The First Order

Chapter 495

Qinghe Group is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. However, unlike other conglomerates that frequently control several or even a dozen barriers, Qinghe Group always has only one area under control. According to the number of the barrier alliance, it should be the 66th barrier.

But over the years, the Qinghe Group’s own people did not call it the 66th barrier, but called it Luocheng.

Over time, other people also began to call the barrier called Los Angeles.

Just as special as the 178 fortress.

When the Barrier Alliance was first established, Qinghe Group showed a strong side. They had a fixed organization, a solid organizational structure, and many technologies that were retained before the disaster. Of course, not all of them were retained.

At the beginning, other conglomerates were vigilant to Qinghe Group, but after a long time, everyone found that Qinghe Group did not seem very interested in expanding the territory.

And the Central Plains struggled for resources in the past, they could not see the silhouette of Qinghe Group, they were just stubbornly looking for something.

But even more strange is that the surname of the person in charge of the Qinghe Group is Xu and Old Xu’s lineage single pass. It is said that the ancestors sold sanitary napkins. Later, a technical genius called Xu promised, and the Yellow Boss flew to Tengda.

However, it seems that the Qinghe Big Boss has no descendants, so the Xu Family took charge of the Qinghe Group, but they always insisted that they were only small shareholders. When the heirs of the large shareholders found it, they abdicated.

This incident was previously passed on as a joke. Who would abdicate in this world of wasteland?

Today, Qinghe Group has become a very special place in the Central Plains. It is located between Wang Family, Chen’s, and Kong’s conglomerate. The Wang Family occupies the northwestern part of the Central Plains and connects with the northwest. The Kong’s is located in the northeast, connected to the sea. And Kanto; Zhou’s is located on the intersection of the three rivers, radiating to the south.

There are more than ten remaining conglomerates, but these three are indeed the strongest.

But the Qinghe Group is special, not because of its special geographical location, but because of its way of life. Los Angeles has the largest institution of higher learning in the entire barrier alliance, and it is the closest to the pre-disaster teaching mode.

Other conglomerates have served their own technology since the university was established. All of them have a very utilitarian focus. All subjects are researched to improve the strength of conglomerate one day. Children of other conglomerate cannot enter their university.

The difference between Qinghe University is that anyone can take the exam, and teaches Eight Flowers Sects, and even opened art categories on this wasteland.

When this course was offered, many conglomerates were joking, where is there still the soil for art to survive?

In addition, when other conglomerate acquired the pre-catastrophic civilized heritage, they focused on laboratory materials and some scientific and technological achievements, while Qinghe Group received everything, and even sent people to find it. They seemed to be particularly interested in calligraphy and antiques. It is a treasure of human beings.

Such a conglomerate is like a alien on the wasteland. There can be no second conglomerate like them in the world.

At this time, Qinghe University had just finished the class. On the lush campus, students walked out of the classroom happily carrying schoolbags. Some people rushed to the teaching building where the next class was going.

A girl with a peaked cap was walking outside the school with a schoolbag. She was standing upright.

Just then, someone shouted behind her: “Yang Xiaojin!”

Yang Xiaojin calmly looked back: “Is there something wrong?”

There are many people. The talking person is a very tall college student, wearing a white shirt, smiling very sunny. He said to Yang Xiaojin with a smile: “We have a friendship at night, invite you to join us, During the beginning of the school, you were alone, didn’t you get used to the rhythm of life in Los Angeles? “

Yang Xiaojin shook his head: “I’m only here to learn knowledge. I’m not interested in friendship.”

Some people behind the boy were whispering, and someone seemed to be whispering to the boy: “Don’t be arrogant, hurry up.”

The boy seemed hesitant for a long time and suddenly said, “Yang Xiaojin, I like you. Can you give me a chance? I can …”

However, this was interrupted by Yang Xiaojin: “I have someone I like.”

The boy froze at once, not knowing what to say, and resigned.

Yang Xiaojin shook his head and said, “You see, how deep your relationship is not at all. Today I rejected you, and tomorrow you will like others again. Your so-called like is just a speculative temptation. Once blocked, Will flinch immediately. “

Suddenly someone whispered, “This is a bit too much.”

The boy struggled, “Who do you like, the chairman of the student union? Or …”

Yang Xiaojin shook his head again: “He is not in Los Angeles. You think the chairman of the Student Union is outstanding because you haven’t had a chance to see the World outside, and the person I like is never a flower in a greenhouse.”

However, Yang Xiaojin is not sure if he is still alive. The scarlet-red javelin penetrated her body before her eyes. The mob organization promised to avenge her, but only if she had to do ten things for the mob.

For the past two months, she kept asking her aunt if there was any news from the other party, but she got a negative answer.

The aunt sent her to Qinghe University for further studies, and knew the details of the Qinghe Group, but Yang Xiaojin was never an ordinary student. She had killed someone and she had accompanied someone to build it in the wilderness. Some hope until that hope is dashed.

But it doesn’t matter, she believes that the other party will survive, and she will find out sooner or later.

Yang Xiaojin turned around and left. She walked along Kaiyuan Avenue all the way to her small nest in Luocheng, and then kept disassembling her sniper rifle at home to wipe it.

After repeating it several times, I pressed all kinds of bullets with gunpowder. If the students in the school saw this scene, I’m afraid they would be shocked. This is not a toy that a little girl should have.

Until then, Yang Xiaojin’s mood slowly calmed down. In fact, there was a warm heart hidden under the calm appearance.

She went to the kitchen to make a meal for herself, and then crushed the rest of the shallot to squeeze out the juice.

Yang Xiaojin took a thin writing brush, then took out a thousand paper cranes from his pocket, opened them, dipped the onion juice in a writing brush, and wrote a few lines of small characters on white paper. Then he stacked the paper cranes again. .

I saw the thousand paper cranes spreading their wings, as if suddenly coming alive, moved towards the west and flew away.

After the other party received Qian Zhihe, they only need to bake it on the fire slightly, and the handwriting on it will immediately appear.

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