The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 725: What happened in Izumo

Although the country of Izumo is the supremacy of imperial power, in fact, the owners of all cities and towns are inherited and inherited by their children, consolidating the strength of the family in a region from generation to generation.

In these hundreds of years, the city owners and the emperors were similar.

The so-called imperial power is just a title in name.

Judging by the history of Huaxia, it is almost a replica of Zhou Tianzi and the princes.

It is only here that the princes are replaced by the city leaders.

Among them, the city lords have their own factions, and the relationship is extremely complicated. Even if the emperor Izumo intentionally changes, it is difficult to start.

But now, the days of those who were in the country of Izumo, who were supposed to be prestige and blessings, are having a hard time.

Especially in the cities on the Da Yao front, most of the original owners in most of the cities now don't know which messy stone to throw at.

There are also very few people who throw everything away in a bad situation and run away in time.

The erosion of the war today has shocked everyone.

Officials in the remaining cities were also heartbroken.

Especially the city owners who were almost in front of Da Yaobing Feng, two of them ran away early, and the rest also sent their families away.

However, the city owner who lost the city can be said to be no different from the falling water dog. He just ran back to Wangjing with a glimmer of hope and was found by his prime minister Zheng Chengmian.

There is a strong army outside, but there is also such a stunner in front of many city lords.

Even if Zheng Chengmian finally believes that Da Yao is ready to perish, and holds the last force to prepare for a desperate fight, the city owner who gave up the city and fled is still not relentless.

Running back is dead.

Don't run, it's dead.

Two hundred cities, nearly half of them are now in the hands of Dayao.

Even the most optimistic people have a very sad attitude towards this war.

Not to mention the city masters who knew the military strength of both sides.

Now some city owners have begun to drink and enjoy themselves every day. They are ready to enjoy the last days, and all cities are covered by dark clouds. The atmosphere of despair is pervading at will.

Just then one person appeared.

Lin Mengsheng, a young scribe of about thirty.

The clever tongue persuaded many city owners to surrender to Dayao.

There are forty-seven cities, all of which are between Da Yao Bingfeng and Wangjing.

It can be said that as long as these forty-seven cities are opened, Wangjing has no barriers except for the three Acropolises.

Based on the comparison of Da Yao and Izumo's forces and the current situation, surrender seems to be a wise choice, but it is actually not the case.

I don't know how many people have such thoughts, but they didn't implement them.

As a result, the reputation of the ancients was really bad in Izumo.

Second, surrender to the alien race is a matter of stinking for thousands of years, and future children and grandchildren will not be able to lift their heads.

In the second place, someone wanted to surrender before the battle, but at that time, when soldiers came to the city, how could Zi Donglai accept it?

In the fourth place, even if they can surrender, they still need to consider those domestic masters.

Those who fight today do not know where they are hiding.

However, if he surrendered and carried an infamous name, those masters might come out of nowhere to kill the city's main government, and spread the name of the chivalry to the people.

In this way, the idea of ​​surrender can only be thought of in some people's minds.

However, this Lin Mengsheng did not know where to get some of the situation of Da Yao's current prisoner of war camp, inferring the changes of the ancient clan, persuaded dozens of city owners to go to the front to see Zi Dong in person.

After listening to the empress, Ren Baqian asked, "What is his purpose?"

Hearing Ren Baqin's inquiry, the empress's expression immediately became weird: "It is said that his teacher and several of his colleagues were assassinated by Zheng Chengmian on the way to Beijing ..."

Ren Baqian: ...

If you remember correctly, the people in Duwei's house did it?

If that's the case, the people in Duwei Mansion have really done a great job.

Regardless of whether this person's words are true or false, as long as these people's surrender is true.

Even if this person wants to use this credit as his journey, what about it? Dayao does lack such talent.

The empress had similar thoughts about this: "I'm afraid this person has other plans, but I don't like such people."

Regarding the preferences of the empress, Ren Baqian felt normal.

No one likes traitors.

"A loyal official who can't bring benefits to the people, and an official who has his own careful thinking but can do things, which one does His Majesty want?" Ren Baqian raised this question.

In fact, this is a question that the empress will face sooner or later.

In the past, there were only ancient peoples in the Middle Kingdom. No other people could use it. The Empress did not consider this issue.

It is said that the ancients are simple, on the one hand, because the ancients are straight, but on the other hand, they are also really poor, and there are not many colorful things for them to receive baptism.

But people always change.

The same is true of the ancients.

As Dayao changed a little bit, every ancient official also had to accept this test of baptism.

Not to mention the Yun and Jing people, the emperor will use it sooner or later.

It is not a good thing that a single ancient tribe stands on top of other races ~

Ren Baqian simply took this opportunity to raise this issue.

The empress heard the question of Ren Baqian thoughtfully.

"He naturally loves loyalty. But if he can't do both, he will use the second one. Do you mean this?" The emperor said after careful consideration.

Ren Baqian applauded: "Your Majesty is worthy of understanding."

"You seem to like using these people? That's the case since the Jing clan!" The Empress looked at him.

"Your Majesty, although the ancients are loyal, they are really powerless in many things. And we have no such kind of powerless officials! Ordinary people can't be sent to be officials? That's a mess. These people, Your Majesty must use them! Whether it is for the big Yao or the people! "Ren Baqian said immediately.

In all fairness, he does like to use people outside the ancient clan.

Although the ancients are really strong.

But this powerful irrelevant construction! It's about destruction!

What he wants to do is construction. Those who are not strong, but have good brains, make it more useful for many Jing people and people in the country.

However, this will inevitably lead to the entry of non-Ancient people into the DPRK, and they will surely embrace each other when facing the powerful ancient people.

This result makes him very easy to be jealous, because he is not an ancient ethnic group, and the situation was facilitated by him.

This is what he wanted to understand long ago.

"I understand, I don't doubt you," the empress sighed.

Why didn't she understand.

But Dayao has always been the Dayao of the ancients.

These days seem to be changing.

Ren Baqian held the Empress's palm and passed his temperature on.

The emperor's palm is small and soft, making him feel comfortable every time he holds it.

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