The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 336 Sending off the Plague God

Mi Le's body has indeed changed a lot, and she has noticed it herself.

She has always been indifferent, and she doesn't have much ambition.

It's just that, as a follower of Fan Zhe over the years, she may have experienced many things.

From an ordinary employee, to the veteran of Dimension Entertainment, to becoming an art director, to becoming an independent person in charge of a project...

After experiencing so much, it will naturally change from vision to mood.

This is especially the case since helming the third season of "Amber" alone.

The so-called independent management, of course there is a saying. She has the final say on the entire budget allocation, as long as it can be approved by the Finance Department, it is basically a decision; the same is true for personnel appointments.

This power is not small, and dozens of people are under his control.

She was very uncomfortable with it at first, and even had some problems.

Although, before this, she also worked as an art director for two years, but before that, she was basically only in charge of the professional work of art, and did not involve leading the team, so naturally there were no challenges in terms of team management.

This also made her not have accumulated much experience in this area.

In this way, directly accepting a development team, all the work up and down requires her to watch, the pressure is quite different.

Even though there are many helpers around her, she is the leader after all, and she still has to do many things by herself.

Ever since, when just getting started, there will indeed be some problems.

The most obvious thing is that, limited to his character, Mi Le is really not a decisive person. Even, as a manager, she was a bit too soft.

Unwilling to criticize his subordinates, it seems very Buddhist. He is very talkative, and he is very polite when talking to his subordinates.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. Her style of doing things has made her popular among the entire project team. Everyone likes this kind leader very much.

But things are always too late.

Being popular and being considered a good leader is of course a very positive thing. However, the method of managing the team is too soft, which can still cause some problems.

For example, prestige will become less sufficient, for example, the team under his command will become disorganized.

Mi Le also noticed this situation, but didn't care much at first. She doesn't care whether she has prestige or not, and she can turn a blind eye to a loose team. As long as everyone can complete the work on time and with quality and quantity, why can't everyone choose a way to work that they feel more comfortable with? ?

With this in mind, she didn't care too much about it.

However, as the trend continued to spread, the situation slowly became a little bit wrong.

It is obvious that the efficiency of the entire team is on a downward trend. The speed of processing a lot of work has become a bit delayed. At the beginning, the quality and quantity can be maintained on time, but later it can't be maintained.

A relaxed working atmosphere is a good thing, but if the atmosphere is too relaxed, it will obviously bring evil.

Miller knew he couldn't go on like this.

She first posted in public in their work group, saying things like 'try not to be late and leave early', 'work must be completed on time' and so on.

As a leader, talking about these specifically can still attract a certain amount of attention. The work situation of the entire project team improved a lot in a short time.

However, it didn't take long for him to revert to his old ways.

After being lazy for a long time, it has become a habit. Now that the leader has warned, be careful and serious, but without any means, how can you keep it for too long?

As a result, Mi Le really had a headache for a while, but he couldn't come up with any good solution.

Until there was a guy in the project team who really pissed her off.

That person is called Zhang Ningzhen, an artist and an old employee of the company. He joined Dimension Entertainment two years ago. So far, he has also participated in the production of two projects, and his skills are not bad.

At the end of November, Zhang Ningzhen was said to be celebrating her birthday and went abroad with her boyfriend.

Of course, it's nothing. An An An An An took a few days off, and then two weekends in a row, and went out to play for eighty or ninety days. No one would say anything about her.

However, before this person, her paid annual leave had already been used up. But people wanted to play, but they didn't want to give up their wages for several days. Their monthly salary is more than 20,000 yuan, and the daily salary is more than 1,000 yuan. If you take five days of unpaid personal leave, you will lose 5,000 yuan.

As soon as it happened, Zhang Ningzhen had an idea.

Dimension Entertainment now uses a clock-in system for work, and the company has always adopted the so-called "flexible work system". It works eight hours a day, and it's done when the work is full. If you come later in the morning, you will leave later in the evening. OK. Neither the personnel department nor the leaders of their respective departments will deliberately grasp such things as commuting time.

Ever since, Zhang Ningzhen verbally asked for a leave of absence from her boss, and then found a colleague with a good relationship to help clock in and out of get off work, and went out by herself.

Although it was the project progress period, Mi Le still didn't go to the card when he wanted to go out to play, and she approved the personal leave. She just explained and asked her to hand over her week's work by herself before leaving.

But Zhang Ningzhen forgot about this matter. The several design drawings she had on hand were not given on time, and she did not hand over this matter to anyone, which led to the follow-up work. Because of the lack of her drawings, there appeared shut down.

This annoyed Mi Le very much. She called Zhang Ningzhen several times in succession, but she didn't get through to any of them. After checking, she found that although Zhang had asked for leave verbally, she hadn't gone through the process of asking for leave. After checking again, she found that She asked someone to help her type the commute card.

Although Mi Le has a good temper and is easy to talk to, she still gets angry when encountering such a thing.

Although it is against the company's regulations to ask someone to help you clock in, but most of the time, if nothing happens, everyone just turns a blind eye and forgets it. At most, they give a warning. But Zhang Ningzhen directly delayed the work of the entire project team, this matter cannot be tolerated.

Mi Le, who had long been dissatisfied with the loose attitude of the project team under him and regretted that his inexperience led to the current situation, learned from the pain and was ready to kill and fire people. But later, I felt that I couldn't bear it, so I changed it to a company-wide circular to criticize, and deducted the part of the salary for punching the card, and it was over.

She hoped that this would wake up Zhang Ningzhen and clean up the bad atmosphere of the project team by the way.

However, after returning to work in China, Zhang Ningzhen was quite unconvinced when faced with such a punishment, so that she rushed to Mi Le's office and yelled, cursing the shrew. Crying alone in the office.

When the matter came to Ye Jiayi, Mr. Ye would not show any condolence to this kind of matter, so he directly asked the HR side to fire Zhang Ningzhen.

All resignation procedures are in accordance with the labor contract, T+1 compensation should be given, and all procedures have been completed properly. It doesn't matter if you lose money, because you definitely don't want people anyway.

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