
The security door closed again in front of him.

Shao Ziqiu's mouth opened and closed again.

He knew that she would not open the door. No matter what he said, she would never open the door again.

His eyes drooped slightly, he hugged his dirty clothes and shoes, and walked out slowly. Find a hidden corner and change your clothes.

As for the women's suit, between returning it now and washing it and returning it, he chose the latter.

He didn't take a taxi.

At this time, there was no bus, so Shao Ziqiu chose to walk back.

Passing by a 24-hour convenience store, he walked in, bought something casually, and then asked the waiter for a convenience bag. Fold the women's sweater and sweatpants into it and carry it in your hand.

Step by step, blowing the cold wind, I walked towards the school.

Empty streets, dimly lit street lights, and occasionally passing vehicles, were swept by the cold wind and rolled over the fallen leaves.

After walking for half an hour, he calmed down.

Thinking back on what just happened, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, with a bit of remorse on his face.

He really shouldn't. He really shouldn't have said such things out of control in front of her.

However, after regretting it, he couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. Fortunately, he didn't say "Don't like Gaige, like me", "Sister Jiang, please help me".

He didn't get out of control to the worst point, and she was driven out by her, which was the only thing he was happy about.

The silent late night and the humming cold wind made his brain extremely awake, and he deeply realized how inappropriate his actions tonight were—if he came to her, he shouldn't.

Because she can't help him. In front of Sister Xu, she was like a bicycle standing in front of a giant wheel, and she would be run over in an instant.

She couldn't help him at all. And the price he has to pay for it is to become "Gai Gai".

"Gai Gai" is not a person, but a plaything and a pet. Think about what she said about Gaige: "He's so cute."

What is cute? Cats are cute, dogs are cute.

He will not allow himself to become "Gai Gai".

The mind, dominated by alcohol, frustration, and impulse, finally cooled. He's never been as clear on his mind as this moment - he won't let himself cross the line, never will.

Even his roommates can do things that he can't do without reason.

Realizing his determination, he suddenly relaxed. No regrets, no regrets, only freedom.

Three days later, Shaoyin received a courier from the same city.

The sender is Shao Ziqiu.

Raising her eyebrows, she stood in the yard and opened the courier.

Well, some postcards. It has her face printed on it, or a still of the "Vase" she plays.

"It's so beautiful." She flipped the postcards one by one, admiring them without blushing.

General Hui urged: "Look at the back! Look!"

Shaoyin opened one, and saw two lines of words written in beautiful handwriting on the back: "Qiaoqiao is my favorite eldest lady, and it fully interprets the arrogance of the eldest lady in my mind. I like Qiaoqiao! Come on!"


Shaoyin remembered that it was a small role she had played. Beautiful, mindless, arrogant, and terribly dead.

She continued to look at the postcards and found that the backs were all written with different handwriting and different signatures.

"It was Shao Ziqiu!" Mr. Hui couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly told the truth: "He printed out these photos, found a lot of boys and girls who have seen your dramas, and asked them to write on them! He also paid everyone A piece of chocolate, as a reward!"

The last sentence made Shaoyin really surprised: "He paid for me?"


"Then does he have an account book?" she asked immediately.

But don't spend money for her with the front foot, and write it down in the small book. The money spent for her on a certain day, a certain month, a certain year, can pay off how much debt.

General Gray: "..."

With a sigh, it said, "No, he didn't keep the accounts, he just wanted to apologize to you."

Last time she kicked him out and told him to get out. He probably found out that he was wrong and came up with such a way to apologize to her.

"It's quite attentive." Shaoyin was quite satisfied with this apology.

And soon, she received a text message from Shao Ziqiu: "Sister Jiang, have you received it?"

Receive what?

She couldn't speak clearly, Shaoyin never liked to reply to this kind of news. As if you didn't see it, put it aside.

Soon, the same city express came again. This time, it is a can of peeled melon seeds and a can of peeled pine nuts, which are complete and large, and look full and sweet.

"What happened last time was my fault. I dare not expect Sister Jiang to forgive me. I only hope that Sister Jiang can accept my little care and let me make amends for what happened last time."

The text message came again.

This time, the head and tail were clearly written, and Shaoyin replied: "Well."

Not a single word more.

But Shao Ziqiu was satisfied, and quickly replied, "Thank you, Sister Jiang, for your generosity!"


How big is it.

She ate the melon seeds and pine nuts that Shao Ziqiu peeled for her, and didn't take him to heart at all.

He said that day that she was taking revenge on him. This was what he said in his heart. He would only regret saying it, but he would not regret thinking so.

Then he misses her so much, and expects her to let go of her grudges and continue to treat him well? impossible.

Isn't Gaige worth her being nice to him? Tao Tao is not worth her good to her? The friends she met in the studio, aren't they worthy of her being nice to them?

All are worth more than Shao Ziqiu.

Shao Ziqiu knew nothing of this. After receiving Shaoyin's reply, he felt more relaxed, put the textbook back in the dormitory, put on the shoulder bag, and went out to do errands in high spirits.

He wants to stand tall and make everyone admire him!

That day, Shao Yin was angry, and Shao Ziqiu regretted it a little.

It was the first time he saw her angry. When he was tutoring her in the past, because he hated her indignity, he sometimes said some harsh words. But no matter how heavy it was, she was just sad, never got angry, and even forced a smile in front of him.

This time, she is angry? Because of his impulsive questioning, she was angry? why?

When she was angry, a deep disappointment flashed in her eyes. Why is she disappointed? Shao Ziqiu, who is not stupid and straight, is not stupid, realizes something.

Her care for him in the past, scene after scene, flashed through her mind. With expectations, there will be disappointments. What did she expect from him before? Thinking of this, his back could not help straightening, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

He will not admit defeat! Will not compromise!

Sister Xu has limited energy. The attention to him also quickly waned.

She is very busy and has endless fun every day, how can she have time to pay attention to an uninteresting thing every day?

When Sister Xu's interest plummeted, Shao Ziqiu's good days came.

However, in the process of starting a business, there are inevitably some stumblings. Shao Ziqiu now has re-injected energy into his body, and with Sister Xu's letting go, he is in better condition every day, and he can handle everything.

Gai Gai was his subordinate and acted according to his orders. Although he is lazy and squeamish, he has to save face in front of Shaoyin. Therefore, in the company's case, because he was worried that Shaoyin would scold him, he always tried his best to do it. In the long run, it did well.

His academic performance has also improved step by step, and by the second semester of his junior year, he is already an excellent student at the top of the grade. He also won a scholarship once, left a few hundred for his roommates to make skewers, and took all the rest to invite Shaoyin to dinner.

His popularity is getting better and better. Walking in the school, many people greeted him. Anyone who knows him or he doesn't know him can talk to him.

This is a treatment that Shao Ziqiu does not have - he is too cold, everyone calls him "Qiu Shen", those who are familiar dare to talk to him, and those who are not familiar dare not talk to him.

As for the roommates, after the incident with Sister Xu, after a winter vacation, the relationship eased a little, but they did not return to the past.

There are still people talking about it behind their backs, but as time passed, he didn't do similar things again, and gradually everyone thought it was a rumor, and most people stopped talking about it.

But in general, he is not as popular as Gegai!

This made Shao Ziqiu have mixed feelings in his heart.

Once, when he was going out to eat with a client, he thought about it and called Gaige on.

"Why did you ask me to go?" Gaige didn't want to go, "Didn't you say I don't need to sign the bill?"

Their responsibilities are clearly divided, especially for Gaige, because they don't trust Gaige's ability and worry about him doing bad things, so some important things are not done for him.

For example, having a meal with a customer, setting up a situation to sign an order, and never calling him.

"Don't you want to go?" Shao Ziqiu glanced at him lightly, "Sister Jiang asked you to join the company because she wanted you to eat?"

Gaige suddenly became angry: "Who is eating dry rice? Before opening up the market, who ran the business? Who is in charge of logistics? Near the exam, I don't have time to review, stay up all night to do forms, what qualifications do you have to say that I eat dry rice? ?!"

He is eating soft rice!

It's not a dry meal!

Besides, others can say that he eats soft rice, but Shao Ziqiu can't!

After such a long period of time, Gaige also understood the original situation. Shao Ziqiu is not a good bird either. It was because he didn't want to be with Sister Jiang that he introduced him, hum!

He is not grateful to him!

Moreover, Shao Ziqiu clearly didn't want to talk to Sister Jiang, but she always sent gifts and messages to Sister Jiang. What was the idea? Gage just **** him off!

"It doesn't matter whether I am qualified or not. Is Sister Jiang qualified?" Shao Ziqiu gave him a light look, "Are you going?"

Gaige pursed his lips and said unhappily, "Go!"

He followed Shao Ziqiu to meet the client.

It's just so unfortunate that the client was in conflict with him, and he despised women who were in the top position. I don't know how to understand Gaige's situation. During the meal, I kept pointing at Sang and scolding Huai: "Men, you still have to have a backbone!"

"Straighten your spine and live in the world with magnanimity!"

"A manly man, a dignified seven-foot man, what kind of skill is it to rely on a woman?"

Get the lid off!

He eats soft rice frankly, who provokes whom? !

But no matter how angry he was, he still knew the importance of it, and he didn't push back from the beginning to the end, but he toasted the other party in a good voice.

The other party drank his toast and looked at him sideways. Gai Gai swallowed his anger and never showed his unhappiness, and persuaded: "Mr. Zhang, drink less, although this wine is good, it should be moderate."

"Yo! Can't bear to drink it?" President Zhang sneered, "This will save your master money? But can the money saved by your master be spent on you?"

Gage suddenly burst into anger and almost yelled at him!

"I'm going to the bathroom." He resisted his ugly face, got up and said to Shao Ziqiu.

Shao Ziqiu nodded: "Go, calm down." He patted Gaige's arm and persuaded in a low voice, "This is the case, just get used to it."

Gaige smirked and rolled his eyes secretly.

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