Qu Chengzong finally bought the peach blossom charm from Shaoyin.

One thousand yuan, he bought ten.

"Heh." Shaoyin looked at him mockingly, seeing that he wanted to put the peach blossom talisman all over his body, and reminded: "The peace talisman given to you before, don't lose it, you can hang it on your body at any time."

Since she noticed that the relationship between the two has weakened, "she" can no longer suppress his evil spirit, so she specially made a peace talisman for him.

Said to be a peace talisman, in fact, it was a masking talisman specially made for him. As long as he wears it on his body, those **** things can't find him.

"Got it." Qu Chengzong said indifferently.

Seeing that he was so careless, Shaoyin lowered her face and reminded again: "You'd better be. Otherwise, even if you have a life to pick peach blossoms, you won't have a life to keep peach blossoms."

Qu Chengzong suddenly raised his head and stared at her with wide eyes. He was not angry, but not too angry: "You have to curse me?"

Rolling his eyes, Shao Yin ignored him.

"It's getting more and more outrageous." Qu Chengzong looked at her arrogant appearance, raised his hand, and wanted to knock a shudder on her forehead. But looking at her bright and white forehead, she retracted her hand, just glared at her, and said, "The elephant can't spit out dog teeth!"

"Puchi!" Shaoyin couldn't hold back, and was amused, "You are acquainted."

He snorted, raised his head, and left.

And Qu Chengzong also began to take peach blossom luck.

The talismans Shaoyin gave him were all serious peach blossom talismans, which could make him meet peach blossoms.

For example, Qu Chengzong went to Xingchen Entertainment to find Zheng Mang's recent itinerary - he had already learned that Zheng Mang concealed the identity of Miss Zheng's family and returned to this circle.

Of course he was happy, because it meant that he had more chances to meet her. And when he happily went to Xingchen Entertainment, it just so happened that he ran into Zheng Mang who came out with his manager in the elevator.

"Mang Mang!" He immediately greeted enthusiastically.

Zheng Mang nodded slightly when he saw him: "Brother Chengzong."

She really didn't care about him. Just like Shaoyin, he called him brother.

The agent picked up Qu Chengzong's identity, and learned that he was a shareholder of the company, so he looked a little better-Zheng Mang came back from vacation this time. Something bad happened to her.

"We still have something to do. See you next time, President Qu." After saying hello, the agent took Zheng Mang away.

It was a pity that Qu Chengzong was unable to say a few more words to Zheng Mang.

But soon, he was happy again.

Two days later, he and his buddies went out. It was just a coincidence that he met Zheng Mang, who had returned to the company after recording the show, but his car broke down.

He immediately stepped forward and recommended himself: "Shall I send you back?"

"The company's car is coming soon, so don't bother Brother Chengzong." Zheng Mang politely declined.

When Qu Chengzong was sent away, she immediately called Shaoyin: "Who did you sell the peach blossom talisman to?"

She seriously suspected that Qu Chengzong also had a peach blossom charm.

Although Zheng Mang is not enlightened and has no heart for love, it does not mean that she is stupid and can't see who wants to chase her.

"Have you met my brother?" Shaoyin said, "He bought ten peach blossom charms from me."

Make Zheng Mang angry!

His eyes were darkened, he clenched his phone and said, "Didn't you say that each person is limited to one?"

"Isn't he my brother?" Shaoyin's answer was innocent.

Zheng Mang sneered: "Really? Isn't it because you have to sell, you have to make money?" This woman who got into the eyes of money! She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't sell it to him, I'll introduce you to the business in the circle."

"Okay, okay." Shaoyin said with a smile, and said, "Then, do you need a tranquility charm? Wear one on your body to ensure that you won't meet people who are messy. One piece is only a thousand yuan, and the old man will not be deceived. Oh!"

Zheng Mang: "...Give me ten!"

Shaoyin sold ten more talismans.

"Hee hee." Seeing the amount received, she smiled without conscience.

Mr. Hui couldn't help covering his face: "You are too treacherous."

Catching the male and female protagonists and taking turns to smash the wool, it is simply unscrupulous!

"One of them is my brother and the other is my friend, what can I do?" Shaoyin put away her phone and spread her hands, "I can only try my best to solve the trouble for them!"

So she sold it to Qu Chengzong's Peach Blossom Talisman, and then to Zheng Mang's Qingjing Talisman.

Mr. Hui pouted and said, "You can really do it."

The peach blossom charm on Qu Chengzong's body was offset by the tranquility charm on Zheng Mang's body. Next, whether he can meet Zheng Mang or not depends entirely on the fate between the two.

And Zheng Yuesong also carried the love charms prepared by his father, mother and sister for him - three peach blossom charms.

He carried it with him carelessly.

Useful or not, at least mom and dad's babbling has been reduced, buy a clean ear.

It's really hard for someone like him who has no girlfriend in his late thirties to have a clean ear. Many times he would rather work overtime in the company than go home early.

He didn't take these three talismans as one thing until he started encountering Shaoyin one after another.

Shaoyin is now a little famous. It was mainly Mr. Sun and others who took her good luck charm and said that no matter who fished with them, they would not be able to catch them, and the Cheng family was also praising them, so people gradually came to invite her.

Ask her to exorcise her.

Ask her to look at Feng Shui.

Ask her to tell her fortune.

Zheng Yuesong went to see clients several times, and always met Shaoyin by chance. Once or twice, he didn't take it to heart. When he encountered it for the third time, he finally realized something.

"What a coincidence." He left without nodding this time, but waited for Shaoyin to finish his work, then walked over and invited her: "Have a meal together?"

Shaoyin nodded happily: "Okay."

She also discovered that she had encountered Zheng Yuesong a little more recently.

"He has three peach blossom talismans on his body." Mr. Hui said, "You sold them all to Zheng Mang."

He frowned slightly: "So, I am his peach blossom?"

These talismans drawn by Shaoyin will make people meet the real peach blossoms that are destined. However, it is only met, and other effects, it is not at all.

It will not make the process of picking peach blossoms smooth.

"You ask me?" Mr. Hui said in a strange tone, "Don't you know the talisman you drew yourself?"

Even if she didn't know, wouldn't she count?

It's getting bigger and bigger.

But Shaoyin didn't settle the account with it, and while cutting the steak, looked at the man sitting opposite.

She thought he would say something about the peach blossom charm—she believed he had noticed something.

However, unexpectedly, Zheng Yuesong opened his mouth and said, "I should have thanked Miss Zhu earlier for helping my sister open her heart. It's really rude to delay it until now, and please forgive Miss Zhu."

Saying that, he picked up his drink and raised a toast to her.

"Mr. Zheng is too polite." Shaoyin also raised the cup and saluted him, "Ms. Zheng is my honored guest. For long-term cooperation, it should be done to provide customers with a full range of services."

After Zheng Yuesong heard this, he was slightly startled. Immediately, he smiled softly: "I thought you would say that Mang Mang is your friend."

"Isn't this afraid that you won't believe it?" Shaoyin raised her eyebrows, took back the cup, and took a sip.

He is a shrewd businessman. In front of him, she opened her mouth to shut up about favors, relationships, and friendships, rather than simply saying benefits. After all, what is more moving than profit?

Zheng Yuesong pondered for a moment and said, "If you say it, I believe it."

She doesn't look like a profit seeker. Even if she kept her mouth shut about business and money, Zheng Yuesong thought of the figure bathed in the moonlight like Jing Lan that day, and intuitively she was not that kind of person.

But after saying this, he frowned first.

How could he say such a thing?

Even if he thinks so in his heart, he shouldn't say it because of his personality.

He touched the position of his chest, and there were three peach blossom charms in the inner pocket. After eating and returning to the company, he immediately took out the three peach blossom charms and locked them in the drawer.

He will never wear it again.

"Oh." Knowing from Mr. Hui, Shaoyin just nodded.

If you don't wear it, don't wear it.

She was somewhat appreciative of this: "He is a sober and restrained man."

He was reluctant to let anything other than unnatural forces influence his decisions and change the trajectory of his life.

"Grandma, is this more comfortable?" She was doing massage for the old lady. The old lady slipped her feet a few days ago and didn't fall, but twisted her waist and was always uncomfortable.

The old lady was lying on the bed, so comfortable that she couldn't open her eyes at the moment, and her words were vague: "Comfortable, very comfortable."

Shaoyin has been doing massage to her every day for the past few days. She has studied medicine and cultivated immortals, and she is too familiar with the meridians and acupoints of the human body. With moderate force, a few strands of meager spiritual power were sent into the old lady's body to remove a little of her body scabs.

The old lady's health has not been very good. No matter how kind she usually behaves, it seems that she has no pain at all, but in fact, she is often uncomfortable.

Taking this opportunity, Shaoyin will take care of her.

"Yinyin, you are much stronger than Chengzong." The old lady couldn't help but sigh.

Qu Chengzong could only see the flowery world outside. Even if she knew that she was twisting her waist, she was not like Shaoyin, who massaged her every day, accompanied her downstairs to sunbathe, caring and showing filial piety.

However, the old lady did not blame her grandson. She didn't think it was his fault, instead she was glad that Qu Chengzong could be so open-hearted. His parents left early, and he grew up in front of their old couple since he was a child. The old lady's biggest wish is for him to grow up happily and grow old.

If possible, she hoped that her grandson would be carefree for the rest of her life.

"Yinyin, grandma wants you to learn from Chengzong." After sighing with her grandson, the old lady talked about Shaoyin again, "You are careful and considerate, grandma is very happy, but grandma also wants you to think more about yourself, no need Always indulge others."

By accommodating others, you have wronged yourself.

The old lady didn't want her to wrong herself.

"Grandma, I can do my filial piety, and I feel very spacious!" Shaoyin said directly, "You are so good to me, I have always wanted to repay you, but I have no chance. Now that I have something I can do, let me repay Repay you, so I feel happy!"

When the old lady listened, she felt both distressed and distressed: "Silly child, what do you say to repay? You grew up in front of grandma, accompanied by grandma, and grandma looks at you all day long. I don't know how happy you are, this is the reward. "

Shaoyin smiled and helped her up: "I'll help you go down for a walk and soak up the sun."

"I don't need you, don't accompany me all the time, you go out to play." The old lady waved her hand straightly, "Young girl, you have to go out for a while, what is it like to stay at home with an old woman all day?"

She rambled on and on, "Where's Xiao He? Have you made an appointment with you recently?"

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