The First Order

Chapter 147

Ren Xiaosu stepped out of the classroom and saw a large group of middle age persons standing behind the class teacher.

The class teacher considered the tone and said, “These are the parents of our classmates. This is the case. Everyone reports that you may carry germs brought in from outside the barriers, so everyone hopes you can transfer to school.”

Ren Xiaosu wondered: “Transfer to school? Where to go?”

Once this happened, I am afraid no school would be willing to accept him?

However, a male parent said: “If there is no school to ask you, then drop out directly, because a silhouette of your class is not good for the safety of the teachers and students in the class.”

Ren Xiaosu sighed. I’m afraid all of this was in Yang Xiaojin’s expectations. No wonder she said yesterday that the barriers would reject the subconsciousness of the exiles. It would be more radical than expected.

When he saw these parents, he realized why the classmates closed their mouths when they saw him. It should be that after the students went back to talk about this last night, the parents immediately decided to come to school together and force him The exile dropped out of school.

For these parents, Ren Xiaosu is just an exile. With so many of them standing out, the school will compromise for them as well.

As long as you dare to make trouble this year, there is nothing impossible.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the parents and said, “What if I don’t transfer?”

To be honest, if this is in the wilderness, these parents may have died.

The rules of the wilderness are simpler and more direct than here!

But parents not at all ignored Ren Xiaosu, and they looked towards the class teacher saying aloud: “If you don’t let him transfer, what kind of outbreak will happen in the school, who will bear this responsibility? And all the medical expenses incurred in the future will have to be paid It’s up to you, and if you don’t lose money, we’ll go to court to sue you. “

Ren Xiaosu was thinking, he had seen the word court in the town school, but it was a place to maintain justice and fairness, but the town never had such a thing.

He did not expect that for the first time he was associated with the term court, because of this kind of shattering.

The students walked out of the classroom quietly, and they watched the conversation over here, because they also wanted to know how the matter would be finally resolved.

The head teacher of Class 3 in Grade XNUMX was a bit embarrassed. The Teacher of the Teaching Affairs Office also explained to him yesterday. This is the relationship arranged by Lu Yuan. No one expected that the student arranged by Lu Yuan turned out to be a refugee.

The head teacher planned to play the ball, and he whispered to his parents, “This student is arranged by Lu Yuan, or you should talk to Lu Yuan.”

Parents look at each other in shock. They didn’t know about it before. If they knew that Ren Xiaosu was arranged by Lu Yuan, I’m afraid they would not be so baring fangs and brandishing claws.

But before they could figure out what to do, a silhouette suddenly squeezed in from the crowd in the corridor. Ren Xiaosu turned around and turned out to be Jiang Wu.

Jiang Wu looked at the parents and said, “What are you doing?”

“We don’t do anything,” said one parent. “We can’t watch the refugees go to school with our children, right?”

“Why not?” Jiang Wu was a little angry, and his face had some blood energy: “Aren’t you all human beings, who said that the refugees will definitely be infected, and who of your child went home last night and got sick?”

The parents’ momentum was a little weaker: “That’s not true, but I heard that there are already sick people in the barriers.”

“Have you heard?” Jiang Wu said a little louder. “Have you heard that something can ruin a student’s future?”

“What’s the future for the refugees,” the parents slowly took off. “Who are you?”

“I am the Teacher of this school!” Jiang Wu said.

At this point, Ren Xiaosu’s class teacher was silent, and he was glad that someone came out.

A parent said, “You a Teacher, can you commit to being anxious for us as a refugee?”

“I don’t know what a homeless person is or a barrier person,” Jiang Wu said in a loud voice. “I only know that he is a student!”

Ren Xiaosu watching this scene, he suddenly felt that Jiang Wu was a little persistent and cute, even a little silly.

But if it wasn’t for the attachment and persistence of the other person, Ren Xiaosu would not help the other person in the wilderness. Without Ren Xiaosu’s help, probably Wu and her students would have died at that time.

There was something touching in Ren Xiaosu’s heart at this moment, because he finally saw something that could glow in a person in this turbid world.

Before that, there were Wang Fugui and Elder Sister Xiaoyu.

Chen Wudi now barely counts half, and Yan Liuyuan needless to say, he and Yan Liuyuan are close to each other.

A parent suddenly said, “Then you protect him so, why don’t you let him go to your class?”

Jiang Wu without the slightest hesitation said, “I’m here to talk about this. I’m going to apply for Ren Xiaosu to our class now.”

A sudden voice in the crowd sounded, “I also applied to your class.”

Ren Xiaosu looked, and he was surprised to find that the speaker was Yang Xiaojin …

Parents sneered at Jiang Wu when he said this: “You Teacher is a little irresponsible to talk to. You are willing to let him go to your class. Is your student’s parent willing?”

Jiang Wu paused, his voice lowered: “My students have no parents. I just need to ask their permission.”

This is actually the pain point of Jiang Wu. The students who have escaped have experienced the joy of avoiding a catastrophe, and slowly began to miss their family members. This is a pain that cannot be parted from in a disaster, but can only be hidden in the skin The inner heart under the muscle slowly settles down.

Suddenly, there was a riot outside the crowd, and more than twenty students came to Jiang Wu: “Teacher, we don’t need to ask for our opinions. We are willing to let Ren Xiaosu come to our class. We support you and also support Ren Xiaosu.”

Some students outside whispered: “Why do you help a refugee?”

A student from Jiang Wu said seriously, “Help? We are not helping him, and he does not need our help. You do n’t know anything about the world outside the barrier, and I think it is sad.”

In the eyes of these students of Jiang Wu, they stood up for Ren Xiaosu at this time but were grateful that’s all. Without Ren Xiaosu, they would not be able to sit in the classroom alive.

There were thousands of refugees in that runaway, but how many of them have actually reached the 109 barrier?

One of their most memorable words about the Great Escape today is Jiang Wu’s words: Follow the boy named Ren Xiaosu to survive.

As a result, they really survived.

The parents of the students in this corridor are stunned, because they always feel that this thing seems to deviate from their imagination.


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