Shaoyin was parachuted to Mr. Lu and assigned her subsidiary company to be a high-level executive.

This subsidiary is in the media direction. The business is not good, but it is not bad either. The atmosphere of the company is OK, there are not too many messy things, and the top management is very organized.

After Shaoyin was airborne, he had a meal with the company, and then began to make drastic reforms.

According to the style of the original team, continue to develop, still tepid. With such a reform, she will either go downhill or skyrocket.

The company executives all know her background, and there are not many people who oppose her, so they are busy up and down.

Shaoyin also started to go out early and come back late, and she was still busy life than Mr. Lu.

"Hey, Linlin." That night, after nine o'clock, Shaoyin was still entertaining outside when she received a call from Ruolin.

Ruolin's side is very quiet, so quiet that the little girl's breathing can be clearly heard: "Mom."

"Baby, why are you calling now? Is there something wrong?" Shaoyin asked.

Ruo Lin was lying on the bed, her two little feet without socks raised up, her voice sounded very good: "Mom, I miss you."

"It's good, someone misses me." Shaoyin laughed, "Then baby Linlin, guess, does mom miss you?"

Ruo Lin couldn't help pouting: "Mom!"

Why did my mother become so cute?

But a little strangeness that I haven't seen for a few days, or so dissipated. She slumped on the bed, holding the phone in one hand, lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes flickered lightly, and said, "Mom, dad hasn't come back yet. Grandpa said that the donkeys in the production team have to rest, why doesn't dad not come back? Rest? Isn't he tired?"

"Maybe he's better than a donkey." Shaoyin said.

Ruo Lin was overjoyed when she heard that her mother was hurting her father in this way, she fell on the bed and giggled.

"Linlin is home alone now?" Shaoyin asked again.

Ruo Lin's laughter gradually stopped, and she muttered: "No, there is an aunt at home."

Shen Youtang is not a **** parent, he is a father who loves his children, how could he possibly leave the child at home alone?

"Has Linlin finished her homework now?" Shaoyin signaled to the company's executives, letting them deal with it first, walking a little further, standing by the window in the quiet corridor with few people.

"Well, I'm done." Ruo Lin replied, her mouth slightly pouted, "Mom, Dad won't ask me if I'm done."

Shen Youtang would ask her how was her life at school? happy? If she said she was happy, he wouldn't ask.

He never worried about her homework, as if he knew she would finish it.

"Your father's mouth is a little lazy." Shaoyin rudely complained to her daughter about her ex-husband's small problems, "Look at him, when he was on the pirate ship, he didn't even bother to scream."

Ruo Lin suddenly remembered that day when she went to the amusement park with her mother and made faces to imitate her father's appearance, she couldn't help laughing again: "Mom, then why is my father's mouth so lazy?"

She was already lying flat at this time, holding the phone in one hand, looking at the ceiling, a little more brilliance in her eyes.

"Maybe this is his character." Shaoyin said.

Ruo Lin didn't really want to know that much. She just wanted to talk to her mother.

Therefore, the topic was changed again: "Mom, has grandpa returned home?"

"It's time to go home." Shaoyin said, "Your grandmother came back yesterday. He should go home earlier today and talk to your grandmother."

Ruo Lin asked, "Mom, didn't you go home?"

"Well, my mother is also pulling a donkey today." Shaoyin replied.

Ruo Lin was made to giggle again. But soon, her laughter became a little more stuffy: "Mom, why are you adults so busy?"

She wanted to ask if my mother could pick me up.

Shen Youtang returned late every day. She was not very happy at home. She always felt that the house was empty and large, and it was not as comfortable as her grandfather's home.

Originally, she didn't think it was bad to live at home. But after staying at Grandpa's house for two days on weekends, she felt that Grandpa's house had an indescribable atmosphere, and it was comfortable anyway.

Of course it is comfortable.

If she grows up a little more, she will understand that what the Lu family has and the Shen family does not have, that kind of thing is called human touch.

"Because it's fun." Shaoyin replied, in a family like theirs, it can't be said to be running around for a living, so she put one hand into the pocket of her small suit, looked out the window into the night, and said with a smile: " Growing up, there are a lot of things to do every day, and this can be done, and that can be done.”

The little girl pouted, a little unhappy: "Then are you just taking care of yourself?"

"Well, it's our fault for ignoring Linlin." Shaoyin quickly admitted his mistake, "Otherwise, I'll discuss with your father, and we'll make a time plan so that one person can accompany Linlin every day, okay?"

Ruo Lin was a little impulsive just now, and when she said it, she regretted it a little. But her mother's suggestion still made her heart: "Really?"

"If you need us to accompany you, that's true." Shaoyin said, "You are our child, and we have a responsibility to you."

Ruo Lin did not speak for a while.

He pursed his lips, not showing much happiness on his face.

"Forget it." She lowered her eyes and said, "Just have fun."

If they just take her as a responsibility, then she doesn't.

"Really not?" Shaoyin said in surprise, "If I accompany you, I can accompany you to do your homework, play games after finishing your homework, pick out the clothes and shoes to wear tomorrow, bake together, and take it to school tomorrow to share with your classmates. , oh, you can also share it with the physical education teacher you like. We can also read books together, find interesting stories, and tell them to the same table, ah, do you like your tablemate? "

She spoke lightly and quickly, and what she said seemed to have magic power, which made Ruo Lin yearn for it, and she bit her nails.

"If your father accompanies you, you can ask him to accompany you to do your homework, let him do things you like with you, and you can also cure his laziness, such as letting him read textbooks and give you a set of wrong questions. " Shaoyin hasn't finished speaking yet, "You can ask him to take you on a bike ride in the yard and play badminton with you..."

Ruo Lin was attracted: "Really? Is it really possible?"

It turned out that her parents were responsible for her, would it be so interesting?

"Of course." Shaoyin said in a natural tone, "You are our child."

After speaking, without waiting for Ruo Lin to say anything, she added: "Although your grandfather is very busy every day, your grandmother does not work every day. When she is not working, she can stay at home all day, arrange flowers, drink Drink tea, go shopping, hang your voice."

"Did Mom tell you? Your grandmother is a singer. She is very good. Many people call her teacher. If you are interested, you can ask your grandmother to teach you to sing." Shaoyin said again.

Ruo Lin was attracted by the picture she described.

She suddenly felt that it was very interesting to be accompanied by her parents, grandparents and grandparents.

Although they are doing their duty, it is so much fun!

"Mom, is it really alright?" She sat up unconsciously, holding her phone in both hands, with a serious face on her face, "Will it make me seem ignorant?"

"No!" Shaoyin said, "If you are 18 years old and let your parents accompany you, then we will say that you are ignorant."

Ruo Lin pouted: "When I turn eighteen years old, I will be an adult, and I can go out to play every day like you!"

Shaoyin laughed: "Yes, yes, you are the little donkey of the production team!"

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