The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 385 Executioner

In the first half of the story, in fact, the main goal is to establish a character image.

Through the previous martial arts arena, the honor of becoming the young general of the kingdom, and the battle of the giant worm wizard, the two protagonists of Galen and Jarvan IV have been established.

Especially the prince.

He is heroic, has leadership, can stand up in difficult times, and lead the way, and never retreat. And the flaws in character were also shown, and he was a little proud. This is reflected in the fact that when he and Galen were practicing duels, he refused to admit defeat, and in order to win a practice, he would use tricks that would hurt both sides; it was also reflected in what he said to Galen after killing the giant worm wizard: This time I beat you'.

And his character flaws—or characteristics, foreshadowed the next development of the story.

After defeating the giant worm wizard and rescuing Lux, the Demacia army returned triumphantly.

On the way back, a messenger from the kingdom came in a hurry and delivered the king's order:

"The invasion of the Noxus army was found on the eastern border, and I ordered your department to go to support immediately. Appoint Xin Zhao as the general, responsible for commanding the guards and the German army on the eastern border."

After receiving this news, there was a discussion between Xin Zhao, Galen, and Jarvan IV. In this discussion, the movie explains the relationship between Demacia and Noxus-this is a pair of enemies.

Noxus is a warlike kingdom to the east of Valoran. They have a huge land, bordering the Freljord in the north, controlling the northern port of Shurima in the south, often conflicting with Germany in the west, and launching a war of aggression against Ionia in the east... …

And all this stems from their extremely aggressive desire to expand. At the same time, it also has something to do with the barren land of Noxus itself.

It is precisely because of this that they have a great desire for the rich land of Demacia in the west. In the past history, Noxus has launched many wars against Demacia. The two countries have won and lost each other. Even when the peace is barely maintained, there are not a few border conflicts.

And this time, they came again.

It is temporarily impossible to confirm whether the Noxian attack this time is a sweep, a harassment attack, or a prelude to another large-scale invasion.

All in all, this German army, which had just defeated the giant worm, quickly went east to support it.

Because of his excellent performance in the battle, the prince was appointed as the vanguard, leading the German knights to rush in quickly.

The order he received was to take on the role of an outpost, investigate the main force of the enemy, find out their purpose, and if possible, try to prevent the enemy from further invading the hinterland of Demacia and causing greater damage .

After Jarvan's army entered the frontline battlefield, they found many traces of Noxians. They looted everywhere and did a lot of evil. All this made him deeply angry. He led the vanguard and wiped out many Noxian marauders.

With the news of success, his army began to go deeper into the battlefield.

This part of the plot is explained in more detail in the movie. There are scenes of border villages and small towns being destroyed by the flames of war, and there are scenes of Jiawen leading the knights to chase and wipe out the enemies.

His anger was simultaneously shown to the audience through the somewhat miserable scenes in the movie.

And all of this also gave him a more reasonable explanation for the motivation of what he did next: when he heard the news that the Gate of Sorrow had fallen, he rejected the advice of his adjutants and ignored the fact that he was the commander in the rear. Xin Zhao told him to slow down, but decided to continue marching into Noxian territory.

"Those who violate our German state will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The young prince made such an oath.

However, his light army aggressively made him punished.

His knight order was ambushed, and the main force of the Noxian invasion, led by the mighty Executioner Urgot, surrounded Jarvan and his knights.

After a fierce battle, although the German knights fought hard, they were still defeated because they were outnumbered.

Jarvan and his knights became Urgot's captives.

On the battlefield, the brutal Executioner Urgot announced his fate to Jarvan:

"We have gained enough this time. Next, I will take you back to the great Noxus from here. On the way, I will execute a Demacian every day, and you, I It'll be the last one."

"Young prince of Demacia, you will remember the next journey: you will see with your own eyes every day how I executed one of your comrades-in-arms. And your execution will be placed in the Immortal Fortress, In front of His Majesty the great Noxus Emperor Darkwill. You will be beheaded by my own hands in front of tens of thousands of Noxus people!"

The young prince bound by iron chains roared angrily, but he was powerless to resist his fate.

Urgot did not break his promise, and he witnessed the beheading of one of his subordinates every day for the next few days.

This made him angry, made him even more desperate, and finally broke down one day.

The adjutant who advised him to be more cautious and not to march easily, was about to be beheaded, and he burst into tears.

"It's all my fault, let them go, kill me..." The crying prince had collapsed.

But his adjutant said at this time: "You are the royal family of Demacia! Please cheer up! Even if you die, please maintain the pride of the Demacia people..."

Before he finished speaking, the giant ax slashed down, and Urgot chopped off the head of the adjutant, lifted it up, and said, "I just want to see you cry and howl, don't tell me anything else, or you will die earlier."

This cruel scene is quite inappropriate for children.

Although Dimension Entertainment had consciously restrained the bloody feeling on the screen during the previous production, they still released this scene in order to show Urgot's horror and Jiawen's despair.

When it passed the review, it was stuck by the above, saying that the content was bloody, but after a slight revision in the end, it was still released.

In the theater, this scene also caused slight discomfort to some viewers - it wasn't because of the blood, Dimensional Entertainment still controlled it well in this respect. The most important thing is that the impact of this scene is indeed a bit strong. Most of the audience, even those who hold the mentality of 'the protagonist will not die', can't help but feel agitated, and are deeply moved by Jiawen's fate. worry.

"This Urgot is so cruel..."

"Hmm..." Guo Lei didn't know what to say to his wife. To be honest, he didn't know much about the background of LOL's story, and this scene was a bit beyond his expectations.

But stories are never hopeless.

On the other line, Xin Zhao and Galen also learned about the capture of His Highness the Prince.


The above plot is basically based on the context set by Fist, and I created it myself, let alone copying the book... In fact, there is no place to copy it.

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