"Let me see..." Mr. Hui retrieved the information from the database, "I found it."

The two met in November last year. It's been four or five months now. "Jiang Nanyin" spent a total of 160,000 to 70,000 yuan on Shao Ziqiu, including but not limited to tutoring fees, sending him to classes, buying clothes and shoes, buying mobile phones and watches...etc.

There are also some odds and ends, such as pestering him to eat. Shao Ziqiu didn't want to go out to dinner with her, but sometimes she was so tight that he could only agree. Go back and write down the bill in a small notebook, of course, the account is AA system.

In this way, he wrote down how much money he owed "Jiang Nanyin" one by one.

"How much debt does he still owe?" Shaoyin asked again.

This time, Mr. Hui quickly called up the data: "More than 587,000 yuan."

"Oh." She nodded slightly.

The debts Shao Ziqiu owed were all owed by his parents before their death. They are gone, he can only carry them. Over the years, he has been frugal, looking for every opportunity to make money, filling his accounts little by little.

He has already paid more than 200,000 yuan, and there are still nearly 600,000 yuan. This part of the content is not written in detail in the script, but Shaoyin guesses that he is afraid that he will have to repay his debts throughout his college career. And with "Jiang Nanyin"'s liking for him, I am afraid that this part of the money is all from her.

Later, Shao Ziqiu graduated with no debts, and started a business with ease. He also borrowed money from "Jiang Nanyin" to start his business.

"If someone else lent him money," Shaoyin asked suddenly, "Will he ask for a shareholding?"

He has no money!

He has almost no money on him, and the capital needed to start a business is not a small amount of money. He had no assets to borrow, so he could only borrow from acquaintances.

"Jiang Nanyin" lent him without even asking for any interest—but, since she provided almost all of the startup funds, it's not too much to ask for a shareholding, right?

But Shao Ziqiu didn't mention it. After the company started operating and started to make a profit, she gave her three times the money, and it was settled!

"Ah..." she suddenly exclaimed softly.

In the living room, Shao Ziqiu heard the sound and looked over.

Shaoyin met his eyes and said nothing.

Shao Ziqiu seemed to realize something, pursed his lips, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Check it out.

Check it out.

What are you accustomed to doing? Not accustomed to him, he still did not recognize his identity.

"I remember one thing." Shaoyin said with a smile, drank the milkshake in one gulp, and put it on the bar, "Help me wash the cup, and then I can go to class."

Saying that, he came over and sat down on the sofa.

Shao Ziqiu's face was stunned.

Looked at her, then looked at the cups on the bar.

She pursed her lips, got up, and walked over. Picked up the cup to be washed and went to wash it.

"Ah this..." Mr. Hui couldn't help it.

What about the backbone? What about Qinggao? What about pride? Let you wash the cup just wash the cup?

"You can't get used to it." Shaoyin picked up the textbook, flipped through it, and said indifferently.

Not long after, Shao Ziqiu came back after washing the cup.

He does these things very skillfully. In order to pay off his debts, he has done a lot of work, and he has done a lot of dishes and dishes.

It's just that this is the first time for "Jiang Nanyin" - she never let him do this, and she can't wait to wash the cup for him.

"Last time we talked about page 67." He picked up the textbook in front of him, turned to page 67, and turned to look at her.

Shao Yin turned to that page.

He tutored her in French. "Jiang Nanyin" thought French was very romantic, so he wanted to learn it. But Shao Ziqiu couldn't either, so she took the money to send him to study first, and then taught her when he learned.

Shao Ziqiu refused at first, because there is no such thing, it is completely unreasonable. But "Jiang Nanyin" has its own reason: "I can't learn what others teach me, and only you teach me to have some effect."

The price she offered was higher than the chances he could find on the market. After a moment of silence, Shao Ziqiu agreed.

He's going to teach her French now.

After half an hour.

"You today..." He looked at her in surprise, his eyes both startled and suspicious. He almost suspected that she was not "Jiang Nanyin", but the twin sister of "Jiang Nanyin".

Because she learns so fast!

Just teach it once!

In the past, she deliberately dragged him on for a long time and asked him to teach him over and over again, especially some ambiguous sentences.

But today, not at all!

What does he teach, what does she know, without the slightest bit of stickiness!

"You used to know French!" he concluded quickly.

With this explanation alone, nothing else is possible.

No one can learn it all at once.

"Crack." He closed the lesson plan, the expression on his face was very ugly.

He felt like he had been fooled by her.

She obviously knows French. But she pretended not to, and even sent him to school, so that he could learn to teach her. what does she mean? pity him? !

Shao Ziqiu didn't feel that he was pitiful at all. She is so empty, has no pursuit, life is pale, and a person who wastes time is a hundred times more pitiful than him!

"I didn't know that before." Shaoyin saw him lose his temper, and didn't teach him anything, but said lightly, "Maybe you have enlightened yourself? After all, you have taught me for a long time."

Shao Ziqiu didn't believe it at all. What enlightenment, smart people don't need to enlighten, stupid can't. Is she smart or stupid?

Anyway, she took him for an idiot.

"There is no need to learn French in the future." He lowered his eyes and stuffed the lesson plan into his backpack.

Shaoyin looked at him in astonishment and asked, "Why? Can't you follow me? But I remember that when I sent you to study, you learned it all."

With distrust and doubts on her face, Shao Zi's autumn backpack movement paused.

The blue veins on his forehead jumped slightly, he pursed his lips, suppressed his anger, turned his head slowly, looked at her and said, "You know it, what else do you teach?"

"I can't do it later!" Shaoyin said in surprise, "You didn't teach me, how could I?"

The charming eyes blinked and blinked, looking extremely innocent.

Shao Ziqiu sneered in his heart. What's the meaning? Brushing smart characters in front of him? Do you think this will make him like it?

Take out the lesson plan again from the backpack: "Okay, then let's continue."

Casual. What she likes. Anyway, he is just a tutor, and he can work with money.

"Thank you, Teacher Xiao Shao." Shaoyin said with a smile.

She respects her teacher very much.

Next, Shao Ziqiu taught and Shaoyin studied. In less than a morning, she finished learning the contents of the lesson plan.

Shao Ziqiu's expression changed from expressionless, to surprise, to shock that could not be hidden, and then to numbness.

Her pronunciation is better than his.

If it was said that she pretended to have bad pronunciation in the past, Shao Ziqiu thought it was unlikely. Her previous pronunciation was completely novice-like, which was impossible to pretend. So, did she really "know"?

She was enlightened so quickly, and she was smarter than him, and it made him feel ashamed.

After teaching French in the morning, he closed the lesson plan numbly: "French class ends here."

He had nothing to teach her.

One less income.

Although with her character, she will soon find a new course for him to teach her. However, Shao Ziqiu is not a naive person, and will not pin all hope of making money on her.

He started to worry.

"Yeah." Shaoyin nodded, smiled, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Teacher Xiao Shao, Teacher Xiao Shao has worked hard!"

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he nodded reluctantly: "Well."

Ironic, he thought. He didn't work hard at all, and he didn't know what happened to her today, and he behaved abnormally everywhere.

"I'll come back in the afternoon." He packed his backpack, stood up and said.

Shaoyin followed and stood up: "Okay, Teacher Xiao Shao walk slowly."

A stunned emotion flashed through Shao Ziqiu's eyes.

She couldn't help but take a serious look at her - she was really strange today, usually at this time, she would try her best to keep him, let him eat at home, take a lunch break, and seamlessly connect to the piano lessons in the afternoon.

"Yeah." He quickly retracted his gaze, carried his backpack, and walked to the door.

The back is slightly tense.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Her performance today was weird everywhere, and he couldn't help but be on guard.

However, until he changed his shoes, opened the door and walked out, and heard the door closed behind him, nothing happened.

Confusion flashed across Shao Ziqiu's eyes.

But nothing happens is always good. He shook his head, shook off unnecessary thoughts, and strode away.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Shao Ziqiu arrived on time.

"When will the class start?" he asked as soon as he entered the door, after changing his shoes.

Shaoyin had already taken a nap, made a pot of tea for herself, glanced at him, and said, "Let's see when Teacher Xiao Shao is convenient."

Teacher Xiao Shao again.

She used to call him "Ziqiu".

"I can do it." He said cautiously.

Shaoyin glanced at him again, then put down the teacup, got up and said, "Then let's go."

Walked ahead and took the lead in the piano room.

Shao Ziqiu followed behind.

The two sat in their respective positions. Then, Shao Ziqiu started teaching: "Last time we talked about..."

Shaoyin looked at him seriously, her eyes full of thirst for knowledge, so bright, so pure, it seemed that nothing was because of him.

Shao Ziqiu got stuck for a while before continuing to teach in discomfort.

The same thing happened in the morning - she "opened up" again, she understood it as soon as she heard it, learned it as soon as she learned it, and now she can play the music fluently, and she doesn't need him to carry it at all.

She didn't even mention the ridiculous "four-handed playing", she just sat in front of the piano, playing the tune happily, her ten green fingers jumping happily like a elf.

Shao Ziqiu's mind was blank.

He watched her play faster and faster, and listened to the music being played more and more smoothly. He looked dumbfounded, and there was only one thought left in his mind-the lesson of teaching piano could also be over.

He only taught her these two things altogether. Although she asked for a lot, he didn't have that much time to teach her, so he subtracted the other courses and kept only these two.

As a result, this morning, she ended her French class. Now, on the same day, she has finished piano lessons again.

What will she teach him next?

She didn't mention it until she finally had enough fun, and the agreed teaching time had come, and Shao Ziqiu was ready to go back.

"French class and piano class will end today." Before leaving, Shao Ziqiu stood in the living room with a backpack and looked at her.

The young man was carrying the bag on one shoulder and grasping the lace with one hand, and he could see that he was exerting a little force.

"Yes." Shaoyin laughed happily, "Thank you, Teacher Xiao Shao. Teacher Xiao Shao is really good at teaching. I really didn't see the wrong person."

Shao Ziqiu couldn't help pursing his lips.

A little gloomy in my heart.

"Then," he said, his voice a little rough, "what else do you want to learn next?"

Saying this sentence, he simply suffered unspeakable shame.

He was begging her to give him another chance, a chance to continue making money.

However, he couldn't. He is short of money, and he is not qualified to choose this, let alone talk about "dignity".

And this woman, even if she has a lot of bad things, at least she gives money happily. And this happened to be what Shao Ziqiu needed most.

"I want to learn acting." Shaoyin thought about it and said, "I recently took over a few roles in the crew. I think acting is very interesting, and I want to learn real acting."

Learn to act? !

Shao Ziqiu didn't understand at all.

Let him learn something else, such as economics, foreign languages, sports, talents, etc. He still has some confidence. Acting is something he doesn't understand at all.

Distressed. But he still endured the embarrassment, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go to learn."

"Okay, okay!" Shaoyin clapped her hands happily, "Then you have learned it, come teach me again!"

Shao Ziqiu nodded: "Yes."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out: "Then I'll go first."

"Teacher Xiao Shao walk slowly." Shao Yin politely sent him out.

Although she guessed that she might not let him eat, she really didn't let him, which still surprised Shao Ziqiu.

With mixed feelings, he went back to school.

For the next three days, Shaoyin did not contact him. I didn't call him, just tell him what training class he has booked and where the address is, as before, he can go to study directly.

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