mission failed.

It means that there is no obstruction to the feelings of the male and female protagonists, and no ups and downs or damages are caused on the emotional line.

"Why?" Shao Yin asked curiously.

Even a kiss on the face of the hero in front of the heroine is enough to make the two quarrel and be awkward with each other for a while.

is that really so difficult? Actually failed twice.

"Look at the script first." Mr. Hui threw a white ball of light to her, "I'll talk about the situation after you read it."

Shaoyin stretched out the spiritual thread and probed into the light group.

The script information flashed by quickly.

He raised his brows slightly and lowered them again. Thought it was a difficult script, she retracted the spirit thread: "It's a very ordinary script."

The script is like this.

The male protagonist is called Yu Chengyao, and he is an unquestionably handsome president.

In his case, he didn't feel that way. Live to the age of thirty, and have never been impulsive.

Until an accident, he met the heroine.

That night, after his meeting, he entered the hotel suite, ready to rest. But I found that there was one more person on the bed, and it was a woman.

This woman is the heroine. She was drugged, and accidentally escaped into the male protagonist's room in order to avoid the mischief.

The male protagonist didn't know the truth and thought it was a plaything that someone else sent to his bed in order to please him.

He, who lived to the age of thirty, had never experienced anything like that. Send him a woman, ha ha! He went to the bed at that time, lifted the quilt, and wanted the woman to leave.

However, after lifting the quilt, he couldn't help but raise his brows when he saw the female lead's delicate and lovely facial features, her face flushed red because of the sultry heat, and a wisp of fragrance rushing into the tip of her nose. He has a feeling!

So unfamiliar, so strange, but so real, it surprised him.

Without hesitation, he was ready to accept this gift with a smile.

Although the heroine was controlled by drugs, the whole person was extremely uncomfortable, and her mind was confused and not very clear, but she knew what was about to happen. Been struggling: "Don't, don't!"

The hero didn't think much about it.

How fresh! He actually felt it.

This girl was sent by someone else.

He immediately started a series of behaviors that Jinjiang was not allowed to describe to her, and it continued all night.

the next day. When the heroine woke up, she noticed the condition of her body and remembered what happened last night, so she couldn't help crying while covering her face.

She has a boyfriend. It's someone she likes very, very much, and has liked for a long time. How can I see him now?

There was a check left by the host on the bed.

The hostess looked at the string of zeros on it, she was not moved at all, she only felt insulted, her face flushed with anger, shhhhhh, tore it to pieces, and then left.

Of course the hero and heroine did not meet.

The male protagonist didn't remember the female protagonist's face, and the female protagonist didn't even see what the male protagonist looked like.

In this way, the two meet and separate. The male protagonist continued to be his chief executive, while the female protagonist went home in despair.

She has a stepmother and a half-sister at home. My sister is also a villain, and she arranged what happened last night. When the heroine came back, she immediately tore her clothes, revealing traces of ambiguousness, and then shouted loudly.

The heroine was reprimanded by her father for her indiscretion. She was looked at with disappointment by her boyfriend and broke up. I met a weird boss at work and was fired.

She was so miserable, and then she looked for a job again and found the male protagonist. During the interview, the male protagonist did not recognize her, but her voice, her appearance, and the breath on her body all made him feel a familiar restlessness.

"Leave her." He clapped.

The female protagonist works in the male protagonist's company.

In any company work, you will encounter various difficulties. After all, there is no easy job. And the male protagonist is in the dark, helping her solve it.

But he often takes care of her, how could the heroine not feel it? She couldn't help but have a crush on him.

In the process of getting along, the male protagonist finds every time that he easily has feelings for her. He can't help but get close to her and kiss her.

The emotional line heats up here and starts to sweeten.

When did the female lead appear?

Just at this time, the heroine thought that she and the hero were boyfriend and girlfriend, and the heroine came back.

The female partner went abroad before, so it was considered a business trip. After returning, she took a taxi and went straight to the male lead's house. She was intimate with him for a while, and wanted to kiss him.

The two have been together for two or three years, but the intimacy is limited to holding hands and hugging politely. Even kissing on the cheek is very rare.

The female partner thought that the male protagonist had such a character. Although it was a pity, she still tolerated it, because she just liked him. But the male protagonist knows that he is not like this, he just has no feelings for her. Of all the women in the world, he only has feelings for the heroine.

So he pulled away his girlfriend who wanted to hug his arm and be intimate with him, and said, "Let's break up."

He rejects her closeness and doesn't enjoy it at all.

He only has feelings for the heroine.

In that case, it's better to break up. Let's all get together and let go of each other.

"The first task person, after getting the script, starts to act according to the script. She does it, she makes trouble, she refuses to break up, and finds fault with the heroine." Mr. Hui said.

"She should have been black, crazy, and done a lot of vicious things to harm the heroine and get a cool ending. But her three views are too positive, she can't do that kind of thing, she can already find fault with the heroine. The bottom line is over. So, her mission failed."

She did so little that she didn't even get a passing grade and was rated as a failure.

"Second tasker... Sigh!" Mr. Hui sighed, "She doesn't care about points or rebirth. She thinks that if she can live one more time, she will earn it, so she didn't follow the script at all."

I also blame it. I follow Shao Yinlang every day, and I don't even know the character of the task person I signed, so I just signed it.

That task person is a dashing, dashing older sister. After she entered the small world, she looked at the face of the male coach and thought, "I can't be **** my mother, what's the use of you?"

Resolutely agreed to break up, took a sum of money, and flew away.

Live a life.

Then get a failed evaluation.

If it wasn't for Mr. Hui looking at her like Shaoyin, having a good impression of her, and giving her a few grades, she would have been dissipated by now.

"Hahaha!" Shaoyin couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Obviously the script is not difficult, but it fails twice, which is also very interesting: "Maybe it has a fate with me."

If it weren't for failing twice, this script wouldn't necessarily have been chosen by her.

"Go!" she said.

General Ash sent her into a small world.

Shaoyin's identity this time is a wealthy daughter - after all, becoming a boyfriend and girlfriend with the male lead is either a match or true love. And the female supporting role is definitely not true love, so it can only be the right match.

She is the daughter of the Lin family, and her name is Lin Mengyin. Now he is the internal management of the company. Recently, he has been developing markets abroad, and he will be busy for a while before returning to China.

Shaoyin asked Mr. Hui to look at the timeline.

"Tonight?!" She raised an eyebrow. After a pause, he said decisively, "Buy a plane ticket immediately and go home!"

While the plot is in progress.

The hero and heroine meet for the first time.

A sane man is assaulting a sane girl.

Shaoyin asked Mr. Hui to book a plane ticket for her, packed and packed herself, thinking about the content of the script.

In the middle and late stages, the male and female protagonists had a relationship again. The female protagonist regretted that it was not the first time for him. The male protagonist hugged her and said, no, what she gave him was the first time.

The hostess was very angry.

Very angrily gave him a slap.

As a result, the two had a big fight and almost broke up.

Even though the heroine already fell in love with him, that incident hurt her deeply at that time. She lost the person she had always liked, and even if it turned out later that that person was not worthy of her liking, she really liked him at that time. She was also bullied mentally by her family and lost her job. She was embarrassed and downcast, which can be said to be the saddest time.

And these things could not have happened! As long as he listened to her and knew that she "don't", nothing could have happened!

The male protagonist sincerely admitted his mistake and pursued it hard. After a series of disputes, the two reconciled.

"Let's go, let's go!" Soon after packing the suitcase, Shaoyin immediately pulled out of the hotel and took a taxi to the airport.

When she arrived in the country, it was already past three in the morning.

At this time, the traffic was not congested, so she took a taxi to the hotel where the male protagonist was, and it didn't take long.

After arriving at the hotel, she took out her ID card and told the staff at the front desk that her boyfriend lived in which room, and she wanted to surprise him. Could it be convenient?

She explained Yu Chengyao's situation clearly, as well as her own situation. She also showed her ID card, work permit and other certificates, as well as her photo with Yu Chengyao, etc., to convince the staff at the front desk.

Holding the key card, he went upstairs with a smile.


Shaoyin walked to the bed and shouted forcefully.

Surprise or not? Accidental or not? She suddenly came back from abroad to see him!

As for waking up her sleeping boyfriend, it's very rude and immoral, she doesn't mind.

And her "boyfriend" didn't sleep at all.

Thirty years later, I finally opened the meat, and it is not easy to stop. What's more, he is also loaded with the "seven times a night" aura that the male protagonist must have.

To be more precise, he is exercising.

"Who?!" He didn't notice that the door was quietly opened, and he didn't hear footsteps that were almost silent. Suddenly someone shouted in his ear, and he was so frightened that he was almost out of his body.

Of course, the movement can't go on.

He turned his head sharply, looked at the bedside, and reached out to turn on the bedside lamp.

"Why are you here?!" After seeing who was coming, Yu Chengyao's pupils zoomed, and his face was stunned.

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