The First Order

Chapter 209

When Ren Xiaosu fought with the two officers, he clearly saw that the blood vessels on the back of the opponent’s hands were lit with silver. Normal blood vessels should be azure from the outside, but at that moment it was obviously special. The strength of the other is inside the body, and the rays of light are transmitted from the inside to the outside.

At that time Ren Xiaosu just guessing will be nanobots, and now look, really the case.

And saw that the two officers body of silver shining like streams converging rivers, in their skin surface increasing in number, Ren Xiaosu cautious a little bit close to the past, are still hesitant myself not to get this unknown strength.

He is always cautious about the unknown.

“As soon as the feudal superstition was not credible, I used it myself. Is it a bit inappropriate?” Ren Xiaosu had a toothache.

When he was undergoing a physical examination in a barracks before, he found that those nanobots were being manipulated to try to connect with his mental willpower, but now when no one is controlling these things, he suddenly finds that he has natural strength control over this thing.

Nanobots are unconscious. Machines are machines. In the early days, nanobots could not be put into military use precisely because they were too small to load overly complex programs.

When connected neurons technical breakthrough, the human brain is their processors, and nanobots just execution terminal that’s all, the saying goes, they are just mere tools.

But nanobots need to match DNA before use. Everyone’s DNA is like a unique and unmatched password to match their nanobots.

They will determine whether they are in an operable state through permission determination. The matched nanobots are like a safe with a password. Without that password, they can only stop working and deny unconscious access.

So the two officers cannot control each other’s nanobots, and neither can others.

But when Ren Xiaosu’s mental willpower came into contact with them, at first he just felt that those nanobots were all in a “stagnation” state, and there seemed to be a gap in his refusal to contact these nanobots.

However, after his mental willpower swept past, the palace typewriter suddenly typed in small lines.

“Reload program ……”


“Clear the online program ……”

“Matching success.”

Then … Ren Xiaosu found himself in control of these little things.

I saw that the silver river came down to him in the snow, and finally converged into his hands along the legs. The nanobots extracted by the two officers without the body together were only the size of a fist that’s all.

No wonder the nanobots are so weak in the body?

After the nanobots lost their masters, they reopened their ports and waited for rematching. Generally, this needs to be sent back to the original factory to be processed, but the palace directly passed all the steps to help Ren Xiaosu through the reopened ports. Brush these nanobots.

If you do not re-open ports, palace reckon can not do this.

The liquid metal balls of silver changed strange shapes back and forth in the palm of Ren Xiaosu. In an instant, they were covered with a pair of metal gloves on the surface of Ren Xiaosu’s palm, but they connected to neurons as if they were part of the body. Don’t make people feel awkward.

He punched the body of the off-road vehicle with a punch, but collapsed after seeing the steel on the body crunch, and Ren Xiaosu’s nano-fist did not fart.

Ren Xiaosu was a bit dismissive when Luo Lan talked about nanobots, but now he has changed a little.

If you want to use nanobots as the outer armor, don’t you need to take the shadow block bullets later? After all, very painful.

Of course, now just changed a little bit, specifically Haoshi so bad, Ren Xiaosu feel that they get some more Lee children to extract more nanobots, in order to know ……

The two Li’s children disappeared on the way to go out for inspection. Certainly someone would come to investigate this kind of thing, and I don’t know if there are nanobots on the people who came to investigate?

Ren Xiaosu command of the shadow of the two bodies into the car, along with carrying walked toward the memory of the lake, he Huishimieji this kind of thing to be doing more careful, otherwise next time no one to send nanobots how to do.

Murder when he was not a knife, for fear of leaving traces of blood, and now more careful, lest leave any clues.

Ren Xiaosu walked forward with a shadow and asked, “Old Xu, would you say that there are more or less nanobots within the body?”

“Synchronous coordination rates are high and low, so the number of nanobots that can be controlled must be different?”

“Would you say that the next person will be stronger? That’s fine, maybe there are more nanobots on my body …”

“You’re still a little shy of it, Why do not speak it ……”

They say success depends on details, so as not to expose the identity, Ren Xiaosu decision directly to the shadow renamed Old Xu ……

Before the vehicle is thrown into the lake, Ren Xiaosu the two officers uniforms also chops down thrown into the storage space in the event of future useful to do? This is the Colonel uniform of Li Consortium.

When he put the vehicle filled with stones after the lake thrown, he returned to the post, the students see him back it up to mine and asked: “? The squad leader, how about”

“That’s it,” Ren Xiaosu replied succinctly. “Let’s go back to bed, Minger has to get up early.”

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu saw the Wolf King standing in the distance, and after thinking about it, he moved towards the mountain.

In fact, Ren Xiaosu not know why they like to work with Wolf King exchange of communication, walking on mountain road when he suddenly felt, sometimes with Wolves get along, and have actually easier than with people of some.

Before going too far, Ren Xiaosu saw Wolf King step down from a ridge. He originally wanted to talk to Wolf King, but when he saw Wolf King, he didn’t know what to say.

The other side looked at him calmly, Ren Xiaosu pondered that the other side chased him running in the wilderness a year and a half ago …

Suddenly he remembered that the students said that it was necessary to be polite, Ren Xiaosu began to break the deadlock: “Well … you see that you have given me a rabbit and a sheep, should I give you something?”

Wolf King didn’t speak, but Ren Xiaosu could feel that his muscles were slowly relaxing, which means that Wolf King was slowly putting off guard.

Ren Xiaosu see the other side did not respond, he probed:? “You will not talk, I’ll give you a few gift options you see you always alone run hills, the king is lonely I can understand that or I put Kunshan Wolf King gave you, let him chat with you, you are both Wolf King, might be able to have a common language …… “

I do not know why, a moment Ren Xiaosu always felt that Wolf King seemed to be able to understand him speak!

Because when he talked about Wolf King in Kunshan, the other person’s face was disgusting, he wondered how the wolf face made this expression!

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