The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 648: Lancheng Daily (Part 2)

"You guys look at this thing, why are they all messy things?" The Empress picked up a newspaper from the couch, folded it into a paper airplane in his hands, and learned from Ren Baqian.

Then the Emperor's hand lifted up, the plane first flew high, and then slanted down. It was picked up by Ren Baqian and sniffed in front of the nose. In addition to the incense, there was the aroma of the Emperor.

"After all, it is Lancheng Daily. The students in the school do not do the Dayao Daily. Writing more lace news can also arouse the interest of the people. Unfortunately, there are too few literate people, and Chen plans to post the daily newspaper on the street. Find a few people at the alley to read, so that even if the people are illiterate, they know what is written on it. "

Ren Baqian went to the emperor's couch and put down the newspaper. Then she picked up a fruit and a knife from the small table, and quickly turned it a few times in her hand, and the peel of the fruit fell off in circles.

Ren Baqian took a look at it from all angles, nodded and expressed satisfaction. The cut was just right, no more than one point, no less than one point. An increase of one point is too thick, and a decrease of one point is too thin. Cut it off, and his knife skills have improved again.

In the future, you can get a name like Fengyun No.1 Sword, which is much better than the smelly emperor.

"Your Majesty!" Ren Baqian handed the fruit to the Empress, and the Empress also admired: "You have better control than before."

"Where, it is far worse than His Majesty. His Majesty's ability to control himself when drawing a circle is beyond reach. Although it seems to draw only a circle, I can see the whole picture at a glance." Ren Baqian said quickly.

Businesses have to communicate with each other, otherwise who will play with you?

Then waited with anticipation for the Empress to continue to praise.

"It's really good! I probably did this when I was five!" The empress praised with a circle of fruit in her hands.

Ren Baqian: emmmm

The emperor squinted at the expression on Ren Baqian's face, and her eyes were bent, with a smile in her eyes. Put a finger on the fruit, and the fruit immediately broke into eight small pieces. As soon as the emperor's finger bounced, one of them flew into Ren Bian's mouth.

"Sit down," said the Empress casually.

Ren Baqian pulled the chair over to sit on the couch, dragged the empress's hand against his palm, and the temperature passed to each other in the palms of the two.

Although this is not the first time to hold the Empress's hand, every time I feel that the Empress's hand is delicate and soft, as if I can touch her heart.

You can feel the strong heartbeat of the Empress through the palm of your hand.

"Chen can feel His Majesty's heartbeat, and His Majesty can also feel Chen's. This is the heart-to-heart bonding!" Ren Baqian laughed.

Then both of them calmed down and felt each other's heartbeat, both of them accelerated a little, and the temperature around them also increased.

"Chen wants to taste the taste of His Majesty Lip Balm!" Ren Baqian leaned forward, moving her face close to the emperor's face.

The next second a tube-like object quickly shoved into Ren Qian's mouth. The empress's eyes crooked into a crescent: "Your lip balm is in your mouth, you can eat it all!"

Ren Baqian narrowed his eyes and took out the lip balm from his mouth. Then he took one mouthful, two mouthfuls, and ate directly.

"It tastes good!" Ren Baqian sighed. "There isn't enough of it."

Then he put another lip balm into his mouth.

As soon as the empress reached out, ten more lip balms were put between her fingers: "Last time you bought fifty for you!"

"Forget it, Chen is almost full!" Ren Baqian sat back.

The emperor looked at Ren Baqian, as if there was something in her eyes, and then the swift probe touched Ren Baqian's lips with a touch of water, and the touch was soft and soft.

"The lipstick on the lower lip is much sweeter than this." Ren Baqian held the empty tube of lipstick in his hand.

"Why didn't you know?" The empress looked at him with a smile.

"Chen is known as honest and lovely Xiaolangjun. He never made a fool of his life. Now Chen's mouth is also stained with lipstick. His majesty can taste it ..." Ren Baqian approached the emperor and kissed her gently. Together, the heat from the nose blew on the other's face.

After a few seconds, Ren Baqian quickly licked the emperor's lips, then withdrew his head as quickly as possible and laughed: "It's so sweet!"

The empress hummed slightly, her face blushing, but she didn't get upset, and changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"The candy on the tree is gone!"

Ren Baqian turned his head to look at the tree. Not only the candy was consumed, but even the branches were gone ... Only a bare trunk was still standing there.


"Lancheng Daily, the newly-launched Lancheng Daily, the great secret is about to be unveiled, the grudges and hatred of Shang Shu and Shu Bing!"

"Why is the Lancheng Daily, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War's Ministry of War and the Ministry of War's Shangshu as powerful as water? This issue of Lancheng Daily officially reveals the secrets for everyone!"

Hearing the news from the wall, Zhang Junzheng sent a few people to buy a few copies back.

Newspapers are not new to Zhang Junzheng, they are actually there in the country.

However, Izumi's country is mainly issued by the court and sent to the main cities of various cities. Among them, there are some major events in the transfer of Izumi and Chinese officials, and ordinary people can't see it at all.

However, this Lancheng Daily is completely different. It is mainly for the people. In addition to some major events, it is more lace news of many Korean and Chinese officials.

Zhang Junzheng thinks that the Lancheng Daily that just appeared is actually a mixed bag.

The advantage is that ordinary people feel a lot more cordial to North Korean and Chinese officials, and feel that those officials still do such things.

At the same time, many less-known officials have entered the eyes of the people.

The disadvantage is that the officials in the North and Central China are much less dignified.

I don't know what the owner of the Zizhu House thought about this thing.

After a while, Zhang Junzheng took the Lancheng Daily to study it carefully. The first page was the Izumo battle report. This issue of the Lancheng Daily was three days after the previous issue, and Izumo lost it in these three days Four cities.

Zhang Junzheng estimated that this was actually three to six days ago, because from Izumo to Lancheng, it would take at least three days even if the message was transferred by migrating birds.

However, hearing Izumo lost ground one after another, as if there was no power to fight back, he felt a rush of joy.

He has also thought about it recently, and it seems that Da Yao's goal this time is not to grab and leave as once everyone thinks.

If you rob and leave once, now Da Yao's goal should have been achieved, and the city that it lays down accounts for a quarter of Izumo. These cities are enough to plunder.

There is no need to send those spies into the cities to spy on the news.

Zhang Junzheng always felt that Da Yao's goal this time was to occupy the entire territory of Izumo.

Will Izumo wipe out the country this time?

Although the Zhang family was almost kicked out ~ ~ can think of their homeland falling, Zhang Junzheng still feels some sadness.

And are there any officials from Dayao sent to Izumo?

If it's not done well, I'm afraid Izumo will turn into a quagmire, absorbing the energy and troops of Dayao.

Zhang Junzheng got a little bit out of his mind, and then turned back after a while. The biggest part behind him was the sorrow and hatred of Shang Shu Tong Zhenye and Bing Shang Shang Qin.

After watching it, Zhang Junzheng almost sprayed out old blood.

Not only him, other people also felt like they wanted to vomit blood after reading the newspaper.

Everyone knows that Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan are in the same situation. Fighting in the blue building is a matter of three days and two ends, and there are no fewer fights in the chapel.

Even if they were eventually beaten by the emperor, the two would rather be beaten than let go of each other, rather they would end up with each other.

Many people are curious as to why they have such a big hatred, but no one thought it was such a showy operation!

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