The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 688: problem lies in

Anyway, everything has to go to the 60,000 Dashan to see Yinquan before it can be decided.

Whatever the empress does, let her go.

Anyway, Ren Baqian was so stubborn that he would practice in the Yinyin Spring of the 60,000 Dashan Mountain.

In the next few days, Ren Baqin devoted himself to training, in addition to taking classes at the university.

After this breakthrough, the body has changed a lot. There has been a great increase in strength and speed. If you do n’t practice, you ca n’t control your body at all.

It's like a child holding a 100-pound sword.

The killing power of the knife is great, but if you can't master it, it won't be of any use.

This is the case with Ren Baqian.

After practicing for three days, Ren Baqian felt that he had better control over himself, so the emperor called Tonglan to the palace to practice with him once.

For the request of Ren Baqian, the Empress was a little surprised. This was the first time that he had taken the initiative to find Tonglan to practice without being forced, which is really rare.

"It's rare! It's nothing like you!" The Empress admitted frankly.

"Your Majesty despise people!" Ren Baqian laughed. "After all, in high-intensity confrontation, we can get the fastest improvement."

"And I sometimes think of myself when I woke up and went hungry and mad, I met two guards on the way to Yu Shan Chu, and my movements could be avoided easily. However, when I woke up again, the feeling didn't It ’s impossible to control the body. "

"What do you think?" The Empress asked, looking at him.

Ren Baqian pondered for a moment: "Probably I am the kind who is strong but strong? Only under pressure can my small universe erupt? Originally this talent was covered up, but this time I broke through the chakra and awakened.

The empress looked at him, she was shocked by Ren Baqian's words.

After a moment, the empress said, "I probably know what happened to you."

"Yes, Your Majesty, something that even the ministers couldn't detect, so soon!" Ren Baqian was pleased to hear the words of the Empress.

He has hidden his talent for many years, and finally it is about to erupt.

"I did notice." The Empress nodded.

Really noticed! You have swelled! How dare he take the initiative to find Tonglan! There is still a little universe out there!

In the afternoon, Ren Baqian was standing on the court wearing Li Ning's shorts. Opposite the little loli Tonglan in white clothes looked at him with a bad look on his face.

The empress was sitting on a chair eating fruits and watching the anime. Behind them were the green kite and the red cricket, who were holding umbrellas, and after making an ice basin, they used a fan to blow cold wind on the emperor.

Ren Baqian felt a little excited. After being beaten for so long, he finally showed his strength.

With his speed far beyond ordinary people, Ren Baqian felt that he was very hopeful to win this time! Will definitely surprise Little Loli! You can also increase your control over yourself by playing against her.

It's really good for many things!

"I'll put a BGM first!" Ren Baqian turned around and chose it on the laptop, and the impression of the external device immediately released exciting music.

Then Ren Baqian found that Xiao Loli was even more excited than herself when listening to this epic electronic sound, and her head was a little bit!

"You can relax! I have never won anyway!" Ren Baqian said.

Little Loli glanced at him: "I'm not nervous!"

"Do you know what a big problem the ground wheel has when I broke through to the ground wheel?" Ren Baqin asked. "There are not only earth warriors, but also heavenly warriors."

"What is it?" Tonglan immediately caught his attention.

Although she did not always look good at Ren Baqian, she still admired Ren Baqian's knowledge.

Even the empress looked up.

"It's ... much more powerful than the human round martial arts!" Ren Baqian suddenly exploded, striding over a dozen meters in one step, and went straight to the Tonglanmen Gate.

Tonglan stretched out her palm for a block, but Ren Baqian turned over in the air, and her other foot went directly to Tonglan's jaw from the bottom up.

Ren Baqian's instep collided with Tonglan's palm, making a bang.

Then Ren Baqian was kicked out by Tonglan.

Ren Baqian turned to the sidelines and fell heavily to the ground. When he rolled over, he climbed up, his face relaxed.

Only the Tonglan's foot he could detect, but his body's speed could not keep up with the brain's reaction speed.

The last time I met a guard on the way to Yushanfang on rainy night, I was the same. The brain's reaction speed is much faster than the body's reaction speed. The brain has already noticed it and knows how to hide it, but it can't hide at all, and the body cannot keep up.

This feeling always made him feel uncomfortable, as if the brain's command of the body was delayed.

This situation is difficult to detect in your own practice, but it is very obvious in the battle.

The next test also made him confirm this.

Many times I can clearly detect the movements, but he can't avoid them!

After being beaten out by Tonglan for dozens of times, Ren Baqian felt that his body was about to fall apart, and he stopped today's practice.

"Anyway, my progress is still great!" Ren Baqian was lying on the ground panting heavily.

Tonglan looked at him and raised his face to look at the sky: "Progress? You think too much, nothing, no existence!"

Ren Baqian immediately made up his mind and will double his work tomorrow!

Listening to the BGM from the sidelines, Ren Baqian sighed, and sure enough, he never won in his BGM!

After Tonglan left, Ren Baqian's feeling was described to the Empress.

The empress frowned and thought for a long time, then with a little doubt: "Normally, this situation will not happen to you. But it is difficult to recover the strength within a month after burning the essence of blood. The feeling at that time is like what you said Something like. "

"A normal person's body and spirit are relatively equal, and to what extent the body will have what level of spirit, this is the same for every method. And the situation you said, it feels like the spirit has surpassed For example, when you were in the human wheel, the physical value was 5 and the spirit value was 5. After reaching the ground wheel, the normal physical value is 20 and the spiritual value is 20.

And your physical value is 20, but the soul value has reached 50, which is completely incompatible with the physical body. That's why this happens.

It's like 10 people in a 6-seater.

Just like 朕, for example, 朕 's soul value is 100, and the physical value is also 100. When 朕 burns the essence and blood ~ ~ the physical value drops to 30, and the spiritual value is still 100. At this time, the command body Involuntary situation. "

Ren Baqian frowned. The empress said that he could easily understand it.

Simply put, it is an Alto equipped with a racing engine.

The engine of the car is naturally very good, but if it is installed on the Alto, it cannot be fully used, and various problems will occur.

"As for the reason, I guess it may be the influence of the" Ruyi View "you cultivated.

According to your description, when practicing this set of exercises, it will indeed affect the spirits.

I still remember the volume of the Wanfa Scroll that you later obtained. After you have practiced "Ruyi View", you can start practicing after entering the chakra.

If you have n’t practiced the “Ruyi View,” you ca n’t practice until at least the chakra.

This is probably the reason. "

After listening to the Empress, Ren Baqian felt that Bacheng was so.

If you think about it, Ren Baqian suddenly thought of something. If this set of exercises is so that the spirit and soul greatly surpass the flesh, then the fighting method should also be different from ordinary exercises.

Should there be a special way to use the spirit? Wan Fa ... Wan Fa ... No wonder it is called Wan Fa!

I'm afraid mystery is here!

In other words, I have to find a way to find the next volume.

Otherwise, you will become a master who has no skill at level 60?

Is n’t he just a dharma who knocks on someone with a stick?

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