The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 268 Important clues

Yelland is a typical Englishman, wearing a shirt and tie, with a gloomy expression and a repulsive appearance.

"Frank?" He was a little surprised by Xing Ze's question. "Is Frank's disappearance related to the four-body case, detective?"

"Maybe there is a connection." Xing Ze replied.

Yellante pouted and said, "But that case is no longer under our control, right? It's under the special team's control, dear detective, although I haven't seen anyone from the special team at all."

His tone showed displeasure. But anyone who has their job inexplicably taken away from them will be a little emotional, and this is in the highly competitive police world. What's more, once a big case like Four Corpses is solved, it can often add a lot to one's resume.

But a complaint is a complaint. It is impossible for Yelant to know that the case was accepted by the wizard, nor to know that the man standing in front of him now is the main investigator of the case.

He only knew that Xing Ze was just a contact person, and he had no interest in embarrassing an errand boy.

So Yelante replied: "Although Frank is an arrogant bastard, he is very capable. So whenever we encounter any difficult cases, we will go to him for consultation, or simply let him join the investigation together to volunteer the police." identity of."

Xing Ze took out his notes and carefully recorded Yelante's words, "Has he been to the police station to investigate anything recently? I think since he is an old acquaintance here, you will definitely help him from time to time."

Hearing this, Detective Yellante pulled Xing Ze aside and whispered: "What do you mean, detective, are you accusing me of abusing my power?"

"Don't be nervous, friend, I'm not from the Professional Services Department. I just want to know what Frank is looking for."

The detective thought for a while, maybe it was Xing Ze's performance in the elevator that added points, and he lowered his voice and said: "He sometimes borrows the police station's archives. Of course, I don't know who gave him permission.

"One day, I happened to bump into him and told him to get out of the file room. However, he talked to me about the case he was investigating, hoping that I would be accommodating.

"Jesus, how could I do something that goes against professional ethics? So I drove him out of the police station with my own hands. You can ask Wilson at the front desk. He saw it. He saw it clearly."

"Okay, detective." Xing Ze had a deep understanding of Yellante's ability to lie. "I'm touched by your dedication, which I admire. But let's get back to the topic. ”

"Oh, of course." The detective continued to maintain his righteous appearance, "That bastard is looking up a name. To be precise, it's a surname."

Xing Zejing waited for the other party to say that last name.

"Kimball, he wants someone named Kimball."

For some reason, when he heard this name, an inexplicable sense of familiarity flashed through Xing Ze's heart. Something wanted to pop out of his head, a name was on his lips, but it just stuck.

"Detective, did he find a few targets before he was kicked out by you, and you happened to see his name written in the book?"

Yellante smiled and nodded: "Are you the roundworm in my stomach? Detective, I was about to tell you. But there are a lot of names. Do you mind if I go back and write them down for you?"

"Of course I don't mind." Xing Ze replied with a smile, "Next time I have a chance, I'll buy you a drink."

"You are so polite. I will send it to you later. Why don't you go out now?"

"No, I won't go out for a while. Oh, by the way, SUE, have you heard of it?"

The detective shook his head in confusion, "What's the code name?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just pretend I didn't ask anything."

After saying goodbye to Yellante, Xing Ze originally planned to talk to Harris alone. He was very interested in the old record gang's human trafficking, but he was stopped by Ruiben halfway.

"Burke is looking for you, sir."

Xing Ze nodded and walked to the underground archives room.

As usual, Burke was sitting behind the counter. The wooden counter was like a solid trench.

"Sit down, young man. I have compiled some documents, all related to the investigation. Please forgive me, these things should have been given to you earlier, but you also know that I am old and unlike..."

"Why did A choose me to investigate?"

"What did you say?" Burke raised his head and asked.

"He already has Frank. In my opinion, the detective did a pretty good job."

"But he disappeared."

"A asked me to investigate the case before he learned that he was missing."

"What do you want to say, young man? Remember, this is a private commission."

"A lot of investigations." Xing Ze tapped his thigh with his hand. "A lot of simple investigations have become very complicated precisely because of the employer's dishonesty. However, as you said, this is a private commission, and I can't do more. ask."

"But you still asked." Burke sighed, "Maybe you should ask Big Dog. As a liaison, he must know something."

"Don't waste your efforts, sir." Xing Ze chuckled, "J can't hide anything from me."

"Why are you so paranoid?"

"Should I answer in chronological order? Or in alphabetical order?"

Burke shook his head and said: "You misunderstood me, young man. I am not trying to sow discord. I am just saying that your drunk partner may have forgotten something. Since he almost sunk half of his body Wine vat."

Xing Ze thought about Burke's words, "I agree with your last sentence. He is indeed about to drown himself with the bar, but he is definitely not the kind of person who will do bad things. I believe him."

"I hope he deserves your trust." The old man put the documents in his hand into the portfolio. "He came here on August 15th and stayed until noon on August 16th."


"That's right."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"For Merlin's sake, young man. I'm almost seventy and I can't possibly remember everything."

"Why is he here? If you want to check police information, you should go to the archives room upstairs."

"Who knows? Some of the things hidden in this place are older than me." Burke turned to look at the dense filing cabinets behind him.

He turned around and saw Xing Ze looking at him.

"I didn't ask him what he was looking for? Because it would be useless to ask, he wouldn't tell. But I think he should have found it. He didn't organize the file boxes, so I still remember the numbers of those boxes. 117, 153, 669,34…”

Burke rattled off a dozen numbers in one breath. Xing Ze wrote them down one by one in his mind.

"Also, he asked me to buy a ticket to Telford."

"Telford?" Xing Ze frowned, "It sounds far away from here."

"It's really far away," Burke said. "We'll leave on the morning of the 18th."

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