The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 690: Luck is important

Unconsciously, Zizhu Academy has added a circle of street lamps, and the beams in classrooms and libraries have also been hung with electric lights.

The backyard of Zizhu Academy was expanded, and in the distance there was an extra yard that smoked all day.

The yard is the most important and special equipment of Zizhu Academy at present, the thermal power generator!

Naturally, it goes without saying that energy has promoted technology too much.

The peculiarity is that after the building of this thing, the smoke is sprayed for 24 hours, and the school will drop a layer of ash every day. Before that, the ground in the school was not dusty.

Fortunately, this thing is only temporarily used for testing and improvement.

Ren Baqian plans to build a power station outside the city to supply power to Lancheng. At least it needs to be powered on, and Ren Baqian also has a plan to put some LED displays on the streets in Lancheng and play some videos that teach characters.

He hopes to use this method to increase the literacy rate of the ancient people.

At least some interested people can learn this way.

When there are more literate people, there will be more audiences in future newspapers and books.

He is still unable to popularize education throughout Dayao, but he hopes to cultivate more talents through this method.

The premise of all this is that first of all, a stable power supply must be available. You ca n’t always point yourself to bring solar panels and batteries from the earth, right?

Energy is the foundation of modern society.

This is a top priority in Ren Baqian's heart, and Ren Baqin really made a lot of preparations for this.

In view of the world's copper price, Ren Baqian is ready to use steel core aluminum stranded wire.

Then a very serious problem lay ahead ... No aluminum ore was found in Dayao!

Then Ren Baqian took out the map and looked around. In the end, he focused on the country on the east side of the map.

Wealth, population, resources, salt, copper, iron, aluminum ... all are counting on you!

I have to say that sometimes it is really comfortable to have a good neighbor.

Ren Baqian has always felt that there are so many people in Ninety's family. He has prepared a good day of vinegar and garlic, prepared fine tableware, wrapped a napkin, and waited to go to the neighbour's neighbour ’s house to borrow crabs. came back.

Before that, I have more important things to do.

That is, as the emperor went to the Sixty Thousand Mountains, that one always existed only in the words of others. I do n’t know how big the range is, there are countless geniuses and treasures, and countless ancient people and fierce beasts are fighting for the space for survival.

A place where you can feel the wildness just by listening to the name.

Gongzhong has been preparing for this trip for several days.

After all, this time, the journey is long. Even if we go all the way, it will take more than two months to go back and forth.

If you want to enter the depths of the 60,000 Mountains, it will take longer, and you must prepare more things.

The accompanying guard is flying rider. It is said that there are plans to supplement the number of flying riders this time to the 60,000 Dashan.

Today, there are only over 600 people on Feiqi, not even half of them.

As for the personnel, in addition to the Empress and Ren Baqian, they were Qingyi Hongyu, Lin Qiaole, and everyone who brought the Yushan chef.

As for the students in the university, most of them will stay in the university to continue to complete the transformation of trains and fire engines.

Ren Baqian decided to take five of the best students in the exam.

Upon hearing this news, many students in the university lamented. After all, the Sixty Thousand Mountains, for them, only exists in the legend, they have never been to it, and they are very attractive to them.

And it's much more fun to follow the 60,000 Dashan to see the world than to listen to robot lectures and experiments at the university.

I didn't expect that only five people could go, and they had to come based on the test results.

Most people know that it has nothing to do with themselves.

I am afraid that only the few who learn best have the opportunity.

The first student in the school was a girl named Shi Yu, followed by Shi Gan, Xu Jianshan, and Ge Lie.

These are all steadily entering the top five.

After that, Xu Peng, Tong Lan, and Xiong Zhi competed for fifth place.

There is no hope for others.

"Don't worry too much. This test is very simple. There are only ten questions in total, of which five are multiple choice questions and five are judgements! Everyone has a chance." Ren Baqian saw the sorrows of many students and smiled. Road.

That being said, most people still don't have the slightest feeling in their hearts, so they just have to take their fate.

After a few lessons, Shi Yu, Shi Gan, and Xu Jianshan were surrounded.

The tone of the people was full of envy, envy and hatred.

"You guys will definitely be able to go after picking up the guys! Not only will you be able to meet the world, you will also be able to show your face in front of you."

"Thinking more about it? Where did you show your face? That is to see the world!" Shi Gan chuckled.

"If there are too many questions, it's hard to say, but for ten questions, everyone has a chance. You can get up with a little luck." Xu Jianshan was quite honest.

"It's light!" Muttered everyone. Where's the luck?

Then the next day, the moment everyone saw the paper, they were all dumbfounded.

A group of people turned around and looked at Xu Jianshan.

You're right!

Even Xu Jianshan was aggressive.

Although there are opportunities, but the results are similar, only one or two questions will not, maybe you can get it. If ten questions would be one or two, all pointing to blindness, how much luck would it be?

But today this paper is simply breaking his imagination.

It really depends on luck!

One: Who is the darkest among the people below!

1: Liu Dehua; 2: Sun Honglei; 3; Guo Fucheng; 4: *

2: What was today like a year ago!

1: cloudy day; 2: rain; 3: windy; 4: rainy and windy on cloudy day

Three: Luck is important!

1: click me; 2: click me; 3: click me; 4: click me


Looking through the papers, everyone was circled.

This thing is different from what they learned!

Who are those four people?

Who knows the weather today a year ago?

The third question is straightforward, luck is very important! Even the answer is the same, completely rely on blindness!

The latter is not much worse.

After reading the entire paper, everyone couldn't calm down, one by one, looking up at Ren Baqian with a spirit.

"Don't look at me, answer the question." Ren Baqian said.

"What's all this?" Everyone was a little entangled.

"Use your wisdom and imagination! I believe in you!" Ren Baqian laughed.

The crowd looked helpless, and then closed their eyes to complete the questions. It took no more than ten minutes to submit the papers.

"I know you are wondering why the test papers are like this, and they are completely different from what you have learned!" Waiting for all the papers to be accepted for 8000.

"I want to tell you ~ ~ Like the second question, luck is very important! Many people have no choice but to rely on luck!

So in order to avoid falling into this situation, you should try to master as much as possible, so as not to fall into this kind of luck.

In fact, eight of these questions have real answers, and the answers are in those books in the library.

As for the two, it's really luck!

Some people did the same experiment ten thousand times before getting the results.

Some people get results for the first time.

Admittedly, this is the role of luck! "

In addition, luck has more functions, such as allowing you to survive in various situations. For example, you can always find the most important things! Luck is too much!

Actually Ren Baqian was trying this time.

In the past two days, when he was thinking about how to search for the "Manga Scrolls", he suddenly remembered the Pichi red that he had seen in Liucui Mountain. After seeing it, various things really happened, and many people died. However, He was always safe and sound.

He was convinced that luck, although invisible and intangible, existed.

So he wanted to see if he could choose such a lucky person and see if there were any opportunities in the 60,000 mountains.

If it is useful, then you really have to choose a few lucky people.

Go find yourself the second volume of the "Manga Scrolls".

Ren Baqian looked at the aggressive expressions of many students, turned the scrolls on his hands with a smile, and then stopped on a certain one. The smile on his face gradually stagnated.

All 10 questions are right! Nothing wrong!

And the name above ... Du Lao Liu!

Ren Baqian wondered, was Du Lao's little daughter-in-law, Wang Fu?

I didn't think he was so lucky before!

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