The era of high martial arts

Chapter 391 Don’t dare to mess with spiders these days

The lush green woods on Qingcheng Mountain and the peaceful and peaceful scenery make Liucheng a place for leisurely strolling.

The Qingcheng Sect is built on the mountainside of Qingcheng Mountain. From a distance, it looks like a giant dragon dormant on Qingcheng Mountain. From a close perspective, the buildings are staggered and disorderly, while from a distance, they appear to be well-proportioned and well-arranged. Spreading up to the peak of Qingcheng Mountain, the hazy clouds and mist cover the peak, which really gives people a glimpse of what's going on.

The Qingcheng Mountain tourist area, which should usually be crowded with people, today, for some unknown reason, is not as full of people sightseeing and relaxing as usual.

Apart from the "rustling" sound caused by the slowly blowing breeze, even the gentle chirping of birds did not give people a very strange feeling on the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

Suddenly, the woods on Qingcheng Mountain began to shake from slow to fast, and the buildings in the empty Qingcheng School's outer courtyard were also shaking violently. Some buildings with not too deep foundations or decorative buildings such as rockeries collapsed and shattered during the shaking. The ground was cracked, and finger-sized cracks were cracked on the mountain road leading to the inner courtyard, quickly spreading up and down the mountain. In just an instant, the finger-sized cracks expanded into fist-sized, wheel-sized, and water-tank-sized cracks. ..

"Boom--" The rolling, dull sound of explosions came from nowhere, and the entire Qingcheng Mountain shook violently.

The widening crack swallowed up the forest, and the entire forest collapsed and shrank underground. Some Qingcheng Sect buildings that happened to be on the edge of the crack also collapsed. The entire mountainside was suddenly covered with dust and trembling violently. From a distance, The mountain collapsing towards Qingcheng seems to be swallowing up the surface of the mountain.

"Boom, boom, boom -" the dull sound of the explosion gradually became clearer, and a huge explosion occurred halfway up the mountain. A dazzling light burst out from the depths of the crack and illuminated half of the sky. Even the sun dimmed a lot in front of this light. The explosion When it happens, a column of dust and ash is erupted from the crack and shoots straight into the sky.

The entire Qingcheng Mountain was shaken by this explosion, and cracks spread all over the mountain. From a distance, it looked like lotus petals about to bloom.

"Whoa!" Two swaying figures flashed out from the dust and ashes in the sky. They were hit by stones shot from the cracks in mid-air and fell towards the ground.

"Whoa!" Fortunately, they adjusted in time when they landed. The two figures supported each other and landed steadily on the ground. As a result, their feet were weak and they stumbled to the ground.

Zhang Feiyu lay on the ground breathing heavily. After he felt better, he quickly got up and floated Lin Min, who was in poor condition.

"Lin Min, are you okay?!"

He helped Lin Min up and found that she had fainted, but her breath was relatively stable and she was not seriously injured in the demon core explosion.

Knowing that Lin Min was fine, Zhang Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief. It was too dangerous just now.

Fortunately, the demon core exploded in time and knocked away the little spider lying on Lin Min's face, allowing Lin Min to escape from the bottom of the spider. It was also thanks to Zhang Feiyu's speed that he stopped Lin Min in time. Being in his arms prevented Lin Min, who was physically weak, from escaping the shock wave of the demon core explosion.

However, it’s just a pain for myself! Zhang Feiyu shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. He raised his hand and bent it back but did not have the courage to touch it. A burning feeling came over his back. The breeze blew slowly and painfully. Zhang Feiyu was covered in sweat. He felt that his entire back could be ventilated. The meat on the back is probably burnt...

Recalling the critical situation in the cave, it seems that it is a good deal to trade for this injury.

After a brief rest, he endured the pain in his back, took a deep breath and stood up with difficulty. Looking at the cracks where smoke and dust came from, Zhang Feiyu's face was very gloomy.

Although the light of the demon core did not illuminate the entire cave, it could be clearly seen and felt. The cave was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Just the scratches on the rock wall can fully prove that it is the lair of a huge monster beast. It is very likely that the monster beast is hiding deep in the depths.

Judging from the aggressiveness of those newly hatched little spiders, the big spider that laid eggs must not be much better.

Thinking of the strange woman I met before going to that place again, she was probably an earth spider digging a cave...

Let's not talk about her realm strength. Just in her current state of being injured, she would definitely not be able to run away if she encountered her.

"I don't care about Shangguan Yue's affairs for the time being. It's best to stay alive right now..."

The Qingcheng Sect has been robbed by the Earth Spiders, and the disciples of the Qingcheng Sect have become the food of the Earth Spiders. If Shangguan Yue is really in the Qingcheng Sect at this moment, it is probably very bad.

However, Zhang Feiyu actively ignored this possibility, preferring to believe that Shangguan Yue was still alive rather than believe that she was cold.

"No matter what, the most important thing is to leave first..."

Enduring the burning pain in his back, he helped the unconscious Lin Min up. Just as he was about to go down the mountain, his spiritual sense came to him with a fatal sense of danger.

"Shasha!" In the dark cracks crisscrossing the Qingcheng Mountain, a huge and sharp hook was suddenly raised and stabbed into Zhang Feiyu's back.

Fortunately, Zhang Feiyu reacted in time, endured the tearing pain, rolled forward and fell down, narrowly avoiding the slender hook.

"Rustling!" The ear-itching rustling sound continued. Zhang Feiyu turned his shrinking eyes and looked sideways, only to see slender and huge hooks stretching out from the cracks. They were round and huge, as black as a dome. The part popped up, and then a ferocious spider's face opened with four fangs and full of pointed mouthparts.

"giao——" The ferocious spider raised its head and roared angrily at Zhang Feiyu. It could be seen that she was very angry that the cave and her cubs were destroyed, and she wanted to tear Zhang Feiyu to pieces on the spot as a blood sacrifice to her cubs.

"Oops!" When the ferocious spider appeared, Zhang Feiyu felt like his head was about to explode. He couldn't care less, picked up Lin Min, stood up and ran away.

"giao——" Upon seeing this, the ferocious spider immediately raised its claws to attack Zhang Feiyu. Zhang Feiyu stopped running when he felt the danger coming. The claws covered with sharp barbs almost penetrated into the ground several meters deep in front of Zhang Feiyu. If Zhang Feiyu If he didn't stop in time, it would probably penetrate both his and Lin Min's bodies...

"Gulu." Zhang Feiyu swallowed his palpitating saliva, but his mouth still felt dry, so he took a step and turned around.

The ferocious spider crawled out of the crack, its body supported by eight claws covering half of the sky. At a rough glance, it was at least dozens of meters high.

"Spiders these days are too weird!"

Zhang Feiyu was not afraid of spiders originally, but after seeing the thing behind him, he felt that he would be worried when he saw spiders in the future.

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