At this time, the last shrinking circle was getting smaller and smaller.

Half an hour later, it will be 9 a.m., which is the completion time of this copy.

The one who survives in the end is the winner!

Under the influence of omniscience and omnipotence, Chen Haoran's talents and skills were unreservedly displayed in front of Su Yue.

[No·001——Haoran Zhengqi, LV11, occupation: legion commander. 】

[Talent: SSS-level talent: Death is coming (temporary talent, cannot be plundered), A-level talent: Anti-injury skin (temporary talent, cannot be plundered), B-level talent: Iron bones,...]

[Skills: Life and Death Fight (temporary skill), Guardian Angel (temporary skill), strong attack, suppression,...]

[Attributes: Strength: 10, Spirit: 16, Physique: 120 (+300), Agility: 12. 】


Su Yue took a breath of air. At this moment, he had to re-evaluate the opponent in front of him.

In this copy, Chen Haoran actually mastered one of the most powerful SSS-level talents known as the end of the world - "The Coming of Death"!

[Death is Coming]: SSS-level temporary talent. When causing damage to the enemy, it will be accompanied by the power of the god of death, with a 2% chance of directly obliterating the opponent, ignoring shields, ignoring defense, and being unable to dodge.

[Responsive Skin]: A-level temporary talent. It will be automatically triggered when attacked, causing 30% of the opponent's attack reflected damage.

Putting these two talents together can only be said to be a perfect match.

The probability of death coming is 2%, which is high or low.

Once engaged, it is like the death scythe hanging above the head, making people breathless.

No one knows whether the sickle will really fall in the next attack.

And when it is combined with the A-level talent - anti-damage aura, its rogue characteristics become more obvious.

Whether you take the initiative to attack or passively accept the attack, you may become a dead soul under the death scythe.

In fact, the 2% probability of death coming is far higher than the probability of a single player drawing gold in some mobile games.

Yesterday, facing the swarming crowd under the command of Chuan Jianguo, he did not dodge or dodge, and withstood all the attacks.

However, when the power of death is triggered.

Those people were instantly extinguished like fragile candles, and their whole bodies turned into a pool of black blood.

This scene left a deep imprint of fear in Chuan Jianguo's mind.

Because of this, Chuan Jianguo chose to confront Su Yue without hesitation.

Chen Haoran observed Su Yue quietly, and the next second, an elusive and harmless expression appeared on his face.

Poor acting, like a tiger disguised as a sheep, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.

"Lone Wolf! I have a proposal! There is still half an hour before the copy ends."

"I have mastered a talent. Whether it is offense or defense, I have a chance to completely wipe you out!"

"We have the advantage in numbers. If you don't want to gamble, how about joining our camp and passing the level together?"

Compared with the previous cautiousness in the Star City safe zone, Chen Haoran seemed to have completely changed.

There was an unquestionable firmness in his words.

For those desperate for survival, this is certainly a tempting proposition.

However, Su Yue knew that the five people in front of him were by no means ordinary people.

The Dragon Group has always regarded itself as the master of justice, but in the "Werewolf" copy challenge.

However, for some reason, these five people eliminated all the more than 200 people in the camp.

Even the few people who had defected to them yesterday disappeared without a trace.

The mastermind behind all this is undoubtedly the five people in front of him.

They do whatever it takes to win the copy.

This is completely different from Su Yue's understanding of Long Group's usual behavior style.

"What's the price?" Su Yue said slowly.

As he spoke, he already had a way to break the situation in his mind.

From what Su Yue saw, he was just a short-legged little hedgehog!

If you can neither hit him nor be hit by him, then just "kill someone with a borrowed knife"!

"The equipment you are wearing is the Exquisite Ring! With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to get another one!" Chen Haoran saw the picture and his eyes became extremely crazy!

That look was simply not something a normal person could have.

A few days ago, Chen Haoran was temporarily in charge of the Star City Dragon Group because the previous commander committed suicide.

He thinks that by leading by example, he can carry out his own justice among the dragon group.

However, with his B-level talent and level 10, he may be outstanding among ordinary people.

But in an organization like the Dragon Group, which is full of elites, such strength is just the tip of the iceberg and not worth mentioning.

Since he did not have a solid foundation in the Dragon Group, he suffered a huge setback in the first closed-door meeting.

During the meeting, he suffered cynicism from others, and was eventually ganged up on by a group of subordinates who ousted him from power.

His so-called "just" values ​​completely collapsed at that moment.

Deep in Chen Haoran's heart, he continued to self-reflect and brainwash, and gradually understood a truth:

In the apocalypse, the real way to survive is to become stronger.

Therefore, with the determination to die, he embarked on a journey to explore the dungeon alone.

From that moment on, the gears of fate began to turn for him.

Chen Haoran also unexpectedly met four of his current outlaw teammates, and successfully transferred to become a "Legion Commander."

In the dungeon challenge, Chen Haoran seemed to be favored by the orderer, and opportunities came one after another.

Countless skills and talents are coming to him one after another, which is in sharp contrast to Su Yue's situation of needing a large amount of gold coins to redeem.

However, with the rapid growth of strength, Chen Haoran gradually lost himself.

In order to become stronger, he would do anything to get gold coins, even taking the lives of others with his own hands.

Just to have more chips in the final battle.

He is eager to hold more chips in the final battle, and confidently believes that if he kills the lone wolf with his own hands, no one will dare to question his authority.

Although this sounds almost ridiculous, it is just a clumsy stage set by the Orderer to watch the ultimate showdown.

At this time, Chen Haoran was full of confidence, and the number of innate skills he mastered was comparable to Su Yue.

He had no doubts about winning this decisive battle.

The lone wolf is certainly powerful, but do you dare to bet on the 2% chance of being killed instantly?

Another person who has been screwed by this world!

Another person who was tricked by the Order!

Another person who was ruined by himself!

"How's it going? Lone Wolf, have you thought about it clearly?" Chen Haoran's originally crazy expression calmed down in an instant, and his tone was full of chilling meaning!

Su Yue did not respond, but silently transformed the bow and arrow in his hand into the form of the Overlord Bow, tightening the bowstring to the limit.

Summon the Overlord!

The next second, Overlord stepped forward and faced Chen Haoran.

At the same time, the punishment arrow in Su Yue's hand was shot at the remaining four people along with several ordinary attacks.

Facing Su Yue's sudden attack, Chen Haoran seemed to be prepared.

The moment Su Yue took action, he activated a skill called "Guardian Angel".

The five people were instantly bathed in a golden holy light, as if they were bathed in the blessing of gods...

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