The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 209 Eastern Wizard

"Are you sure? Mr. Ernest?" Cecil asked kindly.

Because according to the current war situation intelligence, there are very few people in the town worthy of their attention.

Among them was an underground organizer called the Dean, whose people established a protected area in the school. There is also the golden sun Ralph of the police station, who also takes in survivors at the police station.

There are also Muggle leader Dennis and wizard leader Mongo Page.

These are all named people, and in addition, they are not sure about the mysterious wizard who attacked the sawmill, the messenger who appeared in the church and the exorcist who was just confirmed.

Among these people, the one who might finally kill Manny is the exorcist. Because in their opinion, the mysterious wizard who attacked the sawmill could never be a person.

No one can fight against a hundred cultists at once, and that includes The Undertaker's Killer House Squad and Jefferson.

The bishop preferred to believe that the attack on the sawmill, like the other two attacks, was carried out by the abbot. Obviously, they focused their personnel on the sawmill so that they could protect the school to a greater extent.

As for the messenger, the bishop was not worried about him. The oriental man looked weak, but his female companion had some abilities.

Unfortunately, what they encountered was a night dire. This kind of creature is naturally resistant to magic. Coupled with its ghost-like speed, the two wizards had little chance of surviving.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, the Bishop didn't think they had the ability to defeat Manny.

Thinking of this, Corbett asked: "Cecil, how was the battle in the church?"

"I didn't see that hybrid coming back." Cecil looked very sure.

The bishop suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he asked the mad doctor again: "I have the same question, Mr. Ernest, do you know who killed Manny?"

"Of course." The mad doctor stretched out his left hand, which was covered with scarlet and disgusting small sarcomas.

Jamie almost vomited after just one look, even though he had already vomited once when he walked into this sewer.

Some of those sarcomas are still beating, while others have turned white, festered and become silent.

The mad doctor pointed to one of the small sarcomas that was no longer beating and said: "After losing contact with him, I went to his location.

"According to believers, he went to the Tower to hunt down a son of God - Harry Potter."

"Ah~ Harry Potter." The bishop couldn't help but sigh, "If I remember correctly, that child is inextricably related to your master."

"Harry Potter is in the tower?" Jamie asked, suppressing his churning stomach. "Damn it, I have to go first."

"He has left that place." said the mad doctor. "Just ten minutes ago, I happened to see him being taken away by an Eastern wizard. According to my inference, it was the Eastern wizard who killed Manny."

"Orientals?" The bishop frowned, and the uneasiness in his heart became a reality. Maybe it was another one, he comforted himself in his heart.

"An Eastern wizard?" Jamie yelled. "Damn it, why are they always Eastern?"

"Have you suffered many losses from Eastern wizards?" Cecil asked.

Jamie shook his head and said, "Just one. That guy has a weird name, Xing...Xing..."

"Xing Ze?" Cecil answered, "Damn it! That's the guy who tortured me on the train."

The two of them turned their attention to the mad doctor at the same time. Cecil was the first to ask: "What do Orientals look like?"

The mad doctor briefly described the other person's appearance.

"Maybe it's him, but I'm not sure." Jamie said to himself thoughtfully, "Those Orientals all look similar, it's hard to tell them apart."

Although Cecil agreed with this statement, he did not say it out loud.

Bishop Corbett was worried. He said to Cecil: "Let the Muggles and wizards fight more fiercely. If there are really mice from the church running in, we must advance the plan."

Xing Ze took his four children in the direction of the antique store. He did not take the route he had taken before, but chose a more convenient road.

After all, Cedric was carrying Hermione on his back, and many places on the previous road required climbing and jumping.

With the raven guiding the way, their trip went smoothly. Apart from three Muggles, they didn't run into any enemies.

As they got closer and closer to the antique store, the children felt a little more relaxed. The corpses and sudden enemies along the way made them physically and mentally exhausted and uneasy.

"Why did you just tell us to run?" Hermione asked Xing Ze.

The others were quite curious, but Cedric and Harry didn't ask any further questions. Ron couldn't hold back his words and said bluntly: "Yes, sir, I'm curious too.

"Did something chase us just now? Because I feel a chill on my back. I get this feeling every time George and Fred try to scare me with something weird."

"Yes." Xing Ze nodded, "They are a few wizards who came to investigate. But there is nothing to worry about. I have solved everything."

Ron had no doubt about it. But the other three didn't believe it, which was easily seen from Hermione's slightly pouted mouth, Harry's frown, and Cedric's gloomy expression.

Xing Ze didn't care about the three children's suspicions. Rather than not caring, he wanted to ignore them more.

This indifferent attitude can quickly make the other party give up the urge to dig deeper into the issue.

Ten minutes later, the group finally arrived at the antique store, and the scavengers from before had disappeared.

Xing Ze asked the children to hide and let them rest. Running around in high tension would be very difficult for an adult, let alone several children.

Xing Ze cautiously came to the door of the antique store. He stuck his head out and looked out. After confirming that there was no danger, he called on the children to follow him.

Such a short rest did not allow the children to recover much physical strength. On the contrary, their speed became slower than before.

"Hold on, everyone," Hermione whispered, "We should be almost there."

"You really can stand and talk without hurting your back." Ron immediately retorted, "It's been such a long journey and you haven't even taken a single step."

Hermione glared at Ron.

"Okay, we're here." Xing Ze said to the children.

"Are you here? Where are you?" Ron gasped for a few breaths. Others looked at the teacher curiously.

Xing Ze waved his magic wand, and a white van gradually appeared in front of him.

"Wow." Ron swallowed, "What kind of spell is this?"

"Concealing Charm." Cedric put down Hermione and let Harry and Ron support the girl. "A simple and practical magic. Unfortunately, it can only be learned in the fourth grade Charms class. And I heard that Concealing Charm The magic circuit of the curse is quite complicated.”

After his explanation, the three children's admiration for Xing Ze increased.

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