The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 712: The Empress's Wisdom (2)

The Empress is so big that she doesn't spend so much thought on one person.

If you say it, no one will believe that Qi Zixiao, who is the Emperor Dayao and the fifth in the world (not many people know that Teng Yue died), will spend so much thought for a man.

Some words were not spoken in my heart, and I have not spoken until now.

Act like children in the market.

"Da Yao's time is not the same as Earth's time," said the Empress first.

Ren Baqian laughed: "Your Majesty discovered! One day of Da Yao is three days of the earth. Although the feeling of time passing is the same, the time in the two worlds is not equal."

The emperor's eyes were raised, and she said strangely: "Is it you to be a fool to be a fool? How could you not know? It is just that I also don't know what the two worlds should look like. Years. So I never said anything. "

"How could it be? His Majesty's wiseness and martial arts are extraordinary. If anyone is a fool, then he is a fool." Ren Baqian laughed suddenly.

"It's really different!" Said the Empress quietly. "You used to laugh, but you didn't have that kind of ambition."

"Your Majesty feels good or bad?" Ren Baqian asked with a smile.

"I said it, it looks good, but it's just the back of things, I feel a little distressed." The Empress sighed again.

"It will make Your Majesty feel bad for me. I am very happy. This is the happiest thing in my life. Who in the world can be like me?" Ren Baqian laughed again.

The empress said quietly: "You will speak nicely."

After preventing Ren Baqian from speaking, he said, "I sigh more today than the first two decades together."

"Keep talking about the previous thing. One day of Dayao, three days of Earth, do you know how long you live?

Now it is at least one hundred years old, if it is 150 years old when it reaches the chakra, it will be 450 years to change to the earth. "

"It's three hundred years," Ren Baqian corrected. "I also have to go through some time on the earth. If my life is one hundred and fifty years old, half of the time in Dayao, half of the time in Earth, that is only 75 years in Dayao. In fact, I can spend more time on my own. Being able to spend more time in Dayao can also reduce my own time lapse, or I can stay in Dayao for a hundred years, and the earth will be 300 years. "

"I never watched you die so much earlier than I did. I can always think of a way. The jade tire dedicated to the grandfather by the auxiliary general was obtained from the 60,000 mountains. At least that can give you. Twenty years extension.

Moreover, your path is not just stopping at the Divine Wheel. Your technique is special. Although it is a bit dangerous to practice, you will be able to pass it by yourself. In particular, I won the scroll of this scroll. Although it takes a lot of geniuses and treasures, there are many geniuses and treasures in the 60,000 mountains. Even if it costs a lot of money, it will push you to Kaitian area. At least it is 220 years of life, then think of other ways. "

Then there was another angry face: "Don't always intervene and disturb what you want to say. The nation's ruler of the earth is not a father-son inheritance, but it will be a change in eight years. Although the influence can continue, it will always decline In particular, after decades and generations of power-holders, as their strength improves, some things are forgotten consciously or unintentionally, and your agreement with you is countless.

In your opinion, sooner or later you have to part ways. You are also clear in your heart, so you made the arrangement, but it was still too young in my eyes. In other words, you are in love, everything is passive, and you give the initiative to them. "

"Gongfa is nothing to this world, but it is extremely precious to your world. If you do it, you will make everything public. Your countries want to satisfy you.

If someone dares to make other ideas, I naturally let him know what regret is.

朕 No one can stop trying to kill someone.

After excluding this country, no one dared to move his mind.

In so many countries, it is impossible to twist into a rope, and someone will naturally move closer.

In fact, as long as these things are announced, then some of them will get what they want, and others will target those countries. It does n’t matter whether it is the exchange of interests or the others.

The main thing is that when things get out, no one will ever risk you in great danger.

Rather than like now, as long as one country gets it, other countries have to get it, otherwise it will be countless steps behind, and in the end you will become the target yourself. "

Ren Baqian smiled bitterly after hearing: "Your Majesty, you are right. Born in Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka, there is love in it, and I cannot do some things."

"So you think of love and put yourself in such a situation. Sooner or later things will be the same, it's just a matter of time.

Even if it's not this time, it will be the next time and next time.

I have a little reason to say that you are angry.

Sooner or later, your arrangement will be too thin.

What can a dozen flying riders do? Even as a deterrent, it is not enough.

If you mention it with me, he will give you a thousand days of good fortune, and take it back several times, even if it takes longer, seven people at a time, but no more than a hundred times, not a year.

With this thousand heavens in existence, then find someone to conduct certain training according to the army of your world. If such a group of people is only used for self-protection, who will dare to act rashly? With these strengths, they can advance and attack and defend.

At this time, your country is asking for you. If you take a thousand days of good fortune, they can't do anything. In the end, they can make an agreement with you at most. By that time they have to think about what they want. If anyone dares to act rashly, the savage warriors will let them know how to write the two ancient characters. "

The emperor said that at this time her face was looking forward to life, her spirit was flying, her body was full of confidence and domineering.

Ren Baqian. Think about the heads of the countries being learned by the ancient Han people to write the word "Ancient" according to their necks. That picture is really beautiful.

Then smiled bitterly.

The empress was right.

I still worry too much.

The emperor seemed to see his thoughts and continued: "Although you have concerns, it doesn't matter. These are just for deterrence and self-protection. If others don't move, everything is fine, and the well water does not violate the river. Other people raise their swords, Can you still retract your neck? "

"But Feiqi has less than 700 people now." Ren Baqian has been smiling hard.

"These flying riders just can't afford too much.

At the Sixty Thousand Mountains, you can see how my ancient males can fight with those beasts in the mountains. Is this what you see.

Nowadays soldiers and soldiers are recruited from the periphery of the 60,000 Dashan Mountains. The living environment is not so bad and their strength is relatively low.

And the warrior in the depths of the 60,000 Dashan is the real elite of my ancient people, fierce and powerful.

The strength is not necessarily comparable to those of the adults in the North.

At that time, the emperor led the army to sweep the country, and a large number of fierce warriors in the army joined it. "

"If you want, don't say a thousand people ~ ~ it's 2,000 people or 3,000 people, I can figure it out."

"I think about it again." Ren Baqian. Taking back more than a dozen or twenty people as bodyguards, it is easy to say that the country would not care too much.

Bringing back a thousand of the more venerable ancient people, the elite are afraid that many people will have to worry, but this is exactly the purpose of the empress.

The words of the empress made him feel that although the emperor liked to do more hands than to use her brain, after all, she was the emperor of Dayao, and the overall situation was far beyond ordinary people. Although I don't know much about the earth, I can see through it very well, and the words I say make me irrefutable.

Ren Baqian suppressed this idea and looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty's manner at this time really fascinated me, and I can't wait for my marriage."

The emperor's flamboyant spirit was harvested, and she leaned back to the wall of her driver. Her face was slightly unnatural: "The deacon said," Will you let you marry you? "

Ren Baqian laughed now: "Your beatings are too fierce, I can't fight them. It's better to get down and marry me, I'm definitely not resisting."

"Our woman's dowry must have a dowry. What's your dowry?" The emperor's face was slightly ashamed, and she could not see the domineering look when she just spoke, a gesture of a little daughter.

Ren Baqian slowly said, "I promise you a world of flowers as beautiful as you want!"

The empress read it a few times in her mouth, her face moving.

In my heart, I feel that I have spent a lot of time, and the sentence of eight thousand is enough.

Not for this world, but for myself.

It is enough that someone is willing to do such a thing for themselves.

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