The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 694: Mess in the wind

There are two types of pyridoxine.

One is Pycnidium, and the other is Pycnidium.

The former is gray and unlucky when you see it. The latter is red, and it is called misfortune.

Woe be blessed when it is woeful.

When Ren Baqian saw these ten-meter-long giant crocodile stunned, he remembered that the flower carvings that had only been struck last time were killed and got a cloud crystal.

"Drag it out and kill it!" Ren Baqian commanded.

He felt it was a mob to send the equipment.

"What? Just a few bone mines!" The Empress looked at him strangely. This kind of thing can be said to be seen where there is a big river.

Because the crocodile can bite the bones of the prey directly, and the roar is like thunder, so the crocodile is called a bone mine in Dayao.

Chen Guo is also a place with many crocodiles.

In Da Xia, the crocodile is called a dirt dragon.

"See if there is any gain." Ren Baqian turned his head. "Bad fortune is fortune, and fortune should be blessed."

The emperor immediately understood.

At this time, several flying riders found two large stones and threw them at the crocodile.


A few stones hit the crocodile fiercely, but the crocodile was also very strong. It was hit by the stone thrown by Feiqi to nothing, but he just sank into the water.

Everyone couldn't even beat it.

If it was on the shore, ten or eight of the crocodile would not be enough for a flying ride.

But in the water, it's completely the other way around. Although the ancients would not drown in the water, they were also awkward and could not achieve 10% of their strength.

Everyone was a little bit helpless for a while.

"Let's go!" The female emperor frowned as she didn't know what to do. "Bring an arrow!"

The emperor flashed out of the drone, holding in her hand an extremely simple corner bow made of animal horns, which was the one that had been hanging in the drone.

Hung Hom took out an quiver, which contained a dozen or so yellow bone arrows.

The emperor pulled a bow from it and drew the bow string only two inches. Glancing at the river, then loosened his fingers.

The bone arrow went straight into the water with a strange sound.

One arrow shot and another one, and seven arrows in a row.

As the seventh arrow shot, the river surface became red, and then a crocodile turned over from the river, then the second, the third ... a pile of crocodile's bodies were stacked together, and blood flowed out of the crocodile .

The seven crocodiles seemed to have been bombarded, and each had a large scar on its head.

"Come on, pull up." Ren Baqian shouted.

Flying Rider immediately cut off two trees and plucked the crocodile from the river to the shore and dragged it up.

The crocodile is 12 or 13 meters long and weighs 5 or 6 tons. It takes two or three people to pull it up.

All seven were taken ashore, and the others cut open their stomachs according to Ren Baqian's instructions.

Ren Baqian thought that there would be some gains, but they turned inside out, and there was nothing but the body of the jumping sheep.

"Is there anything valuable in the belly of these bone mines that we haven't noticed?" Ren Baqian pondered, there was bezoar in the cow's belly, and pig treasure in the pig's belly ... what was in the crocodiles' belly?

Ren Baqian did not give up again and picked it up, but unfortunately he still did not find anything valuable.

"It seems that the so-called misfortune is not so accurate." Ren Baqian was a little disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed so early." The Empress suddenly said.

Ren Baqian turned his head immediately: "What has your Majesty found?"

"It seems like a big guy is coming!" The female emperor hooked the angle bow with her tail finger, and with one finger, the angle bow turned around in the air.

"Retreat!" The Empress ordered.

The order passed down, and as soon as the crowd left the river, the water was tumbling, and a huge trunk floated up from the river.

A huge crocodile emerged from the river, and his yellow eyes were full of fierce breath, staring closely at the people on the shore.

"What a big crocodile," Ren Baqian exclaimed.

Twelve-three-meter-long crocodile is already a giant.

If placed on the earth, it is a well-deserved beast.

But the one that appeared in the river seemed to have a big head in a car.

The visual length is at least 20 meters.

Then the giant crocodile's jaw swelled, without opening his mouth, but a thunderous sound made from his body.

The water surface began to roll outwards with the sound.

"This kills the small one and leads to the big one. It may be bloody." The emperor glanced at the sidewalk.

"The strength is good. It looks like it has the strength to create heaven. If it is not found today, it has no natural enemies in the river, maybe it can really become the climate."

Before the emperor shot the crocodile, the bowstring was pulled up to two inches at most, but this time it was more than half open.

The giant crocodile seemed to perceive it badly and sank immediately.

However, the moment he looked at it, his end was doomed.

I saw the arrow suddenly come out of the string, without any sound, it crossed the space.

The crocodile barely responded, penetrating the crocodile's eyes, straight into the brain, and then all the red and white sprayed out of the eyes.

Then all the people heard the bow string tremble with a "hum".

"Pull it up," said the Empress, throwing her bow at the red cricket behind her.

This time it took some hands and feet to pull the crocodile up.

This crocodile weighs at least 20 tons.

Big, when the crocodile is pulled up, everyone's first feeling is big, it's too big, it's just a monster.

Previously in the river, Ren Baqian had more than 20 meters by visual inspection.

Now dragged ashore, Ren Baqian uses footsteps to measure, at least 24 meters, equivalent to the length of four to five cars together. The body was lying on the ground, and there was a person so tall.

"Planning, this time I must be able to gain something." Ren Baqian immediately ordered.

Everyone turned the crocodile first, and then cut a knife on the white belly, as if it was on a stone. It took a lot of effort to open the stomach.

At the size of this crocodile, everyone has to jump down and look for it.

After spending some time, everyone cleared out the contents of the crocodile's belly. The harvest was the giant crocodile heart X1, the giant crocodile whip X1, the giant crocodile viscera XN, a giant crocodile skin, a giant crocodile skeleton, and the huge crocodile meat Ton.

However, there is no such rare and rare thing as 8000 expected.

On the contrary, everyone found that the skin of this crocodile was almost inaccessible, and even the flying ride was difficult to cut with a knife.

Ren Baqian changed his mind after being disappointed. The crocodile's skin seems to be a good harvest and can be used to make armor.

As for other things, maybe there are really good things. But I know too little about crocodile, so I mistake the treasure as waste.

Take a step back, and for a few days, the dinner was over.

Although the crocodile was shot dead by the emperor as soon as she showed up, the emperor also said that the crocodile had the power to create heaven. A powerful beast like this is a great supplement even for food.

Although he comforted himself so much, Ren Baqian still made people look around for the crocodile's lair, maybe he could find something.

Unfortunately ~ ~ took half a day and still found nothing.

At this time it was too late, and everyone had to camp, and at the same time sent some people to cut trees in preparation for a pontoon.

And Ren Baqian cut all the crocodile hearts, crocodile internal organs, crocodile meat, crocodile tail glue, and crocodile whip, and prepared them for the earth.

Since there is nothing else to gain, you can only let the laboratory analyze to see if there is any value in this crocodile.

Say hello to the empress, and Ren Baqian prepares to go back directly in the emperor's drive. It used to be in the room or in a hidden place, but now it is not necessary to be taboo in the drive of the empress.

Ren Baqian actually wanted to try one more thing. If she left, the emperor would move her car a bit, and she would still be on her car if she appeared again.

After greeting, Ren Yaqian's mind moved, and the surrounding air began to distort.

At this moment, the empress's face moved.

I saw a touch of red like rainbow light piercing into Ren Qianqian's arms.

Suddenly Ren Zhiqian disappeared.

With the disappearance of ... and the drive of the Empress ...

The thick fur that the empress used as a bed, as well as a table with fruit jugs and boxes for clothes, all crackled and fell to the ground.

The blue kite and red cricket was also caught by surprise and fell down and almost landed on the face.

The empress fell to the ground in mid-air, looking at the empty surroundings and many stunned flying riders, with a cold face messed in the wind at night.

Just at this moment, a lightning split the night, and then a low thunder came ...

"Your Majesty ..." Fei Qi's leader stepped forward with a blank expression. He wanted to ask His Majesty, what about driving? What's wrong?

"Don't talk, I'm in a bad mood." The Emperor looked around, her mouth twitched slightly, her eyebrows were raised, she turned to find a car and sat in.

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