The First Order

Chapter 190

These Qing’s fighters ran to their own combat positions, and saw that their armored vehicles were equipped with heavy machine guns. When Qing Zhen calmly ordered them to fire, the heavy machine gun suddenly spit out its tongue like a thunderbolt. Countless bullets quickly intertwined into the net within the visible range of the field of vision, and forcibly caused a terrible metal storm to the subject!

The densely packed bullet shells fell from the top of the armored vehicles, but it took only half a minute. The ground around these armored vehicles had become a piece of Huang Chengcheng, which was the road covered with cartridge cases.

I saw those subjects that were not even afraid of bullets. When they were swept by this metal storm, the tenacious body was penetrated directly by the bullets, and they were hit by the huge impact of the bullets. On the ground, a torrent of bullets swept back into a pool of rotten meat.

Originally there were countless houses here, but when the metal storm swept past, I saw that the rows of walls were crushed like crushers by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

The building where the bombs collapsed was like a mountain.

Some of the subjects had been hiding behind the building before, but they did not expect that the torrent of the bullet could forcibly destroy the building.

Ren Xiaosu did not continue to escape, but looked at this violent and bloody scene, which is probably the reason why humans once controlled the World. That huge civilization created weapons that even ghosts and gods fear.

That roaring armored vehicle was the real fierce wild beast, and that bullet turned into a sea of ​​sharp arrows in an instant. This strength was comparable to a tsunami.

This is the unique heavy machine gun of Qing Consortium. The whole gun body is like a thick iron box of each and everyone. The nickname of this heavy machine gun is Shan Qing, which means that it can destroy the peaks.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu saw that the inside of the armored car’s cabin seemed to have several metal pipes connected to the gun body. That was the condensing equipment that came with the armored car. The gun body and the gun barrel were overheated.

Qing Zhen was standing in the middle of the road, watching the experimental subjects quietly withdrawing from the hot weapons of human civilization. Those experimental subjects who were not afraid of death were finally afraid.

Suddenly everyone noticed that there was an upright subject on the top of a building in the distance, and Qing Zhen stared at it without fear.

Luo Lan said to Ren Xiaosu with a smile: “Seeing that, half of it is the old part of my 113 barrier, not great!”

Ren Xiaosu didn’t say anything. It turned out that Qing Zhen had gathered the troops that Lan Lan had lost during the earthquake. The two brothers should maintain communication, otherwise Luo Lan would not be immediately frightened when he saw the Ginkgo logo.

The subject began to retreat, Qing Zhen said coldy: “Don’t chase.”

Everyone understands that the battle on positions is definitely their heavy machine guns, but if they chase into the street fighting, then this person of Qing’s is really not enough.

And this is a barrier controlled by Li’s. They do not have to help Li to clean up all the experimental subjects here, and let Li’s own headaches go.

Qing Consortium once held 21 barriers, but after the Jing Mountain earthquake, only 19 were left.

Today’s Kyung’s people want other conglomerates to lose a few barriers, which is fair.

After the subject evacuated deeper into the city, Luo Lan sat on the ground with his buttocks: “Hurry up and get me some water.”

Several soldiers were seen lifting a few buckets of clean water from the armored vehicle, and then distributing cups to refugee-like comrades around Luo Lan.

Qing Zhen looked at him with a smile: “I said I would let you evacuate early. As a result, you have to sacrifice Li’s scientific research results. It is not worth the crime for that thing.”

“You don’t know,” Luo Lan said with a sip. “Li’s researched the technology of connecting neurons, so they don’t need to overwrite the program on the nanobots. The human brain itself is the carrier of the program. This technology It’s important. Think about how horrible nanobots can be for complex operations. “

Qing Zhen said with a smile: “There are a lot of important technologies in this world, but this is not what we need. With this technology alone, there is no major breakthrough in the field of nanobots. We have no use for technology.”

“We can sell to other conglomerates,” Luo Lan casually said, pointing at Yang Xiaojin: “You see them Yang’s want this thing too, we’ll just sell it to Yang’s.”

Qing Zhen turned his eyes to looked towards Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin, he said to Ren Xiaosu: “You saved my big brother before, I promised to owe you a favor.”

“This person’s love is over,” Luo Lan said quickly, “I’m over for you!”

Ren Xiaosu was unhappy: “How many soldiers have been saved this time.”

Luo Lan was also unwilling: “That was saved by Xu Xianchu, what does it have to do with you?”

Ren Xiaosu: “…”

Suddenly he found that he couldn’t refute it for a while, then Luo Lan suddenly stunned: “Well, what about Xu Xianchu? Isn’t his shadow still here?”

Yang Xiaojin calmly said: “He is afraid you will arrest him, and he has already run away.”

Ren Xiaosu echoed: “Yes, it’s gone.”

Qing Zhen said to the people around him: “Xu Xianchu is no longer wanted today, we are cleared with Qing Consortium,” Qing Zhen looked towards Yang Xiaojin after the explanation. “Why do thugs target me?”

“You don’t know the nuclear test base you built yourself?” Yang Xiaojin said coldy.

Ren Xiaosu would like to say girl, there are a lot of people now, don’t argue with them that many ……

As a result, Qing Zhen said with a smile: “This base doesn’t even know my Qing presidium. You discovered it first, but because of this, I have to die?”

Yang Xiaojin looked at him calmly: “You are trying to master something that human beings have no control over, and the World has been destroyed because of this. You are playing with fire.”

Qing Zhen shook her head: “Is that a nuclear fault? That’s a human fault. You don’t know how beautiful the blue rays of light in a nuclear reactor are, this is a gift from World.”

“Humans shouldn’t try to master the strength that can destroy themselves,” Yang Xiaojin insisted.

“Should we waste food because of puppets,” Qing Zhen said earnestly, “how much energy would we save if we had a nuclear power station?”

At this time, Qing Zhen suddenly made people bring a lighting device: “At this time, our stern lamp can be bright for XNUMX years without the help of external forces. This is the nuclear strength.”

“But what if nuclear was used for war again?” Yang Xiaojin asked calmly.

Qing Zhen smiled: “It can also be used to end the war. In fact, you and I can’t convince each other. Today, we are comrades in the face of the experimental body, but I will wait for the thugs to come at any time in the future. No one needs to show mercy.

Then he suddenly took a hard disk from Tang Zhou and threw it to Yang Xiaojin: “This is what you Yang wants, have you ever thought that nanotechnology is only used for medical purposes, but if it is equipped with a connection neuron What would it look like to put it into military use after technology? Did n’t Yang want this technology for war? “


Thanks to Elbow Star, Lonely, and Puppy for becoming the new Alliance Leader in this book

There will be a chapter plus more while playing, I will eat first

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