The First Order

Chapter 574

Dense experimental bodies are pouring in from the gaps in the western barriers, and only panic and despair remain in the eyes of the residents of the barriers. What’s worse, the residents of the barriers have been hungry for a long time.

Some people just fell asleep as soon as they ran two steps.

Someone looked at the test subject closer and closer, cursing the test subject’s mother in fear, cursing Zhou’s troops for incompetence, and then being torn by the test subject with no difficulty, or stunned.

In a dwelling, a middle age person yelled at his parents, “Parents and mothers go quickly, don’t wait, the barriers are over!”

But the old couple looked at each other and said to the child, “We can’t move anymore, don’t because we’re dragging you down, you take your wife, child.”

The middle age person burst into tears. He knelt on the ground and gave his parents a few heads, but couldn’t say anything.

The two old men said, “Live most of my life, no regrets, let’s go.”

With that said, they started to slap child out.

It’s hard to find such a person in this world. They are so pure to you. It’s also hard to find such a person. They are willing to use their lives to complete your life.

However, when the middle age person just went out with his wife child, he saw the oncoming subject, and the opponent was so fast that they were caught up before they could run.

Things are so impermanent.

On another street, a man hugged child and ran across the window of a passing vehicle next to him: “Please, take my child away. He is very smart, does not picky eaters, and feeds well!”

The man in the car glanced at him. A man in the car didn’t speak. Just when he wanted to step on the accelerator, the co-pilot woman opened the window and took the child in the man’s hand.

The man was crying and thanking, but at this moment, I did n’t know where to rush out from, but I reached in through the open window, opened the door that was locked, and pulled the woman and the child out of the car. .

The man cried and hugged the child, but the child broke his head because of falling off the car.

Good person, bad person, old man, young man, man, woman.

This barrier suddenly seemed to turn into a huge Asura field, completely out of order.

Ren Xiaosu and Zhou Yingxue ran wild on the street. They wanted to grab a car, but the car went faster at the beginning, but the others were crowded, and the speed of the car was not as fast as humans running, even at any time. Get an idea by someone else.

Li Ran and the others behind him followed closely, and a plainclothe suddenly shouted, “Go east, only the east gate is not blocked, and other places cannot go out!”

Fang Zhi, who followed him, also said, “Yes, we saw it with our own eyes, and the only thing left was the east gate, Ren Xiaosu. Go toward the east gate!”

In fact, Ren Xiaosu had originally planned this, but when the plain clothes and Fang Zhi roared behind him, he suddenly felt a bit wrong.

The whole barrier is only the East Gate has not been blocked. In fact, almost all the barriers know, but the problem is that the experimental body also knows!

This time the siege of the experimental body is fully prepared. Will such a smart enemy miss such an important thing?

I saw Ren Xiaosu suddenly turn around: “Let’s go north!”

The west is the experimental body, the east may also have the experimental body, and the north is the hinterland of the Central Plains. Even if there are reinforcements, they must come from the north, so Ren Xiaosu chose to go north!

However, the plain clothes behind me were anxious to hear Ren Xiaosu say this: “How can you go north, aren’t you stupid? The north gate has been sealed by the concrete, and the only way to go there is the dead end. I disagree. ! “

Immediately after that, the plainclothes saw Ren Xiaosu ignore him and went straight to the north.

Ren Xiaosu doesn’t care if they agree or disagree, where does Aite go, he only leads the way, the life that keeps up, the death that doesn’t keep up, it’s just that simple.

In plain clothes looking at Ren Xiaosu’s back, he found that the director Mu Bange immediately followed in the footsteps of Ren Xiaosu, as was Li Ran.

At this time, everyone even followed Ren Xiaosu to the north, and he could only keep up.

During this time, Ren Xiaosu kept driving ahead, and all obstacles blocking their route were pushed aside by Ren Xiaosu, and the crowd was mercilessly separated by him.

This made the people who followed him escape more relaxed, and this group of people eat potatoes every day. Although not much, they have much better physical strength than other barrier residents.

Before they even ran to the wall of the northern barrier, everyone saw that residents in the east started to run to the west, which happened to collide with the residents of the barrier that fled to the west. All the streets were blocked.

Even Li Ran can understand that there must be an experimental body in the east, otherwise the residents of the barriers in the east will not run here, but they should be far away from the experimental body in the east, so they cannot see in the field of vision. To that horrible gray silhouette.

Before negating that Ren Xiaosu’s plain clothes were no longer talking, he understood that Ren Xiaosu’s choice of north was not accidental, and the other party had thought of this step in advance.

This is probably something that Zhou’s troops did not expect.

In the blocked streets, Ren Xiaosu continued to separate the crowd and ran north. Those overwhelmed residents saw Ren Xiaosu and they ran north, but also followed.

The flow of people in the barriers is like a wave, and Ren Xiaosu at the front is like the tip of this wave.

Ren Xiaosu glanced back. There were many refugees behind him. At some point, he wanted to use a steam train to carry this group of people to escape, but what happened? Do you have to face the endless pursuit of Pyro Company after using it?

Ren Xiaosu is not a Saint. He just took this group of people out of a way of life. As for whether the people behind him can keep up, that is not something he can consider!

When he was about to reach the northern wall, Zhou Yingxue looked at the concrete-blocked front door in despair. The measures used by this person to prevent the experimental subjects blocked their way of life at this time?

She turned her head and wanted to ask her Lord what to do, and then she saw Ren Xiaosu suddenly didn’t know where to draw the four playing cards. When the cards were shaking, she could see that there were four 6.

“Lord, how can we go out,” Zhou Yingxue asked.

Ren Xiaosu replied, “Blast it!”

Zhou Yingxue said, Lord, aren’t you going to use the four 6s in your hand?

I saw Ren Xiaosu running in front of him sticking the four 6s of his trump card on the wall, then turned and ran away.

With a bang, the fortified door was blown up by a forcibly!

Zhou Yingxue was stunned. Is this really a bomb? !! Own Lord, what a weird ability!

To be honest, until now, Zhou Yingxue knew that his Lord could turn out strange seeds to produce potatoes, and that the sniper rifle was used well, and now he is eye-opening …

Ren Xiaosu took the lead in digging out of the hole in the wall, because the wall still has the foundation relationship, and there is a steel bearing structure in the wall. This small blast will not cause the entire wall to collapse.

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