The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity

Chapter 432: Why did you suddenly confess! ! !

Chapter 432 Why did you suddenly confess! ! !

Shi Xi raised his eyes to look at him, "What's the matter? If it's about endorsements, I'll tell Brother Han to keep the price to a minimum."

Xie Yunzhou's eyes were deep, "I have opened a new amusement park in Pingle District, and I want you to take a look."

Shi Xi thought: "Amusement park promotion ambassador? Sounds pretty good."

"I'll show you." Xie Yunzhou asked the assistant to turn around and go to the amusement park.

"You can wait for the day, but you can't see clearly at night." Shi Xi said.

"There will be a fireworks show at night." Xie Yunzhou said lightly.

Shi Xi looked at Xie Yunzhou in surprise, and immediately asked, "Are you qualified to set off fireworks?"

Fengcheng is prohibited from setting off fireworks.

Leng Qiankun once got into the game for setting off fireworks.

Shi Xi kept this one in mind.

She doesn't want to get into trouble for no reason!

Especially now that she is a female star.

Xie Yunzhou: "...I have applied for the qualification for fireworks."

The fun of chatting with Shixi is that you never know what she will say next.

Shixi asked again: "In the future, will the amusement park be able to set off fireworks every night? Will there be an amusement park? It's similar to Disney's."

Xie Yunzhou said: "It will be linked with several anime IPs."

Shi Xi originally thought that the amusement park Xie Yunzhou said was a childish, cute and boring children's paradise.

But when he got to the gate, Shi Xi knew he was wrong.

Just this huge and luxurious gate in front of you can't be just an ordinary amusement park!

It's getting late, and the lights in the amusement park flicker, which is different from the romance during the day.

Under the dark sky, it is even more mysterious and ambiguous.

Shi Xi looked out the car window and said, "This amusement park is huge."

"The amusement park covers an area of ​​more than 500,000 square meters and has three different theme parks." Xie Yunzhou said: "If you want to play, choose one to play during the day."

Shi Xi smiled and said, "After the park opens, I will play with Tao Tao."

I can no longer come out alone with Xie Yunzhou!

After the car entered the amusement park, it continued to move forward.

Shi Xi asked, "Where is this going?"

"Fantasy Castle."


It sounds childish.

However, this amusement park is so beautiful! There are a lot of devices she wants to try and play with.

After the park opens, she must come and have fun!

Seeing the girl's bright eyes, looking at the paradise outside the car window, Xie Yunzhou's mouth twitched slightly.

He knew that Shi Xi would like it.

He clearly understood the little girl's mind.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a towering ornate castle.

When Shi Xi got off the car, his pupils shone brightly, "It really looks like a fairy tale! As expected of a dream castle."

The fantasy castle in front of you is gorgeous and straight, towering into the clouds.

If it's in the daytime, it's definitely more beautiful!

Shi Xi resisted the thought of wanting to take pictures.

Wait until next time to shoot!

"call out--"

Not far away a cluster of fireworks lifted off and shattered at the highest point.

Beautiful purple fireworks, mysterious and charming.

Then, colorful fireworks exploded, forming various shapes.

Shi Xi watched intently.


Xie Yunzhou behind him called out her name.

When Shi Xi looked back, he saw Xie Yunzhou holding a bunch of champagne roses.

The lights all around are flickering, dreamy and romantic.

Shi Xi's heartbeat started to speed up.

Xie Yunzhou looked at Shixi and said, "Shixi, I have always thought that when you grow up, we will be together naturally."

Shixi: Then why didn't you wait! Keep waiting! !

Why did you suddenly confess! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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