The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 433 Star Sea Yang Fan! (two in one)

Sitting in the movie theater, the dragon logo and V-marked Dimension Entertainment logo flashed on the big screen, announcing the official start of the movie.

At the beginning of the film, there is a very conventional Chinese rural family, and there is a flowing water feast in the village. On the stove in the back, meals are cooked, and many relatives and friends sit at tables, and the atmosphere is very lively.

According to the content of about one or two minutes, the movie explains the family background of the protagonist.

His name is Lei Bin, he is the second child in the family, and he has an older sister. My father is a craftsman who does some carpentry and earns a decent income, while my mother is basically a housewife who mainly takes care of the family and occasionally cleans up the vegetable field at home.

This banquet was hung up for him to serve as a soldier.

A red banner was still hanging not far from the side, with the words 'one man is a soldier, the whole family is honor'.

Chen Yu, who played the leading role Lei Bin, initially showed his acting skills in these literary scenes.

A young man who is about to leave home and embark on a career in the army is represented by him.

A little confused, a little excited, a little bit reluctant...

However, there is no entanglement between the movie and the movie, it is just a foreshadowing of the character line and the emotion of the movie, and the story will be told backwards soon.

After entering recruit training, Lei Bin excelled, became a member of the Marine Corps, was sent into space, and served on a moon base.

At this point in the movie, the world view has also been initially revealed.

This is not in the present day, but in the not-too-distant future. Human beings have firmly imprinted their footsteps in space.

The lunar surface troops stationed by the protagonist are part of the Chinese space army. They will conduct basic space training here, and will be sent to Mars to garrison later. The main task is to protect the safety of the Mars route. exist.

It is worth mentioning that there is a strong contrast between the scene of the traditional Chinese countryside at the beginning of the movie, and the scene of the main character Lei Bin flying to the moon in a spaceship at the end.

The first act of the movie ends at the lunar training base. The climax of the story takes place in a match on the base. Soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor and with the red flag engraved on their shoulders and arms are engaged in an actual combat match.

All in all, the first act of the film is quite satisfactory.

The rhythm is a bit slow, but the quality of the final climax is still very good. In the special environment of the moon, the artists carefully designed the exoskeleton armor with a mechanical beauty, and the hardcore fighting between fists was very hearty.

Moreover, this story has basically completed the needs. The emotion between the protagonist and his comrades is still very good. A number of characters with distinctive characters have been set up, and there are some drama conflicts. The general content is that some troubles broke out among a group of young and vigorous space recruits, and finally resolved through the final actual combat exercise. .

After this period, the story continues.

The training at the moon base is over. The protagonist and a group of comrades got on the spaceship, were assigned to the Mars base, and started their first actual mission.

Together with some veterans, they took the "Xiaguang" spacecraft to escort the ground fire channel.

After completing the escort mission, they stayed at a space station for resupply, and then prepared to return to the Mars base, but after completing the resupply, they received a sudden order to ask the Xiaguang to explore a mining area located in an asteroid belt. A distress call was sent, but contact has been lost.

Subsequently, Xiaguang set off urgently and came to the asteroid belt. The soldiers of the Marine Corps boarded the landing ship, left the starship, fell into the mining area, left the spaceship, and headed inside.

The two combat formations, each with a dozen or so individuals, were divided into two parts and entered from the two parts of the mining area.

The main perspective of the movie must be placed on the B team where the protagonist is.

Not long after they entered the mining area, they saw the bodies of two miners wearing orange life support overalls.

"It's space pirates again! This group of flies!" The experienced veteran judged, his tone very angry.

And at this moment, news came from Team A that they had already made contact with the enemy!

"Enemy encountered! Enemy encountered! Their firepower is fierce! Call for reinforcements!"

That's right, the pirates, there were even some screams and gunfire coming from the earphones.

Team B immediately chose to go to support. The jet gas on the exoskeleton armor was continuously launched. The soldiers jumped high and fell to the ground under the gravity system under their feet. Then they could see the hydraulic system at the dealer's knee joint. Heavy compression, popping...

Soldiers quickly rushed to the battlefield through this very space method.

Moments later, they were ambushed.

A veteran walking in the vanguard was directly bombarded by heavy firepower, and the volley was smashed into pieces.

"Enemy attack!"

"Why was there no warning?"

"The investigative equipment was interfered, and there was no alarm!"

"When did the equipment of these pirates get so good?"

The words did not affect the soldiers of the Marine Corps to fight back.

Between the roar of gunfire, the scene suddenly became extremely hot.

Then, the camera came to the protagonist, who was facing actual combat for the first time, jumping between life and death, obviously still feeling a little at a loss.

Wearing exoskeleton armor and hiding behind a bunker, the slow-motion camera and the amplified sound of his breathing clearly convey his emotions to the audience.

"Lei Bin! Lei Bing! What are you doing? Fight back! Fight back!"

The captain's shout sounded in his ear, Lei Bin turned his head, he saw the veteran captain not far away, turned his face sideways, and roared at him with a ferocious expression.

Before he could recover, a red energy bomb hit the captain's shoulder, knocking him to the ground.

From the side of the perspective, a pirate wearing some rough-looking armor is continuing to aim at his captain.

Lei Bin didn't have much time to react, he could only instinctively raise his gun, and fired a burst of bullets towards that side.

Pirates are knocked down.

"Beautiful!" The comrade's voice came from the headset, and at the same time, the captain who was knocked down over there also stood up again. The protective ability of the exoskeleton dealer is still trustworthy.

"Don't be in a daze, keep fighting, we want to overthrow them, our comrades are still waiting for our support!"

The morale was boosted, and the soldiers with the red national flag on their shoulders and arms fired fiercely at the enemy with high morale.

If the firepower of the pirates is real, it is definitely impossible to compare with the regular army.

They ended up leaving some corpses behind and were pushed back.

And in the B team where the protagonist is, there is also a soldier who fell here forever.

Of course, the audience still remembered that this dead guy was quite a jokester. Before the war, when they left the Xiaguang in the landing spacecraft and came to the mining area of ​​this asteroid belt, the veteran also told the protagonist and other recruits, told a few jokes, and eased their pressure. In the end, encourage them that everything is fine, and the enemy will be easily wiped out in front of the regular army like a chicken and a dog.

But now, he was lying here, silently.

"I don't have time to feel sad for you guys. Let him stay here. We'll come back collect Li Weihe's body...Everyone check the ammunition and supplies, and continue to set off in a minute."

The captain's attitude seemed a little indifferent, but a little choking in the middle of his words still conveyed some messages.


The entire movie, in the story content of the second act, is basically spent in this kind of hot battle scene.

Once again, Dimension Entertainment has contributed surprises to the people of the whole country.

What should interstellar combat look like? There have been many, many movies in the past that have brought some answers to the audience. But basically, those movies are from Hollywood and are someone else's answer.

But this time, Dimension Entertainment, on behalf of the Chinese, gave China's answer.

If the previous things are not so obvious, then by this scene, the unique interstellar aesthetics that have been thought out in the heads of the artists of Dimension Entertainment are already very clear.

From the design of the screen to some details, such as the operation of the exoskeleton armor in battle, the exposed hydraulic rods and some parts, they all show two flavors that are completely different from Hollywood.

When Hollywood makes such sci-fi themes, they always like to make some devices and machinery have a 'sci-fi feel'. The appearance is smooth, the form is simple, the main colors are mainly cool colors, and the sense of technology is very strong.

But this "Fearless Assault" by Dimension Entertainment shows a completely different look.

This movie, in terms of aesthetics, is more like an extension from the original "The Wandering Earth". Whether it is the exoskeleton armor worn by the soldiers of the Marine Corps, or even the starship, including the spaceship used for landing, there is something very different from Hollywood-style sci-fi.

The most prominent labels for the design of these things are the words 'big', 'bulky', 'sufficient mechanical sense', 'violent beauty' and so on.

It is very similar to some styles inherited from the former Soviet Union. Everything is in line with practicality. Don’t make so many fancy things, just be strong enough, and you can do it when you go up.

Dimension Entertainment does not reject the practice of absorbing essence from other works.

When making the preliminary design of the film, they also came up with many different design proposals and conducted very intense discussions. In the end, when he arrived at Fan Zhe's place, he chose the current one among several proposals.

According to his thinking, it is also very simple - how can there be so much to say? Military equipment, strong and easy to use, not easy to break down, easy to repair when it breaks down, this is the top priority. What are you doing so beautifully and technologically?

Even, further, these things are not just designs that stay on models and details. In the battle scenes, those explosions of fireworks, violent gunfire, and the explosion of missiles with red tail flames from the thick and dark gun barrels also showed great strength. Rough, but very violent aesthetics that can make people's blood spurt.

As an audience, Zhang Cheng didn't think too much about it. He just felt that he was sitting in a movie theater and watching these scenes, and he felt very refreshed.

The picture effect is excellent, and the audio equipment of the external theater is not comparable to that of ordinary home equipment. The adrenaline rush brought by these combined makes people feel very refreshing.

Of course, the rhythm of a movie must be relaxed.

At the end of the second act, they rescued the troubled Team A and basically cleared all the enemies in the mining area.

It seems that the mission has basically been declared a success, and the story shown in the movie has also entered a relatively relaxed stage.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the joy of victory, but at the same time, four soldiers from Team A died, and two soldiers from Team B stayed here forever.

Among them, there is also a recruit who trained with the protagonist Lei Bin at the moon base, and even had a good relationship between the two during the previous training.

The battlefield is impermanent, and this atmosphere is still enhanced by the movie.

The so-called, a good war film, the core of the story must be anti-war, this is absolutely true.

War is a monster. On the huge and cruel stage of war, no matter whether it is victory or defeat, there is only one ending—tragedy.

There are winners in wars, but there are also none.

The accompanying death, the accompanying destruction, and the accompanying deep blow to each individual's soul in war are inevitable.

But the movie still needs to tell the audience that sometimes, war is not something we can choose not to do. When the war comes like this, there is only one choice left for us: destroy those who will bring us the war!

This is what the movie expresses.

Dimension Entertainment is indeed very good when it comes to visuals and special effects. Even in the entire world, there are not many companies or teams that can compete with them in this regard.

However, it would be too one-sided to ignore Dimension Entertainment's ability to tell stories.

In fact, whether they are in the film industry, animation, film and television dramas, etc., their stories are not bad. Usually, the story will have a core core, and the rhythm of the entire plot will be relatively smooth.

Whether the content is profound or not is not discussed, but at least their stories are very complete and beautiful.

Coupled with excellent picture effects, this is the key to their ability to always produce works that the audience likes very much.

If only relying on the picture... In this world, there are not many movies with big investment and outstanding special effects, but in the end, there are still few movies?

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