The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 349 Powerful Commercial Appeal (Two in One)

Dimension Entertainment received a letter from Ji Jiaxin's lawyer, asking them to pay the 200,000 bonus stipulated in the contract.

This was of course rejected directly and decisively by them.

On the contract, it was clearly written in black and white that the 200,000 won would only take effect after Ji Jiaxin took over the directorship of "Hell Apartment 3".

Even if it is a lawsuit, Dimension Entertainment is not afraid at all. The legal department they raised is not vegetarian.

It's just that sometimes many things are not that simple.

The court's ticket will arrive soon, and the legal department doesn't pay much attention to it. How interesting is this kind of lawsuit that must win?

But the media is very happy.

This matter, somehow spread to the ears of the media, and then it had already subsided a little bit, about "Hell Apartment", about Dimension Entertainment, about the director Ji Jiaxin, once again because of this The follow-up development has entered the public's field of vision.

"Turn against each other! The director of "Hell Apartment" sued Dimension Entertainment for wage arrears!"

"Why is Dimension Entertainment so stingy about a 200,000 yuan dispute?"

"Hua Yi Films' "Deadly Action" will be released soon, and it has announced plans for a sequel, with Ji Jiaxin as the director!"

"Ji Jiaxin: Now that I have a better platform and a better team, I have the confidence to create an even better "Deadly Action"!"


Wu Jingtong is very sensitive to news circulating on the Internet.

After seeing this, he scolded directly: "Damn it! Hua Yi does the promotion by himself, what does it mean to bring us together?"

He couldn't help but not be angry.

Maybe the general public, when encountering these complicated news, it is not easy to connect all the things together for analysis-everyone is usually very busy, so where is the time to think about it? Just watch the fun and it's over.

However, for a publicity practitioner like Wu Jingtong, it is too easy to analyze this kind of thing in front of him. He could easily think that this matter was re-introduced by Huayi Films to promote their new film, "Deadly Action".

Even, thinking about it on a darker level, Ji Jiaxin hired a lawyer and insisted on fighting this lawsuit that he was doomed to lose. Huayi's shadow is also indispensable in this case, so that he was even abetted. maybe.

But this matter, for Dimension Entertainment, especially for Wu Jingtong, it will cause too much trouble.

In order to calm down the situation, Dimension Entertainment did not know how much effort it took. This is great, a lawsuit, coupled with the crazy hype of the media, things that were about to go down, have become noisy again.

And the driving force behind this matter, that is, Huayi Pictures, in Wu Jingtong's view, they are full of malice.

But the most frustrating thing about this matter is that Wu Jingtong's side just happened to be in a moment, and it was difficult to find any way to deal with it.

There is no need to worry too much about the negative impact. From the beginning to the end, there is nothing wrong with Dimension Entertainment. But every day watching other people stir up things related to me, but in order to promote a movie that has nothing to do with me, this thing always makes people feel uncomfortable.

But this depression didn't last long.

Soon, Wu Jingtong found a way.

Perhaps, it is difficult to find a way to calm the matter down, and there is basically no good way. No matter what Dimension Entertainment says at this time, it is like adding fuel to the fire.

However, they, Huayi Films, can take this opportunity to promote their movies by relying on the popularity of these hypes. Why not Dimension Entertainment?

They, Huayi, rely on the so-called "invite Ji Jiaxin to be the director of the sequel of "Deadly Action"" to forcibly associate their work with this hot event. As for Dimension Entertainment, that is one of the protagonists of this serious incident!

At the moment, Dimension Entertainment itself is about to launch a work that is also a hit drama - "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2"!

When Fan Zhe was filming this drama, he finished filming in one go. Later, I found that the content was too much, and more than 100 episodes were edited, but it was a loss to delete it, so I simply divided it into two parts, which can also reduce the pressure of doing special effects in post-production.

The upper part, which aired last summer, was a huge success. And the next one that took over was "Ru Zi Di". And now, the broadcast of "Ruzidi" has come to an end, and it's time to prepare for the launch of "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2".

Originally, two weeks later was the time when "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" was launched, and the related publicity work had already been planned. For example, main actors such as Chen Yu, Wu Na, and Chen Weiting will participate in some variety shows and talk shows to increase the exposure of their works; Publicity; even Dimension Entertainment, which has a lot of money, has spent a lot of money. In some major cities, it has produced large offline posters and the like, and hung them up in subway stations, squares and other places.

There is no need to change anything in these conventional publicity plans, it is nothing more than adding one item to it - including Ji Jiaxin's incident.

Just grab the traffic of hot topics.

As for how to talk about it, that is Wu Jingtong's business.

For example, headlines such as "Dimension Entertainment Wuxin and Ji Jiaxin are entangled with each other, and are focused on preparing for the launch of "Martial Arts Master"" have begun to pop up on the Internet.

The effect is unexpectedly good.

It's not that it's hard to estimate how much traffic this hot topic has brought to "Martial Arts Master". However, after the news about the launch of "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" began to explode, the seriousness directly overshadowed the topic of Ji Jiaxin.

The traffic and heat between the two are not of the same order of magnitude. Who knew Ji Jiaxin before filming "Hell Apartment 2"? Most of his fame comes from this movie.

After all, "Hell Apartment 2" is just a horror film, with a niche theme. It is said to be successful, but it is also viewed comprehensively by comparing box office performance and cost. If you really want to put it up, this is only a month since it went online, and a movie with a box office of 500 million is really not really how popular it is.

But "Martial Arts Master" is different. This is a serious national-level drama series. The audiences of the two are simply not on the same level.

"Martial arts master" naturally has a very strong popularity. It is about to be launched. As soon as the news came out, it immediately became the most eye-catching event in the entertainment industry, overshadowing all entertainment gossip and film and television works.

"Fatal Action", which was still a little discussed before, was forgotten in no time.

Seeing this situation, Yan Zhangrong was dumbfounded.

Why? Can a TV series have such a big impact on his "Deadly Action"? Dramas and movies are clearly two different things!

After he heard about the conflict between Ji Jiaxin and Dimension Entertainment, he came to the door. He wanted to use this method to re-heat the matter and make another wave of enthusiasm. While promoting your own works, you can also entertain with disgusting dimensions by the way.

He still has fresh memories of how miserable he was during the project establishment stage of "Hell Apartment 2"!

However, it never occurred to me that Dimension Entertainment didn't entangle him with this matter at all, and directly released the news of "Martial Arts Master", which immediately destroyed the situation he had painstakingly created before. .

Some of his subordinates ran over to him and asked him if he wanted to continue to invest resources in this matter, stir up the enthusiasm, and continue to promote "Deadly Action", and then he directly scolded him back.

What else is there to fry? If it goes to heaven, isn't it all cheap "Martial Arts Master"? Could it be that using the name of Dimension Entertainment to promote, can it still promote their own works?

Just go your own way.


And speaking of Dimension Entertainment itself, the launch of "Martial Arts Master: Part 2" is really like the return of the king.

The news that it was about to go online spread all over the world without any effort at all. A large number of old audiences who have watched the first part naturally need not say much about the expectations of the second part. Even if there are some new viewers, quite a few people have become interested in this work.

The news that "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" will be launched is everywhere on the Internet, and countless people are waiting for the launch of "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" in two weeks.

Needless to say, the popularity of these propaganda outlets, for "Martial Arts Master: Part 2", the most direct performance lies in the pre-sale performance of this work on the eve of its launch.

After the large-scale publicity began, in just one week, the pre-sale sales of "Martial Arts Master: Part 2" reached 350 million.

The content of the eighty-three episodes, in addition to three free episodes, seven episodes exclusive to members, and discounts for members, the purchase of the complete episodes will cost about 50 yuan—about the price of a movie ticket.

The pre-sale of 350 million is simply an exaggerated mess. This means that "Martial Arts Master" has a very large audience user group

Moreover, most of them are paid for the purchase of the complete episodes, which means that the commercial appeal of "Martial Arts Master" is indeed very strong.

When this news was revealed intentionally or unintentionally by Dimension Entertainment, it caused a huge upsurge in the industry.

Everyone knows that "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" is bound to fail, but when it comes to success, they never expected it to be so fierce!

"The return of the king! "Martial arts master: Part 2" has already detonated the domestic film and television drama market before it is launched!"

Headlines like this abound.

What's even more gratifying is that after the expectations of "Martial Arts Master: Part 2" exploded, the sales of "Martial Arts Master: Part 1" have further improved.

Originally, the sales of "Martial Arts Master: Part 1" had already entered a very flat stage when it was launched for almost a year. It is true that people buy this show from time to time, but the sales are indeed not much. Sometimes it’s only tens of thousands of yuan. Calculated in this way, the income in the next year will be about 10 to 20 million.

But the recent wave of enthusiasm has directly brought huge profits to "Martial Arts Master: Part 1". In a week, the part 1 has sold 30 to 40 million.

There is no doubt that these new audiences should all be new audiences attracted by the huge popularity of the lower part. They bought Dimension memberships and the first episode, and they will definitely watch "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" in the future.

And these commercial appeals exploded further in the second week.

For the upper part of the Martial Dao Grandmaster, the sales volume of this week has increased instead of falling, and there has been a further increase, and the sales volume in a single week has soared to more than 70 million. This upper part, after a cold meal, made 100 million in just two weeks.

At the same time, the pre-sale sales of the lower part also increased by 500 million this week. The revenue brought by the entire "Martial Arts Master: Part 2" has directly increased to 850 million.

With the foreshadowing of the previous one, the audience has almost no "wait and see" attitude towards "Martial Arts Master: Part 2". Everyone knows that what kind of story this work is about, and even the plot of the second part is originally Then the upper part together.

In addition, the name 'Dimension Entertainment' itself represents quality assurance, so why worry about it? Don't take advantage of the discount during the pre-sale, why not hurry up? !

All in all, it was just the news that "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" was going to be launched, and within half a month, it brought Dimension Entertainment nearly one billion in revenue! It can be seen that the work "Martial Arts Master" has a huge commercial influence.

So far, although "Martial Arts Grandmaster: Part 2" has not been launched yet, its commercial expressiveness is no longer worrying. Even if it's just the pre-sale of more than 800 million yuan, if you can't make a penny later, you don't have to worry about the work not making money.

What's more, the other copyright marketing of "Martial Arts Master: Part 2" was almost discussed before it went online. After the online version is finished, this work will land in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and other regions, including broadcasting on TV stations and online copyright in overseas markets, and then offline DVD...

The prices negotiated for these copyright operations in global markets other than mainland China are also very high, which can almost bring about 500 million yuan in revenue to Dimension Entertainment.

So far, all the income of "Martial Arts Master: Part 2" has reached 1.35 billion before the work is launched, and it is estimated that there may be further growth after the work is launched in the future.

I have earned enough money. For the next thing, if the word-of-mouth of the work does not collapse after it is launched, and if people don't scold the sky, then the whole work will be fine.

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