B city rarely snows.

In the quiet night, a small group of snow like catkins fell silently.

Most city dwellers closed their doors and windows, burrowed into soft and warm blankets, and fell into a deep sleep.

Only a handful of senior night owls, who were still awake at the moment, found the surprise of a quiet landing outside the window.

Shaoyin was one of the few people who didn't sleep.

She was wrapped in a soft plush nightgown, tied loosely with a belt, with her hands in her pockets, looking through the window at the snow that fell quietly.

Downstairs in the apartment, a young man stood in the open space, looking upstairs, staring directly at the window lit by the warm orange light.

He had been standing for a long time, a thick layer of falling snow had accumulated on the shoulders of his long black down jacket.

"I really don't see him?" Mr. Hui said.

Behind the orange window, it was Shaoyin who was standing.

She folded her pocket, quietly admiring Luo Xue, glanced at the man standing in the snow, raised her brows slightly, and said, "He didn't let me see."

General Gray: "..."

I didn't call her, but why are people standing here in the snow, needless to say?

Wen Yilang came here without calling or texting Shaoyin. He came quietly. If it wasn't snowing outside, she would stand at the window watching the snow scene, and she wouldn't even know he had come.

"Do you think that he is as beautiful as a painting now?" Shaoyin asked, looking at Xuezhong with admiration.

Men are inherently handsome.

Tall and slender with long legs, his thick winter clothes couldn't hide his well-proportioned figure.

He stood there, exuding a noble and elegant air all over his body. The falling snow complements his existence, which is extraordinarily unique, like a quiet and beautiful painting.

"Like." Mr. Gray said. So, it doesn't understand why she doesn't see him?

She is not a good man or a woman, nor is she a vegetarian. Such a stunningly beautiful man is within reach, why didn't she get a handful?

But it dared not ask.

It seemed that it didn't understand her.

It followed Shaoyin and quietly looked at the man in the snow.

Wen Yilang was not wearing a mask.

Once, on a rainy night, the girl who took his car, the subconscious reaction, let him know that he can't wear a mask at night.

She will be afraid.

She'd be scared if she looked down from upstairs.

He raised his head and stared blankly at the lighted window.

Snowflakes fell on his face, falling on his eyelashes, and there was an icy temperature. He blinked, blinking the melted water away, imagining the possible warmth behind the orange window.

My heart is cold and bitter.

He had a dream.

In the dream, they did not break off the marriage. They are a couple with excellent feelings. Although they will quarrel and argue, although she can act and make trouble, they have always been very good.

will play together. Drink together. She would quietly fly over to surprise him when he was on a business trip.

In the dream, he was extremely happy. Every day is like a honey, so sweet.

Then he woke up. After sitting on the bed for a long time, I finally couldn't hold back the urge in my heart and drove in the dark.

He didn't call or text her.

He knew that she would not see him.

For more than a year, she never saw him. Calls are not answered, text messages are not returned, gifts are returned...

Once, they met by chance and their eyes met, he didn't look away, and she didn't look away immediately. However, he knew from the look in her eyes that they couldn't be together unless he proved him right and she was wrong.

However, he was wrong, she was not wrong. What she wanted him to prove, he couldn't prove at all.

He was wrong in the first place. He shouldn't be harsh on her, thinking that it was vanity and superficiality that she broke off the marriage because of his disfigurement.

That's just... human nature.

Now he is the seventh master of city B. He is powerful and powerful. Even if he is "disfigured", there are many women who admire and admire him.

They were not afraid of his terrifying face, and they flocked to him, willing to do everything for him. But that's not love.

He clearly knew that it was worship, fanaticism, not love. The principle of his discrimination is that they will not do it.

And dare not do it.

Just like her, she will toss him, be unreasonable, kill him, beat him, seduce him, tease him, tease him... It will make him angry, ashamed, happy, and at a loss.

Only she would do that. She is different from others.

The longer time passed, the more regretful Wen Yilang became. He knew more and more what he had missed.

He could have had a happy love, but he gave it up. The icy thin lips pursed bitterly.

He is the one who "does".

He stood there until it was getting light, and early risers began to push open the windows, cheering loudly "It's snowing."

Before more and more people woke up, he reluctantly glanced at the window whose lights had long been out, and turned around.

Leave slowly.


"Task judgment, excellent results."

After leaving the small world, the master sent a result judgment.

No surprises, still excellent.

Wen Yilang's fate with the heroine died for the first time on that rainy night because of the mask he was wearing.

Later, they met again. But because Wen Yilang had been wearing the mask and never took it off, although the heroine had some good feelings for him, it was limited to sympathy and pity. She would comfort him, admire him, encourage him, but not love him.

Wen Yilang doesn't love her either.

He always remembered the piercing scream when she got into his car the first time they met.

She is no different from everyone else.

And the only person who was different in his heart, who brought bright colors to his life and turned his life upside down, he couldn't get back at all.

The emotional line between the male and female protagonists is broken, and the duties of a vicious female supporting role are performed perfectly, and they deserve an "excellent" evaluation.

Shao Yin stretched his waist.

"One more mission." She said lazily.

General Hui is preparing a task for her. Hearing this, she was stunned for a moment, and the processor ran quickly, analyzing her tone and words.

Then, it came to a conclusion: "Are you going to sleep again?"

This is the last task she did before she fell asleep?

"No." Shao Yin said. Seeing that it was obviously uneasy, he couldn't help laughing and said softly, "I'll give you a surprise after completing this task."

Mr. Hui didn't believe it: "Are you sure it was a surprise, not a fright?"

"It's a surprise." Shao Yin said.

Ash didn't speak anymore. Her promise still has weight. Turning off the internal alarm, it said: "Okay, then I'll wait."

Throwing a bunch of tasks to be done to her, he muttered, "You better not lie to me, hum."

Its voice was too low, Shaoyin pretended not to hear it, and browsed through the many tasks to be done.

This is her last female supporting role.

She has to choose carefully.

It's just that after browsing all of them, I found that there was nothing special that could not arouse her interest.

"This one." She blindly chose one.

Mr. Hui immediately linked the information to view the task content.

Well, it is a vigorous love story.

The heroine is the jewel in the palm of a second-rate martial arts family. Because fortune-tellers say that her fate is very good, she is a purple phoenix, so she was betrothed by the family to the young master of a super-first-class martial arts family.

There is still a slight gap between the family backgrounds of the two sides, but why would the other party agree?

This is because the fortune teller is quite famous, and his words are almost the truth. He said that the hostess is Zi Fengming, and those families who want to stabilize the status of the super-class family, of course, are rushing to make her the future hostess.

It's just that when the heroine was sixteen years old, something happened - this was the age when she should have been married, but she was rebellious and didn't want to marry blindly, so she ran away.

"Huh." Mr. Hui couldn't help but let out a cry when he saw this.

Shaoyin chuckled: "It's very similar, isn't it?"

In the last mission, there was also a bridge section of "escape from marriage".

But the two scripts are not the same. In the last mission, the one who "escaped from marriage" was the female partner. In this task, it is the heroine who "runs away from marriage".

After the heroine escaped, the family did not want to lose face, let alone anger the in-laws, so they married another daughter.

This daughter is also a little different. She is the life of a crow, that is, a life that is dark, unable to stand out, and extremely unlucky.

But the family can't do anything, because there are only two girls. The Pearl of the Palm ran away and could only marry this annoying but decent-looking daughter in her place.

The girl to marry is the female partner.

After getting married, the other party quickly learned that she was a substitute. From the masters to the servants, they all looked down on her, secretly pointing at her with extreme contempt.

The life of the female supporting role was not good, but she fell in love with the male protagonist and carefully did her share to please him.

The hero doesn't look down on her. His heart was full of the woman who dared to escape from marriage, and he had to catch her back.

Of course the heroine is back! She and the male protagonist love each other vigorously. You live and die, rejoice with each other, and live and die together.

And all of this has nothing to do with the female partner. She also occupies the position of the male lead's wife, being pointed at by the servants, being cheeky, occupying the magpie's nest, ignorant of interest, and should have given way, etc.

Some people said in front of her that she was not worthy of the male protagonist, and told her to stop being stubborn and insist on clinging to the male protagonist.

The female partner finally turned black after not eating three meals a day, being humiliated in person, and even getting hurt.

She began to take action on her sister, who had been honored since childhood. Falsely pass on orders, poison, instigate, frame... There are endless methods.

Of course the bad guys will be exposed. In the end, she was broken by the male protagonist and thrown into the deserted forest to fend for herself.

"Send me in." Shao Yin said.

Mr. Hui immediately opened the small world and sent her in.

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