The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 719: Symphony

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As soon as Ren Baqian came out to that station, there was a sound of applause. He felt that he was not in Yacheng, but in Deyun Society.

Ren Baqian's body is already extremely strong for ordinary people, but in the eyes of the ancient people, he is still thin and weak.

In particular, his appearance, according to the aesthetics of the ancients, is too feminine and lacks that fierce vigor, which is simply a small white face.

The ancients did not have the word, but they were similar in sense.

Ren Baqian feels that he is also quite innocent. To know that his physical appearance now belongs to the strong man on the earth, but in the eyes of the ancient people, he still has a small white face. It can only be said that this is a racial restriction.

The empress and Ren Baqian showed up in the city and lived in the General's Mansion.

Although there are no generals in this city, there is a general's house with a history of at least several hundred years. Fortunately, like the urban style, they are all built of megaliths. Even after hundreds of years, they have not changed much.

It's just that there has been a lack of care, even if the empress has been cleaned up before arriving, it still looks a bit dated.

The group spent three days in Yacheng.

Ren Baqian first returned to Earth and brought back the crocodile meat to give away.

The crocodile limb that was sent to the m87 department was found to be partially effective after various tests.

One of the points is that this crocodile meat contains a lot of energy and can strengthen bones and bones. It has a great effect on practitioners. This is needless to say, after all, it is an alien beast with strength.

It also has the effect of prolonging life. Although it does not achieve the effect of a panacea, such as Yutai's direct extension of life for 20 years and its appearance is not old, the effect is also extremely powerful.

Secondly, the crocodile liver can produce new blood, which is also very important for those who are older.

The crocodile heart can recuperate and calm down, and it can cure some heart diseases.

Crocodile tail gum has the best life extension effect, helps to strengthen the qi and solidify the essence, and reduces cell aging.

According to speculation, if all this crocodile is eaten, if it is an ordinary person, it can at least extend its life for ten years.

This shows the preciousness of this giant wheel crocodile.

The only pity is that for those who have much longer life than ordinary people, this crocodile has no great effect except that it has great energy to fill hunger.

Ren Baqian just got a piece of land in the planned Wuji City, and he did his best to bring the crocodile's body back to the big brothers of the imperial capital.

In addition, the crocodile kidney has a strong effect of nourishing the kidneys, and the crocodile whip has a super strong aphrodisiac effect. Ren Baqian himself reserved for roasting waist and making wine.

Back from the earth, Ren Baqian took a good turn in Yacheng.

In fact, this city is not small. After all, it is the largest city outside the 60,000 Dashan, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

But with the departure of businessmen today, the Yacheng has long been deserted, with only tens of thousands of people in the city.

So it looks a bit deserted.

But Ren Baqian's eye-opening after three days in the city.

Various exotic grasses, exotic beasts, hides, and rare ore can be seen from time to time in a certain stall in the city.

Unfortunately, with the departure of those merchants, only a handful of caravans in the ancient clan are receiving herbs today.

For example, the emperor's caravan, such as the doctor's bureau, and a shop called Sanfentang arranged by Ren Baqian.

Needless to say the first two, the emperor's caravan collected herbs mainly used by Gong Zhonghe and Ren Baqian.

The Sanfentang provided a variety of herbs for Duwei Mansion.

The name is because the purchase price is 30% of the market price.

We must know that in this world where communications are underdeveloped and transportation is difficult, merchants often purchase materials at only 10% or even less of the market price.

Even on Earth, many times the purchase price is only 12% of the sales price.

Ren Baqian's acquisition with 30% can already be said to benefit the people.

Therefore, although Sanfentang was established in Yacheng for only two months, its reputation is very great and praised.

In addition to those rare items, Ren Baqian also saw a lot of strange things in the city.

For example, a kind of fruit called a flower, a flower is a man's image without clothes, lifelike.

It is said that eating this thing is conducive to aphrodisiac, and Ren Baqian's face will be suspicious, and he will buy a sack for loading.

"Oh, what's this?" Ren Qianqian didn't go far and saw someone posing a pot of flowers. The two blue flowers on it looked like the crests of two earth intersected at the neck.

"Anecdotes! We all used to give lovers!" The man at the stall looked up at Ren Baqian and seemed to recognize his identity.

"Are your husband-in-law's husband? Thin and weak, looks like it is!"

Ren Baqian laughed. "How did this flower sell?"

"Here you are! Just a pot of flowers!" The big man said generously.

Ren Baqian said: "Thank you so much!"

The big man waved his hand: "Let your Majesty be more happy!"

When Ren Baqian went back holding the flowers, he saw a few students hanging around in the city. When he saw Ren Baqin holding the flowers, he immediately came up and asked, "Teacher, what is this?"

"I only admire, but not immortal! This is Xihua!" Ren Baqian changed his name immediately.

After changing the name, I felt a lot taller!

"What is 鸳鸯 and what is Xian?" The student asked again.

Ren Baqian didn't explain to them, waved them away, and hurry back to the general's house.

The emperor was using the radio to deal with political affairs. Ren Baqian waited for a while before the emperor was done. When she saw that Ren Baqin was holding something in her hand, she immediately laughed and said, "What good thing did you see?"

"Dangdang Dang! Do you recognize it?" Ren Baqian turned the circle and presented flowers on the table.

"Symphony?" The empress laughed again.

"You know it!" Ren Baqian said, slightly surprised.

"When I came here, I also saw this flower strange, so I asked. But I didn't understand something they said at the time, but now I understand a little." The emperor pursed her lips with a little charm in her eyes.

Ren Baqian stepped forward to cover the Empress's face with both hands, watched it carefully, and bumped gently on the forehead of the Emperor before laughing.

What the empress did not understand at first was what was "love".

Now I understand ~ ~ Get ready and leave tomorrow. The empress said again. "See the scenery and customs in the mountains!" "

"Your Majesty likes it very much!" Ren Baqian laughed. From the time the Empress arrived in Yacheng, he always felt that the Empress's feelings for this place were very different.

At least the act of the empress and those words when she entered the city on the same day never happened in Lancheng and other cities along the way.

"When I was young, I thought it was the most interesting place in the world. There are so many weird things and new discoveries every day. At that time, I thought, if I have been living here all the time!" Road.

"But the people in the mountains are not living well.

The ancients looked strong in the eyes of outsiders. That's because the ancients struggled with fierce beasts to survive and gradually hone them for thousands of years.

But even so, their lives in the mountains are still difficult.

At the time, the first generation of the emperor rose up to resist, although it was for revenge, and it was possible that they did not give them a fight for space.

Unfortunately, most people are unwilling to leave the place where generations live. Seventy years have passed, and most people still live in this mountain.

来 At that time, I have seen it difficult for them to survive. Although I was very young at that time, I still remembered a lot.

When I took this position, I thought about making their lives better, but unfortunately not many things have been done for so many years.

I have always felt guilty! "

The emperor slowly said as she recalled, this kind of heartfelt words were rarely spoken to others.

The Empress Dowager took many things into her heart and kept working hard. Can be limited by the limitations of the times, many things the Emperor is also powerless.

The emperor Gao Leng always said such words, making Ren Baqian particularly distressed, could not help coming forward to hug the emperor.

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