren Baqian immediately gave a thumbs up: "Great discovery."

"And with this discovery, we have optimized the martial arts methods of the past and are now more suitable for martial arts in the global environment."

"I want a copy." Ren Baqian laughed. The research has finally achieved results, and it is indeed a happy thing. Now I finally see some rewards.

This optimized method can be assured to parents and Ren Wannian.

"We need more exercises, and the more comprehensive the information base, the more things we can study." Yang Sen said.

"Yes, I just got a batch recently, which is better than what you got before." Ren Baqian.

"You really don't see rabbits and eagles!" Yang Sen couldn't help it.

"Do n’t say that, you always want me to see something in return. After all, compared to what I have brought out, you have paid very little. And this batch of things has just been obtained and you know me Recently fighting, I just copied a large number of martial arts homes. "Ren Baqian laughed.

"Oh?" Yang Sen suddenly showed a very interested expression.

"Not much to say, anyway, I do have a batch of cheats, I will pick out some for you." Ren Baqian waved his hand, and did not want to say too much about Dayao.

"We need the master's body too. The samples are still too few," Yang Sen said immediately.

"If suitable." Ren Yaqian nodded, and the warriors in the rebels could bring the body back.

Recommended reading: New Book of Celestial Potatoes, Yuan Zun, New Book of Feline Gods, Road to Heaven

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