Later, the guild gradually couldn't afford to form a group of 25 people. Many people gradually AFK (leaved the game), and those who stayed in the game went online less frequently.

But in the QQ group of the guild, and later in the WeChat group, everyone still chats occasionally.

A few years ago, when the movie "Warcraft" was released, they also held an event, and many people came. Although not everyone who frequently participated in the event at that time came, there were about a dozen people.

To be honest, Sun Qing also felt a little incredible that he could gather so many people together.

The atmosphere at that party was quite good. After watching the movie, they went to have a meal together. During the dinner, everyone drank some wine and recalled the glorious years of their youth.

However, there are still some shortcomings.

The movie that they thought would excite them was not as good as they had imagined. This was a flaw. Later, they also mentioned this problem in the chat in the WeChat group.

But this time, they gathered together because of "Warcraft".

Everyone came from various cities, some thought it was too far away, some said they didn’t have time, but this time, we made it together

After chatting for a while in the waiting area, we can enter the theater there.

Walking into it, what they bought were consecutive seats. There were over ten people, divided into two rows, occupying the most central position of the theater.

"Wushuang is awesome, it's so good to buy this ticket." An uncle with a tall hairline who was full of Trump talk shouted.

This man is Lao Huan, from Sichuan, who can't speak Mandarin—he himself doesn't admit it, he thinks he speaks Mandarin—this mouthful of hot pot smell is still fresh in Sun Qing's memory when he was still young.

Wushuang is a local, and everyone else came from all over the world, so naturally he was in charge of buying movie tickets.

Wushuang nodded, and said with a smile: "The manager of the theater is my friend, and I left some tickets for the relationship."

"Cow batch!"

After a few words of nonsense, the movie started.


Arthas Menethil was the son of King Terenas Menethil II of Lordaeron.

As soon as the movie opened, it made a big move:

"my son,"

"That name was whispered throughout the forests of Lordaeron on the day you were born;"


"I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice."

"Remember, we have always ruled this country by strength and wisdom;"

"I also believe that you will use your great power carefully;"

"The real victory is to inspire the fighting spirit of the people!"

"One day my life will come to an end."

"And you will be crowned king!"


This opening sentence, accompanied by the picture, is the scene of the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

From the huge city of Lordaeron, to the Glades of Tirisfal, to Andorhal...

A scene of abundance made Lordaeron look like a powerful and wealthy country.

This opening remark is very familiar to almost every Warcraft player. This is the narration attached to the opening CG of the "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King" expansion, which is what King Terenas said to Arthas. This passage, combined with the change that Arthas will degenerate into the Lich King in the future, makes this passage seem so ironic and sentimental.

But in any case, this paragraph, for Alsace in the movie now, is just the father's ardent hope for a son.

Then, the beginning of the story, Alsace was sent to serve in the Knights of the Silver Hand, the leader of this knights is Uther Lightbringer.

After the orc war ended, a large number of orcs were imprisoned in various shelters. But now, there is a Blackrock clan that has escaped and started a riot in Steinbrad.

Arthas assisted Uther to defeat the group of orcs, and he even personally eliminated the leader of the evil orc tribe, the sword master Jubitus.

This story can only be regarded as an appetizer in the movie.

Although the content of this paragraph is not long, through the plot, the film still creates the original image of Alsace: he values ​​honor and is full of kindness, but acts impulsively.

After the first escort battle ended, a little boy named Daniel in the town asked Alsace, "What about those captured by the beast clan?"

The prince bowed his head and said to the child in that gentle yet firm tone, "Don't worry, my children, I will take them home."

However, the bloodthirsty orcs killed all the hostages at the last moment, and Arthas could not fulfill his promise to Daniel.

This made him so angry that in the end he also killed those orcs.


After this story, the heroine, played by Emma Watson, Jaina appeared.

She was sent by her teacher, Archmage Antonidas, to the north of Lordaeron to investigate a rapidly spreading mysterious plague. As for the Kingdom of Lordaeron, it was her former lover, Arthas, who was sent to accompany her.

From the interaction between Alsace and Jaina, even audiences who don't know anything about the Warcraft series can clearly see that these two people have an affair...

The former archmage Kel'Thuzad, after being bewitched by the Burning Legion, established the Cult of the Damned, making waves in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The evil teachings he spread blinded countless people who longed for happiness, and transformed them into walking dead undead through the terrible plague virus, collectively known as the "scourge".

The Scourge of the Undead not only threatened the stability of Lordaeron's borders, but also shook the foundation of the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Arthas was very anxious when he learned of this, and rushed to the Andorhal area with Jaina overnight.

Together, the two set out to study the deadly plague and found that those affected by it turned into fearsome undead soldiers who joined the Scourge.

What he saw made Alsace very shocked and sad: the plague could not be cured by medicine, and the magic of the holy light had little effect. Very quickly, almost all the infected people turned into walking corpses of the undead.

They traced to Andorhal, and finally found Kel'Thuzad, the culprit who spread the plague. The angry Alsace executed him without hesitation.

But it's too late.

Andorhal's grain cart has already rushed to Hearthglen, and Jaina uses teleportation magic to leave to inform Uther.

And Alsace rushed to Hearth Valley, and found that most of the people in the town here had eaten the relief food and turned into undead. He wiped out the undead here, but found that there were countless armies of undead coming from all directions.

So Alsace led his men to guard the position tenaciously until every wall tile in Hearthglen collapsed, and almost all the offensives were broken. The knights rushed to support, and the undead army retreated.

Without rest, they continued to pursue the car and made it to Stratholme.

Those who are familiar with the Warcraft series are all watching the most critical scene, which is about to happen: the massacre of Stratholme.

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