By the time the dragon Iva is killed, the movie "Dragon Blood" has basically come to an end.

The picture was frozen on Jarvan IV, standing on the huge dragon head of the dead Ivar, raising his arms and shouting. He is at the very center of the entire picture, and apart from the severely injured Shyvana, the other five Demacia heroes who participated in the battle are all within the frame, showing a A 'League of Legends' look.

Of course, this frozen frame, which can be used as a promotional poster, is the last scene of the climax of the movie, and there is still a short section of content behind it.

For a while Shyvana was rescued from the forest and woke up. Jiawen said that he was the prince of Demacia, and he invited Shivana to join his guard to serve Demacia, and Shivana agreed.

In another scene, Lux and Galen were sitting opposite each other. The two were silent for a long time, and then Galen spoke first.

"Leave Demacia, I'll pretend I didn't see it."

Lux's face was a little sad.

Then, Jiawen came to look for it and found that Lux was missing.

"You let Lux go?"

"Her power is not allowed in our country."

Jiawen was silent for a moment, thinking of Shivana, and said, "Perhaps, this is something that Demacia needs to change."

"The law is the law." Galen's attitude was firm.

In the end, where the movie really ends, Jarvan returns to the capital of Demacia with Xin Zhao, Galen, Poppy, and Shivana.

From the city gate to the castle, both sides of the road are full of people who come to watch the triumphant return of the soldiers. Surrounded by flowers, the heroes of Demacia received many cheers. And behind them, the soldiers swaggered past in a large cart loaded with Iva's dragon head.

At the end of the road, the king of Demacia is waiting in full costume.

That's the end of the movie.


The subtitles jumped out of the production team. Generally, by this time, the audience in the theater should be about to leave. However, it is also a habit cultivated from the easter eggs at the end of each movie in the Marvel series. Many people will wait for such easter eggs to appear in this series of movies.

This is a very good element to enhance the audience's sense of expectation. Dimension Entertainment will also use it in the "League of Legends" series.

After the list of main creators passed, the easter eggs came.

"Dragon Blood" has a total of four easter eggs, one of which has Poppy as the main character.

In a short twenty seconds, she made some jokes, but she ran into an 'Eagle Dragon Knight'. Those who are familiar with the LOL series should know that this is an elite army of the Kingdom of Demacia, and 'Wings of Demacia. Quinn' is one of them.

This easter egg does not contain much information, mainly because some funny scenes happened between Bobby and Longying, which are mainly funny.

The remaining three basically point to the follow-up stories, and they also roughly indicate the follow-up selection of the LOL series of movies that Dimension Entertainment may continue to create in the future.

The protagonist of the second easter egg is Lacus, but her attire is completely different from before. The girl who left Demacia now looks dusty, wearing a gray traveling burqa and holding a wooden staff in her hand. The environment she was in seemed to be a ruin, and she was leaning against the wall, as if hiding. There was a sound of heavy breathing coming from beside the ear, judging from the black shadow on the ground, it looked like a terrible monster.

And just when the black shadow was getting closer and Lux's hand holding the wooden stick was getting tighter and tighter, a golden knife flashed, and the figure of a boy with yellow hair without showing his face appeared beside her , grabbed her hand, flickered again, and the two disappeared in place together.

This time, it is a very popular character in League of Legends, 'Explorer Ezreal' for short, EZ.

The content is very short, about ten or twenty seconds, but there is a lot of information.

According to the background, this must be what happened after Lux was "exiled" and left Demacia. She met EZ and experienced some stories with this explorer.

This is paving the way for Lux's independent film.

The third easter egg is about Demacia. In the throne hall of Demacia, the king was discussing matters with his ministers, Jarvan was there, and Shivana stood behind him.

The business has been finished, and the king is about to end the discussion, but a minister stood up, glanced at Shivana, and said: "It is of course a very good thing that His Royal Highness can return safely, but the things that His Royal Highness brought back Lady, she should never be the head of the guard."

Jarvan raised his head and said, "Ms. Shivana saved my life. She is a loyal and fearless warrior."

"But she's clearly not human."

"It's just that the skin color is different."

"There are rumors that her body is a dragon!"

Jiawen turned back, glanced at Shivana, and said, "If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense."


This easter egg is still not long, it looks like half a minute, without expanding other story lines, but it reveals some problems within the country of Demacia itself.

In the previous two films, the film's performance on Demacia was basically positive. They fought bravely, abided by the law, and defended their country. In contrast, Noxus assumed the role of evil invaders.

However, the movie also showed Demacia's problems from some aspects. They strictly abide by the law, which is of course true, but is the law itself so just? Their aversion to magic stems from the fact that magic once caused great harm to their country, and from the trauma caused by rune wars, but this kind of magic and abnormal creatures completely resist, Isn't it correct to have an attitude of not being able to tolerate half of it?

In this easter egg, through a short clip, this is shown with the attitude of the Demacian conservative party towards Shyvana.

After watching the movie, many analysts and critics basically wrote: This is very likely, it is the third work of the "Demacia" series, and the main content of the content that I want to express.

And the last easter egg is about Wayne.

She was standing at the grave of her teacher, Frey, mourning.

After standing still for a while with her eyes closed, she took two steps forward and placed the small white flower in her hand in front of the unwritten tombstone, but she found a very inconspicuous letter beside the tombstone.

She picked it up, and there was a short sentence written on it.

"I'm Senna. Lucian and I ran into trouble on the Shadow Isles. We need your help. Please come to Bilgewater quickly, and we'll meet there."

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