The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 108 Mirror of Erised

The moment he escaped from the tent, he saw the golden mask escaping from another exit.

The banshee in the magic circle also tried to escape, but the backlash of black magic had already arrived. She was drawn into the whirlpool of magic and turned into ashes with a shrill scream.

The vortex destroyed the tent, and before Ellie could take a breath, she immediately waved her wand and began to channel the violent magic.

But at this moment, a black shadow jumped out of the whirlpool and rushed towards Ellie with a beast-like roar.

Xing Ze took action almost at the same time, and Blue Beak came out, forming a small stone wall in front of Ellie.

The monster's sharp claws left a deep claw mark on the stone wall. It jumped aside and stood up straight. Its swollen upper body not only squeezed through its robe, but also squeezed through its skin, exposing its bloody muscles. Outside, people dare not look directly.

Someone screamed, and the crowd finally reacted, and they began to crawl away from the place.

In the panic, someone kicked down a basket of apples, a herring flew into the sky, and all kinds of strange gadgets were scattered on the floor.

Children were crying, women were screaming, and men were cursing.

Merchants roared and tried to save their goods, thieves took advantage of the chaos, and teachers responsible for maintaining order began to wave their wands.

But all this had nothing to do with Xing Ze. He was staring at the monster with all his concentration, and the monster was also staring at him.

The monster roared and jumped up like a wild dog. Xing Ze's spell was ready, but a spear came through the air and accurately penetrated the monster's neck, pinning it to the ground.

It struggled and roared, trying to pull out the spear with his hand, but the spears came one after another, the first, the second, the third... It was not until the sixth that Dumbledore walked to Xing Ze.

The old wizard continued to wave his wand, establishing a barrier around the monster. Then he squeezed it gently with his other hand, and the Perks spear exploded instantly. The barrier blocked the impact of the explosion and the splash of flesh and blood.

Then, he turned around and began to help Ellie stabilize the magic vortex.

Ben, who came with him, exclaimed when he saw the bombed monster on the ground.

"What the hell is that?" he asked as he pulled out his wand to help direct the crowd.

"First he was a wizard, then he turned into a monster, and you can see." Xing Ze replied, using a levitating spell to levitate a sneaking man.

Thanks to Dumbledore's timely assistance, the scene was quickly stabilized and the Quidditch match continued, but the off-site party was canceled.

Dissatisfied businessmen and tourists were gathered in the main square, waiting for questioning and inspection by the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore asked Xing Ze and Ellie to wait in his office. He needed to deal with some things.

Ellie's magic power consumption was a bit serious, so she went to the school infirmary for simple treatment.

Therefore, Xing Ze walked towards Dumbledore's office alone. He was thinking about the whole thing along the way.

The escaped wizard was most likely Jamie Avery. What on earth were these people trying to do? Kill Harry Potter? Seize the magic stone?

But this is too strange. Even though most Death Eaters are lunatics, racists, antisocial thugs, etc., they should at least have a unified goal in their actions.

From the original train attack, then the disappearance of the Aurors in Knockturn Alley, the human trafficking of the Greasers, and now the destruction of the Quidditch match.

These people act like a lunatic suffering from schizophrenia. What are they going to do when they think about it?

While thinking, he accidentally took the wrong path. The corridors and corridors inside Hogwarts were too similar.

They really should make some signposts. Xing Ze complained in his heart. He stopped and looked around. He was the only one in the silent corridor.

Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling of powerlessness came to his heart. Xing Ze took a long breath and sat down slowly with his back against the wall.

The cold came from the walls and floor, irritating his skin through his clothes. The complicated things and various hidden secrets made him breathless, and he felt tired.

Blue Beak turned into a black cat and wandered uneasily in front of him.

"Let's talk, friend." Xing Ze stretched out his hand, and Black Cat leaned over consciously, "We really need to talk, don't worry, you don't need to talk.

"They say silence is golden, but I don't believe that anyone needs to talk. Maybe with friends, maybe with yourself, maybe with the air.

"Some people are boasting, some are whispering, and some are reciting silently in their hearts. But no matter what, people need to speak. So, I also want to. Although I am not sure whether I can still be called a human.

“You must want to ask me what I want to talk about.

"To be honest, I don't know either. There are too many things to say, and I don't know where to start. Do you believe me when I say I miss home? I don't think you believe it.

"But this is not my home. I miss my own room. There is a small bed and a wardrobe connected to the bookshelf. It is very practical and durable. It has been there since I was born. There it is.

"I also miss my family. Especially my mother, even though she and I were always at odds. She was a smart and insightful woman who taught me a lot."

The black cat meowed softly a few times.

"No, she didn't teach me how to investigate, nor how to fight. I taught myself all that. But she taught me the dangers of the world, the desolation of the world, and taught me to stay kind.

"I'm worried about my family, but it doesn't help, right? I found you, and you sent me here. Maybe my existence disappeared when I traveled through time. If so, then I have to thank you.

"But if that's not the case, then I have to go back. It's not a matter of late, you know, my home is not here."

Having said this, Xing Ze closed his eyes, and the black cat purred a few more times.

"No, it's okay, friend. I'm fine." Xing Ze murmured, "Very good."

The black cat left Xing Ze's hand and jumped onto the window sill of an abandoned classroom. It turned its head and barked, then got in through the half-closed window.

Xing Ze sighed and stood up helplessly. The door of the classroom was not locked. He pushed the door open and saw the majestic but weird mirror.

Ahhh, the Mirror of Erised. Xing Ze shouted in his heart that he didn't believe in fate, but what happened today was too coincidental, whether it was Trelawny's prophecy or the Mirror of Erised in front of him.

He took a deep breath and asked, "So, what do you want me to see?"

He walked closer to the mirror and saw the girl wearing a red coat and a long white skirt, just like in the photo. Even after so many years, he still remembers every detail.

"I really didn't expect to meet you in this way." Xing Ze stretched out his hand and gently placed it on the mirror, his thoughts surging.

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